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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 30 Apr 2010 23:51

Our bathroom was done about 10 years ago as part of an insurance claim. Can't recall dust being involved...they were very neat and tidy, laying dust sheets on the carpets on the stairs/hall etc. Your builders must have been having a bad fortnight lol

Night all


LaGooner Report 1 May 2010 07:54

Morning all,

Our bathroom was tiled floor to ceiling and they all had to be taken off with chisel and large hammer,all the floor was pulled up and replaced too hence the dust!!!!. They are very clean other than that as they have dust sheets laid everywhere and sweep and vacuum after they have finished for the day.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 May 2010 09:12

Hmm, my workmen are never very clean and tidy, they do try but my idea of clean and tidy isn't the same as their's.

I've got workmen coming on Tuesday to replace shelves that had to be taken out of my cupboards when the boiler was changed. I've still got a hole in the ceiling where the flue was and some of the kitchen tiles need replacing because some of the floor had to come up to get to the pipes. Hopefully it'll all get done on Tuesday.

It's not very nice here today, a bit nippy and overcast. We had hail storms yesterday!!


Mazfromnorf Report 1 May 2010 10:00

morning all grey and overcast here
.i want to paint my bench too
,been to asda and got the shopping lol put it away froggy will be here soon .so need to motivate son is around today so will be meals all round lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 May 2010 10:45

My, you are early birds, but not as early as Beta male, the stop out! He got the 1st train back from London at 0530, and remembered to buy todays paper at the station newsagent - bless!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 May 2010 21:56

Just popped by between TV progs, to find the poor thread abandoned...poor thing!

Lets hope everyone is engaged else where, having fun. Catch ya later.


YG Report 1 May 2010 22:42

I looked in but there was no-one to talk to, so I sat with my feet up watching tv instead!!

It has turned quite cold and blustery here so not sure I am going to get much gardening done this weekend!


LaGooner Report 1 May 2010 22:48

Helloooooo. I was beginning to think I was going to have to talk to myself again as I keep looking in but no one appeared LOL. Must be something good on TV


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 May 2010 22:58

Dr Who.....Dinner.....Read a book........CSI NY........Law and Order :-) OH will probably find QI, so I'm out of it!

Hope you've all have a good day. Although it's been 'threatening' the rain held off, and the tubs have been planted up. And I've downloaded an add on prog for my Family Historian and been trying to work out how to use it - lol


AuntySherlock Report 1 May 2010 23:38

Morning all, or evening.

We lost. Sixth game in a row. Wipes small tear from corner of eye.

Then we travelled home on the footy bus accompanied by inebriated ferals from the opposition team.

Note in reminder book. If it is a derby we take the car to the footy.

Don't you dare laugh. Not pleasant losing and then having to listen to the opposition cackling and singing about the fact for half an hour.

Another lovely day here. However rain and more rain is forecast for next week. And the men of the family are off on a fishing expedition. Except for Spot who has to stay with me.

Catch you all later. Off to do some reading in the library.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 May 2010 00:15

The library is open on a Sunday????? Well, have a good day.

Bad luck about the game. Would you have minded so much if the fans on the bus were celebrating your side winning? Hope OH and others enjoy their fishing. Aren't the fish supposed to 'rise' if it's raining? Enjoy the tales of the one which got away, on their return. lol


Mazfromnorf Report 2 May 2010 08:24

morning all was a busy bee yesterday got some plants for my tubs .got a new rug for my kitchen and froggy unblocked a sink and mended my shower .then we went for cake and hot chocolate with cream marshmallows on yummy .
it is threatening to rain but i have two loads of washing again and i have just given the side gate a coat of paint .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 May 2010 08:29

Good morning Maz, you are up early for a Sunday! Still on the first cup of coffee of the morning!!!!! Sounds as if you had a lovely day with Frog - glad he is willing to help out with the DIY.

No chance of doing anything outside here today - it's raining cats and dogs! There's loads of indoor jobs we 'ought' to do, but exactly how many we 'will' do is another matter - lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 2 May 2010 08:49

Morning all.

Well it's threatening to rain here as well, but I've got the washer on and another load to go in so I hope the rain holds off for a few hours.

Maz you must have started early if you've already painted the gate. Looks like you've found your prince in that frog.

I've got loads of jobs to do as well DET but might not get many of them done.


Mazfromnorf Report 2 May 2010 08:55

hi there you two i grabbed the brush cos it was dry but its not torain just chilly . Frog is lovely lol its easier to do stuff early here


AuntySherlock Report 2 May 2010 09:06

Hi all. I'm back from the big city. Yes our State Library is open from 10.00am to 4.00 pm on Sundays and public holidays (except for Good Friday and Christmas Day). It is a very popular idea. Every available place is taken up with people researching and young people doing school study. It's amazing how many youngsters are there with their laptops plugged into the system, keyboarding away merrily. Some of them study in groups and share resources. Then there are all the family historians frantically looking through electoral rolls and BDM registers.

I have found out my parents were very slack with having their names put on the electoral rolls. Tch, tch. Just as well I know where we were living at certain times in my life. Makes me wonder what my 4 x future great grandchildren are going to think when they start researching their family history. Just makes you more cautious in accepting census information from days gone by.

By the way is anyone else still waiting for GRO certificates. I am missing two and am trying to be patient.


Mazfromnorf Report 2 May 2010 09:28

some of the libraries in Durham are open near the uni's at weekends which is helpful and i notice they are busy but all our little ones arn't
i have just found a jumper as its really cold here but its dry so my paint is drying well


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 May 2010 09:36

Just had a look for Kent Librarys. There are 4 which say they are open on a Sunday, although none near here, and they are not associated with a Uni town. Nearest one to us which could be used for research purposes is in a London Borough on the borders of Kent. Well, you live and learn!


Mazfromnorf Report 2 May 2010 09:50

its something you dont think of unless its brought to mind lol


AuntySherlock Report 2 May 2010 10:10

It has a very important significance for searching family history. This place is where you are not able to see the BDM indexes on line. You have to look up the details in books or on microfiche.

So our libary place a very important role in researching family history.

By the way what happened to Ask the Nutters. I have a question. Actually I think DET has drawn the short straw. I am doing some research for someone else so I had better not put it on the boards. I'll send you a pm DET and a virtual chocolate frog, providing of course I can find one I have not eaten.

Don't worry it's not too 'orrible and it is not 1911.