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LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2010 09:19

Now there;s a thought reading back. A lovely summer treat for us all miandering around Windermere in Arsenal ArkRoyal LOL. What a wonderful sight we could be LOL LOL LOL. Cp's sunning themselves on the roof deck, us all in our finest outfits,Broomsticks ready for flying off to nearest towns for supplies and Laser to fend off any boarding parties we did not want. Oh Cumbria would not know what hit it LOL.

Another thought we could have a wedding at sea,wink wink LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Apr 2010 09:28

why are the cyber pets dating again ? it is drizling here but i have washing out as andrew went paintballing yesterday lol what a mess
well wndermere could cope with the ark i am sure the pets could swimm quite happily Cumbria is lovely though plenty of land to hide the pets from view me thinks


LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2010 09:34

Morning Maz. I don't think we could hide the pets they would run riot LOL. A nessie swimming up and down would increse the tourist trade for them !!!. LOL


AuntySherlock Report 25 Apr 2010 09:37

Hi all. Home from Anzac Day events. Had a lovely day and OH had a lovely day and a lovelier afternoon in the pub with his mates.

Now DET. I need to type this very slowly. You have to be very careful you do not mistype the letters. I found the FHUK site which stands for Family History United Kingdom. I wonder if your FHUG is the user group for that site. Need to go and check it out.

There actually is a Pacific Island Genealogy Cruise next year in March. Leaves and returns from Brisbane in Australia. Looks very interesting and when you add the cost of airfares onto the cruise costs, very expensive. I managed only to win about $30 in lotto this week. Not quite enough for all of us to go cruising.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2010 10:09

Morning all.

The Lake District seems a good idea, not that I've ever been there. Doesn't the suggestion of Lakes mean that it has a high rainfall????

Had a look at FHUK Aunty. No mention of the Family Historian tree programme on their home page, although there is GR, Ancestry and FM, so I suspect there is no connection to FHUG.

At least you won something on the Lotto Aunty! We used to buy one ticket regularly when ours started years ago, and have only won £10. Do't think it even covered the total outlay!

Drizzling here as well LG. Well, at least the garden needs it. What happened to the April Showers?


YG Report 25 Apr 2010 10:34

Morning all. Rained overnight here but brightening up now. The garden really loved it and I am trying to grow lettuce and tomatoes so they were very happy!

There can be plenty of rain in the Lake District DET but when the weather is good it takes some beating!

Windermere could have it's own version of the Loch Ness monster! Nessie would do a wonderful job for the local tourism board!

Pleased you enjoyed your Anzac day parade Aunty. Sounds as though your OH had a good time too!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2010 11:04

Good luck with the veggie and fruit growing. Anything I try has to go in pots as our garden is north facing, the borders overshaded by neighbouring trees and very little growing room in direct summer sun light. Green leafed things just bolt, if the slugs don't get there first lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 25 Apr 2010 11:18

Hi everybody.

It was mad hot all day yesterday with brilliant sunshine, and looks like it's going to be the same today. Hard to believe we had frosty white lawns on Tuesday and Wednesday (the 2 days I had no heating or hot water).

YG, it's a Baxi Duo Tec combi condenser boiler. We have 19 double radiators and it keeps them all red hot, as well as giving us hot water. The engineer said there was still some air in the pipes and that had a lot to do with the problem I was having. It's a lot better now because the air is being flushed out - only waiting about 10 seconds now for the water to run hot so you won't have a problem with your water meter.

Meandering around the lakes sounds good, can the captain of a ship still perform a marriage ceremony? I'll bring my bridesmaid dress.

We have a problem with slugs in our garden but it looks lovely at the moment, a mass of colour with heathers, daffs, cherry blossom and primroses.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Apr 2010 12:39

hello this is nice lunch and the pc lol
DET the lakes are lovely the scenery is lovely i would love to see more of the area .there are plenty of teashops for wet days lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2010 14:14

Glad to read that Pauline has got her water sorted....sounds promising for YG!

Did you mention tea shops......with cream cakes? Hang on while the bags are packed and the catapult primed lol

I'm having a sulk. OH and BM have gone out doing a trial run at house viewing and didn't want me along. And it looks as if it might rain again, so no gardening :(


YG Report 25 Apr 2010 16:00

Lots of beautiful tea shops with lots of lovely cakes and cream teas!!

Thanks for the info Pauline, I can rest a bit easier now. That's if the refurb goes ahead! Am getting nervous now as a new government could change all the plans!

Raining here again now so I've put the chicken in the oven, made a cuppa and am settling down with feet up to watch Catherine Cookson.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Apr 2010 17:09

DET there are loads of tea and coffee shops around up here cream teas are not so common but tea cakes, scones ,caramel shortbread is one of my favourites,lots of farm shops too now


AuntySherlock Report 25 Apr 2010 23:14

A quick good morning to you all. I am off to the big library in town. Will talk later this afternoon.
I have some ho**ew*rk to do before I go. Just so I can prove to OH I still know how to fold up washing.

Catch you all later.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Apr 2010 00:02

Have a good day.......I'm orft to bed.

Night night to LG if she is lurking. Other UK ressies will be all tucked up by now!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Apr 2010 08:44

Where is everybody! Has Aunty got lost in the 'City' and Maz overslept? RMS was probably recovering from her 'camping trip', so is forgiven lol

Gooood morning to all.


LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 09:43

Morning DET, I wonder how RMS got on. Rather her than me I'll stick to taking the darlings out for the day LOL.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 26 Apr 2010 09:43

Morning DET, and morning to everyone else as they get here.

It's another flying visit from me because I've got someone coming today and I'm not sure what time. I need to get some hou*****k done first. Bye for now.

Morning LG, you sneaked in again.


LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 09:55

Hi Pauline, I am always sneaking LOL :-)))). Hope you are well.


AuntySherlock Report 26 Apr 2010 12:20

Hi There, it is evening time here.

I have spent the day in the big library. I am brain dead, and my b*m cells are not fairing much better. I am becoming more adept at working the fiche reader and finding entries in the mouldy old books, millions of mouldy old books. It is a wonderful place for searching for things which are not on line. It is a very frustrating place when you search for things off line and discover you could have found the same things on line.

I will get the hang of it.

I had a lovely lunch in a little cafe downstairs. Yummy chicken wrap with salad and a coconut slice and a hot "well we won't talk about that".

I am constantly surprised by the number of people searching family history. The library has a complete section dedicated to this obsession. Very well set out with lots of equipment and lots of resources. Yes lots of mouldy old books from your parts of the world as well. I had to giggle while I was holding onto the Parish Register index for Essex or Sussex or something ex. Thought how strange it was to be that far away and still be able to hold a book hundreds of years old.

And they have passenger lists from all the ships arriving in Oz. Will take me years to read all those.


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Apr 2010 14:11

oversleep I have never overslept lol ,And I dont need an alarm clock mind I have two called Gizmo and tramp i would love to just sleep in late . I am going to get my tootsies done today .The university do it so i only pay 5.00 quid and i get to feel all comfy after .so having a quick coffee 1st