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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Apr 2010 15:03

You'll be floating on air Maz!

Hope your library trip was successful Aunty. It can get so frustrating at archives, especially if you have only noted a couple of things you wanted to look up. Did you find out what the St Catherine's records were?

Did your visitor turn up at a sensible time Pauline?

Spent a couple of hours weeding in the garden. Now it's OH's turn with the mower.


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Apr 2010 17:11

lol I am feeling good just in time for the wedding lol .just working out how much more there is to get ouch i have my hair to pay for etc Naomis needs a birthday pressie as it was last week etc etc and i am feeding an army around the days those who are around lol
and the list of jobs is not so long now though


YG Report 26 Apr 2010 18:59

Evening everyone.

Oooh 23 degrees forecast for Wednesday!!! Don't think it's going to hang around for the bank holiday though!!

How's the bathroom doing LG!! Are they finished yet?

Not long now Maz!! How are you going to occupy yourself once the wedding is over!!

DET, you can come and weed my garden now if you like!! it would really be appreciated.

My gardener is starting work next door tomorrow for one week, laying a new patio. What a pity I'll be at work!!!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Apr 2010 19:36

Can probably fit you at the end of August. Is that OK? Got to pace meself, don't ya know - lol


YG Report 26 Apr 2010 19:37

Good grief DET!! The garden will be so overgrown all the CPs will be able to hide in it!!


LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 20:39

Evening all. No the bathroom is not quite finished yet another 3 days I think Groannnnnn. The dust is awful


YG Report 26 Apr 2010 20:56

Evening LG!! Never mind the dust!! You know that old saying >>>> Where there's muck, there's money!! Say no more!!


AuntySherlock Report 26 Apr 2010 21:19

"The indexes were held at Somerset House and then at St.Catherine's House until 1997. They were then at the Family Records Centre until they were withdrawn in 2008".

St Catherine's House is what the GRO is called. The library has a microfilm copy of all the BDM indexes we look at on line. Therefore anything I usually look up on line to do with UK BDM is available. It is only the index and not the actual registers.

So that's what St Catherine's is all about.

Likewise I can do the same with all Australian BDM information. In some cases there is more info available in the library than what there is on line.

Morning all. Back to work today. Too busy really but I suppose I must. Hope all your grooming, gardening, gallivanting and guesting goes beautifully.

It rained here last night but I think I heard it was forecast for 29 again later in the week. I am still in my summer type clothes with a long sleeved top for the cooler mornings.

Disproved a couple of "Aunt Maud" pieces of information yesterday. Child was born a couple of thousand miles away from recollected place. Pays to check the accuracy of verbal information.


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Apr 2010 21:24

You mean you wouldn't take 10 6 year olds camping *SHOCKED* What kind of leader are you anyway?????????

We only had 1 that wanted to go home, but she dragged her parents back the next morning, at 7:30 am. And No I forgot my aspirin, my hat and my whistle.


LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 21:27

LOL RMS. No I would not enjoy that at all. Bad enough on pack holiday with18 7- 10 year olds LOL

YG can't find Brass lass !!!


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Apr 2010 21:32

AHHHHH Brownies in my opinion, their even worse. With the Sparks you tell them to do something and they do it, with Brownies, and older, they either say 'Why' or 'No'.



LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 21:34

Not our Brownies they are brilliant. The Rainbows WELL!!!! We have several right little madams.


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Apr 2010 21:43

Well, Brooklyn can be too, but if she sees that everyone else is happily doing it well she will comply and follow the crowd.

And then we have Sasha who thinks she know everything cause her Mum is a teacher.


LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 21:47

I wish !!! A particular two are a pain in the a***. They take no notice of what you tell them most of the time. Still they take after their parents ,totally obnoxious. Thank goodness they leave in a few months time ane neither will be coming to my Brownies YES!!!! What is it with teachers children ? We have one of those just like that too.


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Apr 2010 21:55

Your sending them to someone else Brownie Pack???Very smart leader that you ARE.

The teachers train them to well, I think.

Did your cookies ever make it ???


LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 21:57

They can't do Wednesdays as the little dears have to go to yet another club. Anything to pass the parenting buck to someone else !


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Apr 2010 22:12

Yep, that's about it, isn't it. (in some cases)


LaGooner Report 26 Apr 2010 22:21

It is in these two!!. That's why they are the way they are


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Apr 2010 23:05

Those poor children - every free minute filled with an organised activity. Don't they ever get the chance to get 'bored' and have to use their imagination? What happened to the simple pleasures of mud pies, 'perfume' out of flower petals, or indoor 'tents' with settee cushions and a table cloth? Gosh - I sound ancient (don't reply to that lol)


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Apr 2010 23:25

We gave the Sparks some paper dolls with different countries uniforms and they had no clue what they were or how to use them.

"I sound ancient" HMMMMMMMMMM