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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 3 Jun 2010 13:43

YES, I've done it again, Ros went to get some more potting soil (three bags) being the clever one I decided to carry them from the car to the patio. I tripped over grazed my face on the floor, bent back my right hand and the ring finger is swollen. Ros had to get the neighbours to pick me up. Now like Shaking Stevens "SHAKING ALL OVER" right arm and side quite sore. She thinks I may have broken my finger, but I will just rest it, and see how it goes. So much for me helping in the garden.

Good job I don't need it for typing. Good old left hand !!!!!


Tracey Report 3 Jun 2010 14:57

Afternoon all----

' HAPPY-ANNIVERSARY'' Frank &Ros---xxxxxx

I'm not going to say a word Frank----OH Yes i will----good job it wasn't you bringing home the ''TAKE-AWAY'' Ros would have been wearing it--lol xxxx

what are we to do with you wrap you in RUBBER-so you'll bounce back?????
Sun trying to come out but still it's up to 22''


Jane Report 3 Jun 2010 15:18

Frank ,make sure you take your ring off if your finger is swelling.I think they just tape a broken finger to the next one .You just wanted to put your feet up really didn't you? What a way to do it.I hope you haven't ruined your good looks lol


Jane Report 3 Jun 2010 15:29

Mel the ones I put in were Geraniums,Begonias and Petunias.There are plenty of others in that Chris planted including Hollyhocks.


Frank Report 3 Jun 2010 16:15

Jane, The finger that's swollen is on my right hand, no ring on it. I might get my black tape out and tape my fingers together, how long will it take if broken.????
Shirl, You can sing"Rubber ball I keep bouncing back to you"
Mandy, The paper hanging can wait while this weather is around.
The sun here is really strong, I sat out for a bit, but too hot now.

Had my SKY HD box arrive today. They wanted £60.00 to come and change over a few wires. I've done it myself, with great difficulty, What a difference it makes to the picture. I told Ros, it's another anniversary present.!!!! She replied #### off!!!!! Can't please some people, CAN YOU


Jane Report 3 Jun 2010 17:35

I'm shorn now too Ann and coloured.I have gone a teeny bit lighter now as summer is here.I wonder who will notice !!!!!!!!

No news from Maureen today.I'm thinking of her.

Now I really really don't fancy cooking at all tonight but I must as I have run out of salad stuffs.It is breaded Haddock,nobbly new pots(anya) cauli,broc,baby carrots and a cheese sauce.So not too arduous .

You were just posing weren't you Ann in your,sunglasses,new hair do and roof down lol....I think I am going to have to wash my hair as Nigel put some sticky stuff on it and I can't stand to feel it.It smells nice though.

Frank I bet Ros didn't use language like that !!!!.She is a lady lol.I might have used it though !!!


David Report 3 Jun 2010 17:56

Soon be our 30 wedding anniversary.
I wonder what I should get Ellen ?


Jane Report 3 Jun 2010 18:31

I never liked Vimto,I also wasn't keen on fizzy drinks.

David if you give some idea of what Ellen likes or is interested in ,maybe us girls can come up with something.


David Report 3 Jun 2010 20:54

A holiday ?


Jane Report 3 Jun 2010 21:21

A Holiday sounds good David .It doesn't have to be too far ,even a nice romantic weekend somewhere would be lovely.

I am ready for my bed now so will say night night .It is all this waking up at 5am with the daylight and the blasted Cockerel next door lol


Tracey Report 3 Jun 2010 21:26

Dave --how about a weekend away Cornwall is nice and i'm sure lots of lovely places around?

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jun 2010 21:36

Oh Frank not AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

What are we to do with you??

You take care of that finger you naughty boy!!

Got home about quarter past 6. Did bacon sarnies for dinner as I was shattered. Been very hot here all day.

Just going to shut the chickens in and then going to relax a bit.

Night night.


Frank Report 3 Jun 2010 22:54

can't use my right hand so excuse me. finger has gone black round the middle joint.have sat with a bag of frozen peas on it this evening. right shoulder and hip very sore, look out for bruises in the morning, also as stiff as a board.
face is turning black and blue, so might have a black eye in the morning. what a way to spend your anniversary.ros has said it's a and e in the morning if the swelling hasn't gone down.

mel, have you been on this digger yet. must tell us all about it.

grandson rang this evening from france 36

all you girls having your hair done, blond now are we jane.


Tracey Report 3 Jun 2010 23:31

Frank not much left of this day do you think you can make it to bed without a mishap---??? xxx
night night all you glamour girls lol xx
Mel stay cool around the digger



David Report 4 Jun 2010 08:06

Hope your'e a little better after a good nights rest Frank


Jane Report 4 Jun 2010 09:45

Morning David and all
If as Ann says a 30th is pearls how about a pair of pearl earrings or necklace for Ellen.

Frank ,how is that finger this morning and all your other bruises? You may be in A&E as I speak !!!.I bet you will hardly be able to move this morning.
I plan to nip out quickly to Tes** and then get home ,into my shorts and tackle some large weeds that seem to have shot up.


Frank Report 4 Jun 2010 11:01

i wouldn't allow her to take me to hospital. i have got the micropore tape out and taped my two fingers together. my right thigh and hip are very sore this morning,haven't ventured into the shower yet. she might have to come in and wash me down.

wonderful morning out there again this morning, going to sit for a while. before it gets too hot.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 4 Jun 2010 11:25

Morning or just about!

I could'nt sleep last night and I was so tired too. I lay there not too hot either. I heard mum get up about 4am and make herself a drink and that made it worse. Then it started to get light and I heard the first bird singing and then the chorus and listened for a while and I must have sropped off. I woke at 11am! and here I am.

Suns out but lots of clouds in the sky.

Frank please be carefull today and rest up and my thoughts are with you.


Frank Report 4 Jun 2010 15:03

no one around i see. have sat in the grden for a hour, had a coffee and biscuits. watched the news, had a doze, just going back outside to have a read. see you later.


Jane Report 4 Jun 2010 15:23

I'm HOT!!.It is too hot out there to weed so I am in the process of dying a pair of blue cotton trousers.I really need a new pair but have been looking for a couple of years and can't find any that are as comfortable.They are navy but really washed out.If I can just hang on to them for this summer I shall be happy.I just hope they don't wear through in a delicate place as the material is a bit on the thin side lol

You have been busy Ann.Sounds like your dear OH has been in the wars a bit.These men !!!!!
How's that finger Frank???Make sure you don't lose feeling in it.
Mel I woke up at midnight for the first time last night,then many times after that.I nearly got up but decided to stick it out.

Right must check these trousers.I hope I don't get dye everywhere when I empty the bucket lol