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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 19:09

Heck Mandy ,Mel could be miles away by now lol.I always remember my Mum at a bus stop and a lad threw down an empty coke can.She picked it up and gave it back saying "I think this belongs to you" lol.He took it and put in a bin!!


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 19:18

Oh Don't Mandy lolol


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 19:31

Nooo! She goes shopping on Mondays lol.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Jun 2010 19:47

Ha ha ha no I did'nt go shopping on it. I did go shopping though and it's taken ages to catch up on your posts!!!!! I came home to a completely dug border though. Right the length of the top wal so now I can get down to filling it with plants. He even moved the rotavator that has sat on the border for three years nearly. I will take some pics Friday and show what he has done.

We have a hosp appointment for mum at the eye clinic again tomorrow at 2pm. I hate the weeks we have a holiday as tthey are so short and everything seems to have to be done in those weeks!!!

Welcome to Carol and Sandra (Splash of Colour) please come back and post more. Thanks........

I have never heard about the butter rolled in sugar. Mum used to have a friend (aunty Joan) who used to give us lettuce leaves to eat with suar sprinkled on them, quite nice actually.


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 20:38

Pop socks get stuck all over the place `i find Mandy.They just cling on to a bit of fabric and there they stay.Up a sleeve or a trouser leg anything in the washing machine they get stuck to.
I have a tale about a man and a hoover attachment (true) but just far too rude to put on here lolol
Off for dinner now .BBL


David Report 2 Jun 2010 21:11

Think I know the one A&E job?


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 21:22

David ,no he didn't go to A&E .It was a regular thing he did lol.I can think of many A&E cases that I came across when I worked there .Makes your eyes water lol.
Anyway to change the subject......I got bitten by some nasty little ants when I was planting today.Little b****s.Some on my foot and on my wrist.I think I disturbed a nest.


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 22:03

Night Night Everyone .Just have a new book to go to bed with .xx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Jun 2010 23:07

Ann the duck pond is in the top veg garden and very overgrown now with brimbles but the caltha pallustis (water buttercups) still flowers in the spring and the iris have multiplied something shocking and taken over most of the water. It is more like a bog garden now. I wish my water lily was still in there as it was nyphia rubra a pink one.


Frank Report 2 Jun 2010 23:42

Poor old Mel, They realy had a go at you with the new digger, Have you been on it yet ??? My Son often uses one, and took Lewis with him the other Sat. morning. Lewis loved pulling the handles to make the bucket move and to be able to drive it under supervision.

Popped out for a pint tonight, didn't chance walking home as it was getting dark. So rang my taxi (ROS) who came and picked me up.

I heard a story Jane, of a Electrician who ran a store in Kettering who used a dildo. and had to go to hospital when it got stuck. The doctor asked do you want it removing. He said NO. just change the batteries !!!!!!.
Good night from him and me.!!!!!


Jane Report 3 Jun 2010 08:56

Morning All.
You and your tales Frank.Honestly !!!!!!!!!
Happy Anniversary to you and Ros.What a lovely day you have for it.

We are back from the walk.I thought best to go really early this morning as it is coming up to 20 deg already.
I will just put the last few plants in now and then they are done.Hairdressers at 1pm.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jun 2010 09:23

Morning Jane and all,

Another beauty this morning here in Devon too. Oooo ahhh!"

Frank and Ros happy anniversary do have a lovely day.

Have to leave for the hosp about 1pm so won't be around today.

Remember those old ambulances that were creamy white and had a big long bonnet in front?


Frank Report 3 Jun 2010 10:10

Mel and Jane thanks for your best wishes. This morning is just like 32 years ago. Sun all day, but when we set of for Hastings, We went through the worst storm I had been in for driving.

Those big whitish Ambulances were "BEDFORDS" We would stand on the kerb when one went by and hold your collar and say" Touch your collar,never swallow, never catch the fever" I think it was tha time when Scatlet Fever was rife as a child.

Jane If I haden't had a drink last night I don't think I would have told that one !!!!!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jun 2010 10:20

I have been looking at someones trying to find thread and thought I would take a look on IGI. Whilst looking for a Christening of a Thomas Moor I clicked on one name and his father was called Snowball Moor!!!! Thinking this could be an error I went on further to look on the census and it was his name. He is on the 1841 census with his parents and he married a Margaret Oswell but he died in 1859. I have come across someone called Christmas in my searches but never a Snowball before.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jun 2010 10:21

No I have'nt driven the digger YET!!!!!

Maybe tomorrow..........................................................

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jun 2010 10:23

1851 England Census
about Snowball Moore
Name: Snowball Moore
Age: 28
Estimated birth year: abt 1823
Relation: Head
Spouse's name: Margaret
Gender: Male
Where born: Northd, Simonburn

Civil parish: Simonburn
County/Island: Northumberland
Country: England

Street Address:


Condition as to marriage:

Disability: View image

Registration district: Hexham
Sub-registration district: Allendale
ED, institution, or vessel: 11a
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 20
Household Members: Name Age
Snowball Moore 28
Margaret Moore 26
Elisabeth Moore 5
John Moore 3
Ann Moore 2
Thomas Moore 3 Mo
Mary Moore 3 Mo


Jane Report 3 Jun 2010 11:20

Love that name Mel Poor chap lol
Frank I kind of had an idea you might have had a little wine or beer last night.!!!!!

Well that is the plants in and I'm sweltering.I think I will have to have another shower before the hairdressers.Chester has had a nice cool down with the hose and is now shattered .


Frank Report 3 Jun 2010 11:27

Hi Mandy, Was going to take Ros out for a meal, but she said she prefers a take a way. So it's up to her.

Have just fitted a fly screen to the conservatory door. Sticky back velcro tape.that sticks to the doorframe and the net sticks to the velcro. Black see through. Makes me think of my wedding night !!!!! Will keep the flys out !!!!

What a loverly day it is to be sure !!!! Shorts today. will be helping plant out the beds back and front, if she lets me. I always put things in the wrong place !!!!

Two of my big carp died yesterday, no reason that I can see. might be old age, I've had them over 10 years. How long do they live ????

Ros's best friend has just called with a massive bunch of summer flowers. That will please her.

The presents I bought her from Ebay haven't shown yet, lets hope she likes them when they arrive.

Don't get sunburnt out in the garden today girls. put plenty of cream on

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jun 2010 12:27

Had lunch and OH is clearing the side of the little orchard. He is going to put some clumps of perennial gerainiums in there as we dumped some over the side and they have taken off!!! They will grow anywhere it seems.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jun 2010 12:28

Jane what plants did you put in your garden?