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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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David Report 29 May 2010 19:37

I think the origon of the word POSH was back when people used to cruise.
They could pick their seats on the decks, as they had so much money.

Port Out,Starboard Home

Did I read that somewhere or just make it up?


Jane Report 29 May 2010 19:40

That sounds like it makes sense David


David Report 29 May 2010 19:59

Thanks flower.
POSH in cruise parlance would supposedly let the rich get the best sun tan OR just throw their money around.

The used hp psc 1350 is better than being withoout a printer ,copier, scanner, and was very economical.

Those flowers are looking very nice indeed. Weather permitting I'm going to finish off the front and start on the back garden.

Had TWO hegehogs last night about 9.30


Jane Report 29 May 2010 20:05

If any one is watching "Coast" they are showing Wembury .Where I grew up!!!!


David Report 29 May 2010 20:40

OH is flicking between the channels J but Ive seen most of it before, it's beautiful.

Wembury sounds nice


Sue Report 29 May 2010 20:42

this thread may have been going for over two years, but context seems to have changed.
Maybe should be re named What are you having for dinner tonigt?!!!!
Just an idea.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 20:45

David It showed the church where we married 29 years tomorrow.How spooky was that.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 20:51

Hi Sue ,Yes the context may have changed ,because we have exhausted our memories and need some new input ...some new memories.If you have any please join us.We will keep going even if we we talk about what we are having for dinner.


David Report 29 May 2010 21:10

Happy anniversary for tomorrow if I don't be online.

Be 30 years for us July 29


Jane Report 29 May 2010 21:14

Thank you David.


CDU Report 29 May 2010 21:26

My early memories of the 1950s is being sent
to the corner shop in the afternoon.Getting
there and swearing.It was wednesday and it
was early closing.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 21:35

It was always early closing on a Wednesday where I lived.
Hi Amos ,any more memories please.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 21:38

I had my thrupenny bit to spend on sweeties on a Saturday.


David Report 29 May 2010 22:01

I remember spending ages looking at all the sweets for sale then asking "how much are your penny chews?"


Frank Report 29 May 2010 22:07

Evening all,
Hi to Amos, please join in with our silly chat and memories.

Jane, That was the delight of the week, taking our ration books to the sweetshop Saturday evening and getting our weeks 2oz ration. of sweets. Then home for the football results and "IN TOWN TONIGHT" then a varity show of some kind. and if we behaved we would be alowed to stay up to listern to Saturday night Theatre. Always an excellent radio play, I still think they are hard to beat. I forgot to say that Sat. was bath night. a handful of Soda in the bath, then the eldest down to the youngest in the same water. We hade a block of soap that was cut into pieces, no purfumed soap in those days. Dad would pick us out of the bath wrap us in a big "NAVY" towel, throw us over his shoulder and bring us down to a roaring fire (In the Winter) Mum would dry us off, and put our clean "Sleeping suits" on. PJ as you know them now. Oh what memories that you can recall.
If I don't get on in the morning. I hope you and Chris. have a wonderful day.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 22:30

Frank ,you just brought a memory there .Being put over Dad's shoulder.I can't remember why ,but it was good fun and i know I kicked my legs.

Tomorrow will be a garden day (weather permitting),and our friend Fitz is coming up for a little drinkie poo and nibbles at lunch time.I have an awful feeling it will be a bit more than a lttle drinkie lolol.If I talk a load of tripe tomorrow afternoon just ignore me lololol

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 29 May 2010 23:10

Well it rained here on and off all day. I have stayed indoors only going out to feed the chickens and go up the shop for the papers. Have just messed around all day.

My dad also threw me over his shoulder wrapped in a towel on bath night which was usually a Sunday. What I hated was having my toenails cut when small. Always after my bath and I had to sit on the settee and I hated it!!!!!! It hurt!!!!! Perhaps it was because dad's fingers were very rough with him being a builder and decorater.


Jane Report 30 May 2010 10:57

Morning All
I was just about to press the send button and my post disappeared.
I haven't got time to repeat it all now as I am just off to Tes**
Bright and very breezy here.I hope it will be nice enough to sit out for lunch.


David Report 30 May 2010 13:44

When my brothers and I were young we were bathed one after the other in a tin bath. Then our hair was closely inspected with a fine tooth nit comb, then we each got a spoonful of malt and a piece of worm cake, that tasted like chocolate.


Frank Report 30 May 2010 14:21

Susan, I don't know who you are, but please don't just pop in and criticise our thread. We have been going for over two years. and a lot of childhood memories have passed hands. We are now a bunch of "GOOD FRIENDS" that like to chat. If you would like to join in do. If not leave us alone.
Don't pick a row with me, beacuse to will come of worst.

Hi friends, Very windy here at present, I'm watching football with a few beers, Ros is tidying up part of the garden. Be back after final whistle