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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 May 2010 14:23

Afternoon All,

Happy anniversary Jane and Chris and many more of them. xx

Been busy as OH is buying a mini digger now!!! He goes to get it on Tuesday or Wednesday I think. It comes on it's own trailer and he has to go to Wilts. for it.

I used to love going down to my dads garage at the bottom of our garden and seeing all the tins of different coloured paint lined up on shelves. Then on the other side was his byke with drop handle bars and mums one with the basket on the front and one of those plactic covers for the back wheel so her skirts did't get caught in the spoles. It also had a little seat on the back with which she carried me around on. Then there was the boxes of plumbing gear and all sorts of pipe fittings and Hemp to put round the joints of the pipes. No copper piping in those days all iron. Sometimes if he had put a new water tank in a house he would bring the old one home. Big square ones with a rivited round plate in the middle. When he made me my rocking horse he used the hemp for it's mane and tail.

Boxes with little square sections in for all the different lengths of nails and another for screws. Paint crushes and distemper brushes that had like two lots of white bristles in bound with a strips of metal on wooden handles, drums of Snowcem for the outside of houses. Hammers and chisels and many more tools. I used to rake around in there for ages......................................

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 May 2010 15:40

Ann he has often rented a digger for work in the garden and always said he will have one one day. He can't dig like he used to since having the three stents put round his heart. I have driven a digger too!!!! I was'nt going to be left out of some fun. It was a lot bigger than the one he has bought too.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 May 2010 15:41

Bet Jane is all giggly by now. Suns out here and I am off in the garden for a while. Mum not too good today so need to stay near the house to check every so often.


Frank Report 30 May 2010 15:43

Mel, Don't talk to me about garden sheds and paint, When I was about seven I found a pot of paint in the shed, and decided to paint my brothers bike, aged fourteen. I took the wheels and chain off, tied sting to the handle bars and sadle and hung it from the washing line. I painied it all over CREAM. and left it there to dry. It was gold, and to see the brothers face when he saw it was picture !!!! My first bike was 2/6d off of a friend. It was a treasure to me. and carried me miles. Often with a passenger on the cross bar or handle bar. Sometimes on my shoulder. It had a buckled back wheel, and when ot rubed on the back forks, you had to side kick it as you were going along, not being able to look at what you were doing and looking ahead. I smashed into a AUSTIN 7 and flew over the top landing on the bonnet !!!! Oh happy days. Once when up "DRAPERS HILL" I jumped of my bike and let it stop by it's self. It enden up wrapped round a big oak tree at the bottom of the hill. It would have gone to Barkingside if the tree hadn't been there.


Frank Report 30 May 2010 15:45

Mel you be careful on that digger. don't go knocking down the house !!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 May 2010 16:39


Mell,I go back to war days when most of our members or some any ffind my generations memories absurd hear goes.I lived in CHELTENHAM during the war years and as the Town had factories on the outskirts that made aircraft components, the GERRIES or Germans made us targets in their bombing raids.I knew a family where Grandma lived with them,,My friend,her brothers and sisters.Mum and Dad and Grandma The pilots could not have dreamed how dreadful and accurate a hit they made one night. My friends Grandma was lying n bed when one of the bombs fell through the roof of their house and landed under their house.They were all evacuated but not before they rushed to see how Grandma was.There she was, this scrawny old lady in her long white nightie,sitting bolt upright
in bed arms crossed over her skinny body wondering what was happening..IN case you do not know, occasionally the bombs were duds,It had come through the roof and took the end of her bed away leaving the old lady wondering what was happening.The bomb dispersal unit came with the air raid wardens to escort everyone to the nearest bomb shelter.You are going to think I made it up, but the old lady lived to tell the tale.Her family were members of my church, so it is true and my husband, who I was to meet nearly 20 yrs later told me abouy this episode when we were courting It transpired that he lived along the road Ta Ta for now Marian


Jane Report 30 May 2010 17:09

Hello !!!!!!!!!!! I think I am sensible enough to talk lol.Lunch started at 12.30 and I have just finished clearing away.Guess where Chris is .........having a sleep!!
It has been very windy out there but the sun has shone .Fitz was here ,that is why we have taken so long over lunch!!!

The smell of a garage takes me back to my Uncle Jan,in Bideford(Saltrens Terr) Mel knows.It just smelled wonderful of petrol and oil and whatever else.
The shed (or barn as Chris likes to call it) smells just the same.I open the doors and take a big breath and it takes me right back to my childhood.


Jane Report 30 May 2010 17:13

Great to hear from Marion again.Where do you live in Cheltenham Marion?
My sister lives in Woodmancote.


Ann Report 30 May 2010 17:20

Hallo folks,me again. I was at an am.-dram. last night so no 'putering,and to the market this a.m.,despite heavy showers.
I was born in S.E.London,grew up in Colchester mostly,except for a year in Glasgow in the early 60s .Sorry to any Scots peeps reading,but what a ***t hole it was.
I do live in Brussels,been here for 30 ish years,having moved a safe distance from Ma(of paintbrush fame)as we'd never seen eye to eye.We got on much better with the North Sea in between us,over the phone.
I'm new to the computer 'on tap' brigade,only bought it a month and a bit ago-It's great fun to explore everything you see,but boy,what a lot of time goes by . . ,especially when you've only got the weekend to shop,wash,iron and clean.
A dire thought has just struck me-what shall I do when holidays come around,as I've got the bug bad ?!
Got to go and put on the next lot of washing,see you all
later (or not as the case may be . . .

Ann(from Brussels)


Jane Report 30 May 2010 17:28

Hi Ann (from Brussels)
I am a Scot lol but just born there .Greenock .Glad you are still with us.My Dad was born in Glasgow but was then brought up in Ecclefechan and Moffat.I still have rellies in Moffat.


Frank Report 30 May 2010 17:56

Hallo, to Jane (you old soak) tipsy yesterday, and again today. The way you are going you will be as bad as me.!!!!
What a load of rubbish the football was. If I was a teacher making a note on the report I would say "MUST DO BETTER" Can't think on this performance, we will go too far in the World Cup.
Nice to see you back Ann and Marion, keep coming to us, we are pleased for a bit of new blood !!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 May 2010 18:07

Yes welcome back Ann (in Brussels). Where in Colchester did you live, I used to have a pet shop in or just outside Colchester in Boxted. Along the Straight Road. Lots of my rellies from the Colchester area.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 May 2010 18:08

Doing roast and stuffed pork loin for dinner. Sugar snap peas and roast tatoes.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 May 2010 18:12

Was just thinking of when we had the caravan at St Osyth near Clacton and the bonfires we used to have on the beach, made out of driftwood. Wrapped potatoes in foil and put them in the ashes where we could hook them out with a long stick and if they were'nt wrapped they would come out all black but we still enjoyed them. We also used to toast marsh mallows on sticks and they would be all melted inside and crispy on the outside. You had to be carefull not to burn your mouth though and I hated to wait until they had cooled down a bit.


Frank Report 30 May 2010 18:36

The old baked spuds, were the favourite on bonfire night. with loads of butter. yum yum. The black skins we would scrap off or rub on the grass,but like liked to eat it as it was. made all you teeth black !!!!

Mel, when did you live in the "BRIDGE" ????


Jane Report 30 May 2010 19:08

Talking of old teachers .I just had a chat with my old Headmaster from Primary School.He is 79.He remembered me in the top class when he came to the school.He was just in his early 30's .I thought he was old !!!!.We talked about the old playground and the old school house with the outside toilets.Then moving up to the new school.He comes up with a new memory every time I speak to him.
Frank !!! I'm not an old soak..........well maybe a bit......................I think Chris might have a sick bug.He has felt a bit off today and I just found him with his head down the toilet chucking up.He has now gone to bed with a bucket lol


David Report 30 May 2010 21:35

It's that strange food thats done it


Jane Report 30 May 2010 21:49

David ,I am staying well away from him tonight,and am off to bed in the spare room lol.I can't remember the last time he was actually sick.Hopefully he will feel better in the morning.
Night Night everyone xx


Jane Report 31 May 2010 07:33

Morning to one and all.
Have just come down to make a cup of tea.I haven't woken Chris but peeked in to make sure he was still breathing .Chester is pestering to get up the stairs for his morning snuggles so BBL


David Report 31 May 2010 07:58

Nearly 10 years ago Ellen was suffering for 2 weeks with gasto enteritis.During this time I acted as her nurse.She had no sooner recovered when I went down with the worst case of flu I'd ever had which lasted more than 2 weeks. During this time Ellen was my nurse.