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YG Report 24 Apr 2011 18:54

Another day of scrubbing, polishing, throwing out and general mayhem!! DId someone say there was a law against working on Easter Sunday lol!!

Having a late dinner, just waiting for the chicken to finish roasting!

Got one small choccy egg to eat tonight!! Might not have any room though, cos I decided to make a rice pudding! Love 'em and it's ages since I had one!


LaGooner Report 24 Apr 2011 22:45

Evening all, done loads of cleaning too but not in my own house LOL.

Just looked up my train times and I plan on arriving 11.06 and leaving 17.46. I am not bothering booking a ticket as it will be no cheaper anyway.


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2011 23:29

Morning all, up and dressed and ready for the Anzac Day parade. OH is almost ready so I have a few minutes before we need to leave.

Hope you all enjoy your respective days. Catch you later.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2011 07:38

Morning all - hope the Parade went off OK for AS. The WW2 servicemen must be getting quite elderly now. Hope they made it through the walk.Has the blond one managed to sell and buy yet, or is this packing up in preparation? Sis in law is in the middle of the process - she has her heart set on a a doer-upper, taking it back to the brickwork. OH has been roped in to do some carpenter and project manage, At least it will keep him off the streets - lol

Had a lovely afternoon - went for a walk in a country park - the woods were carpeted in Bluebells. I wanted to visit a neolithic Long Barrow, but the access from the Park was on the N Downs Way, down a VERY steep rough path. If we walked down, we'd never get up again! At least we have now found a closer vehicle access with a walk on the flat. That's for another day.

Today is earmarked for more 'potting on', once we've got some more bags of compost.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Apr 2011 08:09

Morning had a lovely day yesterday nice meal ,no traumas with ex etc i intended to do some gardening after the meal but didnt this morning i am looking for the curtain hooks that i have put somewhere safe lol ,When Andrew takes froggy back i will ask him to go to B&Q on the way and get some
Kitten is settling down ,I have almost cleared the washing again this morning .its lovely once again
I didnt get any chocolate or eggs any where lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2011 08:14

Morning Maz.

As soon as you put the curtains up with the new hooks, you'll find the original ones - lol. Glad Ex behaved himself and that you all had a good time.


LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2011 08:15

Morning all, Lovely day here again and would love to be out in the garden but for the fact we have a rather grubby house to clean. Not mine for a change LOL. J and H are moving in to it as soon as it is done, the previous tenants have left it in a terrible state. So glad the kitten is settling well Maz bring a picture of him to pb so I can coo over him LOL.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2011 09:24

Don't get suckered into decorating single handed this time! I do hope they appreciate all the help you give them.


LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2011 09:38

I am not decorating this time just all of us, them included washing everything down. H is going to be helping me with my own spring cleaning soon so that will repay it LOL.
I will not be suckered again LOL. Grown wise to that one !


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2011 09:42

LOL :0)

Think I'd be happy if PC cooked an evening meal !


LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2011 09:46

H does that for me even a full blown Sunday lunch which we have been promised when they finally are in and settled. I will definately keep her to that LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Apr 2011 17:04

pulls up a sofa grabs a cuppa nope ! A guiness sits down peace at last ,was going to do so much got called out to a client . now home again but have two tasks to accomplish before chilling out


YG Report 25 Apr 2011 17:40

Sounds like you had a good time yesterday Maz, and you too DET!!

Another busy day today, but am chilling out tonight. Decided to treat myself to a cantonese takeaway later!! I think I deserve it and my opinion is the only one that counts round here lol!!

Garden is all done, just the bedroom and bathroom to finish off, plus a pile of ironing but I have a week left yet!! Need to go to town to buy a birthday pressie sometime this week and get ready for a friend visiting on Friday. We are going to be couch potatoes and sit with our feet up soaking up the wedding!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2011 18:42

Don't blame you YG - best order one for Maz while you are at it! At least you were able to make use of the good weather

Compost bought
Hanging basket liners bought + plants for there in
Everything that needs potting up or assembling now done
Quick dash round Sain's
Ditto the dreaded H work

Why?................the in-laws are due for visit tomorrow! She can take the hanging baskets back with her and save us a trip.

OH's doing a fry up - naughty but nice. That's one advantage of him being around - taking turns in the kitchen. He does a mean Italian Bread Salad!


YG Report 25 Apr 2011 18:58

Ooh don't remind me DET!! I have to buy the plants for my hanging baskets! Need more compost and grow bags too for the seedlings. I think I'll be coming to pb loaded with salad stuff!! Still have a tray full of beetroot to thin out and some salad onions. I think the remainder of the seeds that I haven't sown will have to sit till next spring!! I can't cope with any more tomatoes and beet!

Son said it would save me some money!! It's cost me a fortune in compost, pots and vegetable sacks!

Right I'm off to watch Emmerdale, then my meal beckons!! Was going to order for delivery, but it seems a bit mean when its only for one!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Apr 2011 19:03

If they serve the meal in those little plastic boxes, once you've washed them out, you can save your seeds in the fridge until next year in one.

All my tom and runner bean opened packets have kept fine and have germinated, as well as other part or unopened packets.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Apr 2011 19:24

snap YG am waiting for mine to arrive I have found the hooks well kitten did lol ,they were in a little bag in with the computer cables .so someone else had stuffed them in there i do hasten to add lol
I have washed ironed done a bit of gardening and now thats it chill time


LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2011 19:50

Evening all.Oh and I have just had a takeaway Too. We were to kn******d to bother cooking. Well the house is progressing well so not too much longer before they can start moving in.


YG Report 25 Apr 2011 21:03

I am well and truly stuffed now!!! There was much too much!! Anyone want any chicken balls, fried rice and seaweed?? Open windows only please!!


LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2011 21:09

Send some over YG Window wide open and waiting LOL