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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 13 Apr 2011 17:29

Hmm, I've never thought about trying for a discount either, I'll have to remember about it when it's due. Do you just ring up and say 'Is it possible to get a discount - if not I'll have to leave?'


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Apr 2011 17:48

hi folks I am learning how to use discounts lol .I have turned my new cooker on how posh it has so many functions Andrew will give up lol .
I am enjoying a rest I have missed out on discounts again fo our May meet by being so busy .I dont know what to do .Naomi and hubby are home for Easter and as there is no room untouched here I have paid their accomodation in the travel lodge .We are all going out for a meal on the sunday for the boys birthdays .
Froggy has booked us in to a hotel next week for a night in scarborough so i am looking forward to that as the tiles are being laid that day in the kitchen
The workmen should be finished next thursday all but little things we think so then i will have all the cleaning the decorating will take time

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 13 Apr 2011 17:59

Maz, you'll have the Easter holidays to sort the house out and then everything will be lovely.


YG Report 13 Apr 2011 18:27

Maz, your place will be lovely when it's done. All well worth it, I'm sure, and then you can sit back and think of me going through it next year!

Good luck with the interviews for the eldest & co DET!! Hope everything turns up trumps for them.

Aunty, I don't fancy being anywhere near you whilst you are driving lol!! Especially now they have announced that the cost of car insurance has soared 40% over the last twelve months!!


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Apr 2011 18:32

it will lol I guess


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2011 22:28

Evening all, Of course it will look lovely when it's finished Maz. I found it hard to imagine when my house was ripped apart but it looked good when all the dust and builders rubbish was gone.

Nice to see you YG, I have only just got in from a local history society slide show that I went to with Yidarmylass. At last I have found out where a row of cottages are where some of OH's ancestors lived. Off with the camera soon methinks.


AuntySherlock Report 13 Apr 2011 22:36

Hi all. I forgot to mention, two days till holidays. Whoo hoo! I have some work work to do in the break but I will have lots of lovely time to climb back into my tree.

With regard to my driving I can assure you I drive quite well with my eyes closed. I have my lovely SatNav to tell me where to go (dear man) and I don't go anywhere too adventurous any more. But yes I do need the new glasses.

Re the discount. I did it all on line and never spoke with anyone. The screens just came up and I clicked on them, then checked and rechecked that the amount I had to pay was the discounted rate.

Why are you planting sunflower seeds, don't you eat them. I'm sure my packets of fruit and nut mix have sunflower seeds in them. I consulted my book and there is no info on which way is up for planting the seeds.

Oh well better be off to work. I'll catch up again this evening.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Apr 2011 05:35

morning all , I have a sore throat hoping its dust and not a cold lol ,Aunty we have two days until the hols too whoopee


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Apr 2011 08:30

Morning all - Bet you'll be pleased to see N again Maz, and I'm sure she wouldn't have minded any residue mess. It's you and her brother she is coming to see (and her Dad & friends of course) Enjoy the cooker and tell A that unless he gets to grip with it, he'll end up starving. Tell him to pretend it's an engine! Hope the sore throat doesn't develop into anything else.

The interview yesterday went v well, and he is hopeful that he will be offered it. The one sticking point may be the salary. Now he has looked into tomorrow's company and the job description, he thinks it may be one step out of his league, and does he really want a high stressed job again? But he is intending to go 'for the experience' if nothing else.

So is PB on or not? Can't do any on-line booking until the Internet/phone line is fixed. I'd end up being timed out. I think I could probably get a cheap day return on the day, if necessary.

Most of the school children seemed to have started the Easter Break from Monday....but they may go back earlier than other parts of the country.

Sunflower seed? They are an experiment on my part...and 'pretty - lol Not sure if OH would accept eating Bird Seed - lol. We are supposed to be going out for the day - if the place is open and we don't get lost - lol, lol


LaGooner Report 14 Apr 2011 09:14

Morning all, Just looking in and catching up the back reading.

Maz do what I do stand with cooker in one hand and instruction book in other LOL

DET. hope you have a good day and don't get lost this time.LOL

Aunty we are already on holiday in this part of England and the kids are bored already LOL

Who is still up for p'b ????? please let me know

I spent loads of time yesterday thinning out seedlings in the green house and still got dozens to do. Maybe later LOL. Have a good day no matter what you are up to, catch you later x

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 14 Apr 2011 11:33

It's a lovely day here, warm and sunny, good for working in the garden, but I have to go out soon.

None of the schools up here are on holiday yet, some break up on Friday and others don't finish until next week.

I got a new oven last year but haven't got round to reading the instruction book yet, I can turn it on and off............. that's all I need to know!!


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Apr 2011 16:48

evening all i can fill some cupboards at last they have doors on so when the lads go i will make a start on the back door and oil it down then put some stuff away


YG Report 14 Apr 2011 18:32

Evening everyone.

I'm up for PB. Let's get a decision made on times lol!! I can book the ticket then before it goes up again!

Sounds as though you are getting a bit more sorted Maz. Keep up the good work!

Pauline, I agree with you!! Turn it on and off and set the temperature and you're up and away!!

LG, would you like to come over and repot all my seedlings please!! Got to tackle some of them this weekend, so have bought six vegetable and potato planters, so carrots etc etc will be coming out of my ears!!


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Apr 2011 18:44

i have just used the oven its lovely .most of the food is put away ,so its a bit less crowded in the living room
If we arrange times soon i will book as it will get pricey again soon
i can get there for about 11.00 am but we have to be quick otherwise its too expensive


LaGooner Report 14 Apr 2011 19:37

LOL YG, I have quite enough of my own to do.


YG Report 14 Apr 2011 21:07

Guess I'd better get in a few bags of compost then and get started!!

I can get to PB for 10.50. There's several returning between 5.30 and 6.30pm so if we know what time we are on our way back I can book.


LaGooner Report 14 Apr 2011 21:42

I can return anytime YG as I will be in the opposite direction anyway . Book anytime you like for return and I will be around until you depart.


RockyMountainShy Report 14 Apr 2011 22:02

Who is still up for p'b ????? please let me know -----------I AM BUT I DON"T THINK I CAN MAKE the 10:50 TRAIN LOL LOL

MY second cousin is smart. - I sent her a death certificate with a not e that said he was a Sergent and she just sent me his service record. He was in the Battle of Waterloo and dislocated his shoulder so they let him go. We're a great team!


YG Report 14 Apr 2011 22:03

You would make the train ok if you set off now RMS!!


LaGooner Report 14 Apr 2011 22:10

LOL Rms I didn't know trains can travel on water.

Maybe your smart cousin can work out why one of mine was in the workhouse as widiwer and his wife is alive and well living in cottage as widow !!