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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 11 Apr 2011 22:25

Why is everybody cleaning?


LaGooner Report 11 Apr 2011 22:30

Cos my house was grubby LOL. Evening Pauline.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 11 Apr 2011 22:39

Hi LG, my house could do with a spring clean as well but I'm not ready to face it yet....... maybe next week.


LaGooner Report 11 Apr 2011 23:03

Mine wasn't a spring clean. I had left the h'work for a couple of days while I caught up with the garden jobs hence a backlog !


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2011 05:49

morning all i only clean the area i need lol but will have to sppring clean later on


RockyMountainShy Report 12 Apr 2011 06:01

Spring cleaning ohhh yay, its where you dump anything on the bed wipe the dust on the floor and put everything back. I remember doing that !! a couple of years ago. It is sooooooooo much easier if you learn to ignore the dust.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Apr 2011 08:49

LOL - a gel after my own heart, RMS! But with the light levels and visitors, needs must. Unfortunately, it also means OH says 'we need to decorate', but he has been saying that for a few years - lol

Oh well, Kitchen cleaning some point!


LaGooner Report 12 Apr 2011 09:02

Morning all. Just a quick look in before heading of to the opticians. Methinks bottle bottom specs soon LOL.


AuntySherlock Report 12 Apr 2011 09:51

Have you noticed how much cleaner the house looks if you don't wear your glasses. Ah ha! You have too. Unfortunately in my case I also can not read writing on the TV or the scowl on OHs face (bonus) when I ask him to read it to me, or to tell me the time if I am not wearing my watch.

I have also noticed I have to be very close to road signs to read the names of streets. There is something quite undignified about an elderly lady perched up a pole peering steadily at th street name. I am quite OK with reading and computer work, although I can now only ready for an hour or two before the eyes start to glaze over. Or is that when OH is talking to me!!

What I need now is distance vision lenses. Been gunna do it for ages and I think it is high time I took of visit to the optician as well. I'm getting tired of moving out of my chair to sit on the coffee table so I can read the TV program menu screen.

Today Blonde One moved all the boxes and bags she had stored in this room during her renovotions. Wow!! More space. I now have a whole blank wall. Well the wall was always blank, it just had "stuff" stored up against it. I think her plan is to re-familiarize herself with the contents of said boxes. They have been here so long I am sure she has forgotten what was in them. It will be like Christmas unpacking them....... and then repacking them again when she moves.

Well I am off to have a look see at the world of cyberspace. Then I had better do some tree sorting, until I fall asleep.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 12 Apr 2011 10:37

My hubby needs glasses for distance but he won't admit it. He just keeps asking me what it says when the menu comes up on the telly. According to him.......... they've started to make the words smaller!!

I've got workmen in today, 3 plumbers - so I can't do any cleaning (shame). I think they'll only be here one day........ so I'll have to think of another excuse for tomorrow.


AuntySherlock Report 12 Apr 2011 11:10

Hi Pauline. I think its unfair that OH gets to sit closer to the TV than I do. Think my next "spring" clean might include a restructure of the lounge room with the TV in the middle and not the far corner. Oh heavens I can hear raised voices already.

By the way do any of you lot know how to get rid of those stupid waving leaves, from you know where, in bulk. As fast as I delete one another appears. I have not found any which give me additional information. In most cases my info is more than what the hint provides.

Is there a secret delete button. What if I gedcom my tree to another place then ged com it back again will they disappear.


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2011 20:00

i am back lo i went to look at a project in the Boro only to discover that its too far to get in on early shifts nevermd it was a nice ride


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Apr 2011 22:54

Evening all - is there a football match on somewhere?...its very quiet!

Shame about the Boro job Maz, but at least you had a go at the travelling. And Auntie? Driving while not being able to see properly? Tut, tut. Ooo - hate the idea of having the TV as the focal point of a room - get a bigger one, lol. We were like Pauline's OH and Auntie, having to stand in the middle of the room to read the weather temps. In mitigation, at the time it was a 14 inch portable one.

Hope you are enjoying the extra space - and that you will soon find 'stuff' to fill it with.

Anyone seen YG recently?

Major Internet problems here, with speeds at less than dial up. They said on Sat it was the IP profile, now after an hour today coldly complaining (got passed up to supervisor level), they have decided that it is a problem on the line......and a 3 day wait for an engineer to check it and fix. Grrrr.


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Apr 2011 05:45

morning all my internet is having bouts of slow internet ,and I think its a marketing ploy at the moment , I am uo washing as i have no dust free areas to hang it i am risking the rain


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2011 08:53

Morning all, It is so quiet around here !


I was wondering where YG is too. I will text her and see I think.


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2011 09:05

EDIT.. I have texted YG she is ok just very tired from overdoing things a bit. x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2011 10:11

I'm up! I'm up! And have been for a couple of hours..........not that I've ventured to the bathroom just yet, so pegs on nose, ladies - lol

Glad YG is ok. And Maz, it might be worth giving your provider a ring - it could be a line fault. Our IP profile has been capped to give it a constant speed. If only they had raised it a smidgen!

Eldest's '&co' has 2 interviews to go to this week - an International Oil & Gas co, and an International Shipping/Distribution co - 2nd interview for the first and 1st face-to-face for the 2nd. Both are in the SE but to the westish of London. Fingers crossed.


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2011 13:43

Sniff sniff ???? Is that DET or is it the overcooked Mole Stew ??? LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2011 15:17

Cheek! 5 hours it might have been, but not now - lol

Question - it there a right way to plant sunflower seeds ie pointed end or blunt end down? Or doesn't it matter? I've been sent loads by a friend, but she didn't say, despite knowing I need detailed instructions.

Added - have now renewed my A** world wide with 25% off by phone - he said if I'd cancelled and gone back in via National Trust, I'd have been rejected as it was intended for new subscribers. Perhaps it worked for AS as she had cancelled her membership a few months earlier.

The key phrase to use (he had to prompt me!) is ** If I can't get a discount, I'll have to leave**


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2011 17:22

It does not matter which way they are planted as Littlie planted hers all by herself,goodness knows which way up and all 8 have grown beautifully. Well done with the renewal I never thought of trying for discount Grrrr.