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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Apr 2011 00:56

(singing...... or possibly squawking)

I am the Killer Queen!!!!

If LG is lurking, that should get her out of hiding -lol


Mazfromnorf Report 23 Apr 2011 09:11

Morning all well its a toasty one here I am attempting to get rid of some of the dust today .
The clan would like a bbq later so i am going to get my act together and get stuck in I dont have any chocs at all


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Apr 2011 09:46

Morning Maz and everyone- nice day for a BBQ, go for it Gel, and forget the dust. Everyone will understand.

I'd like to go for a countryside walk, but I expect OH will decide its too hot. Don't feel safe going off to isolated areas by myself - a sign of the times perhaps?

We were watching the late evening news last night, about the riots in Bristol. One of the interviewees is a lecturer at PC's Uni - he studies riots and goes where ever there is or is expected to be one. Observer or Agitator? Hmm?


AuntySherlock Report 23 Apr 2011 10:39

Have found some info about my convict at a site called Old Bailey. Connected to one of the sites recommended by the intelligent, industrious, clever, non-chocolate eating, nutters of this site.

That should earn me a couple more easter eggs.

Twenty seven degrees is wonderful. We are hoping for about that on Monday.

I need to throw some omelets at DET. Everyone else duck!!! No I might miss. Need to give her a task.

Hmmmm OK. Dear DET, Your consequence is to write out ten times.

It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.

Hey the new footy team who joined our comp this year and who have been getting thrashed by everyone they play, has just beaten my team's arch rivals. Oh what a wonderful game. Sort of makes up for the shellacking my team is currently receiving.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Apr 2011 10:59

It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.
It is a Land Rover not a stupid Jeep.

Well - its small and green and connected to WW2!!! (Would have preferred the omelettes as they'd do for brunch - lol)

Glad you found some info on your convict, but not sure if the news re the footie team is all that good. If they beat the arch rivals, how will your team fare??

Going to see if we have enough speed to do Internet banking, AND I still haven't booked those train tickets!

Catch you later.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 23 Apr 2011 11:49

That's only 9 times DET, think you'll be in detention now.

Have a lovely day in the sunshine everyone.


Mazfromnorf Report 23 Apr 2011 12:06

lol i have done the living room all corners and skirts even the blinds and straightened out the furniture too seat covers could do with a wash but the line is full my PC has just cut out so it may be a power supply issue as it was not the electrics .I have pushed all sockets etc so it i dont get back i will have to wait for a pc doctor which is easy as Adam and froggy do them lol


AuntySherlock Report 23 Apr 2011 12:34

Thank you for counting Pauline. Oh dear I see I am going to have to give Land Rover lessons. Later on will do. My team is fighting back. I hope they don't win (strange statement). I did not think they could beat the team they are playing so I did not pick them in my competition entry this week.

Just went and checked the score. My team is ahead with seven minutes to play . Off to find poison which tastes nice. Well I'm not going to slash my wrists, I did that last week and look what happened.

Oh botheration!!!


AuntySherlock Report 23 Apr 2011 12:38

Just been ordered out of the lounge room. My team is losing again. OH says I am a bad omen!!!

Edit. We lost by a goal. Phewwwwww!!!. That gives me one point out of three so far. Don't mind them winning if I pick them but when I don't think they can win they are not allowed to.


LaGooner Report 23 Apr 2011 18:28

Evening all, good news about your convict Aunty, that is a good site but addictive I get sidetracked reading some of the cases and forget who I am really looking for LOL

Had a busy day shopping with H and the littlies, they are moving house AGAIN !!! not through their choice this time though.

Got a whole day of washing down walls etc tomorrow to make it ready for move.


YG Report 23 Apr 2011 19:25

Evening everyone. It's been beautiful here today. A short sharp shower and a couple of claps of distant thunder at teatime and then lovely sunshine again. Needed the rain as I put lawn food down today after I cut the grass.

Started the spring cleaning and am now kn*****ed!! Why do I never learn and stop before I've done too much!


AuntySherlock Report 23 Apr 2011 22:48

Morning all. I caught a large, very fat, white rabbit trying to put chocolate Easter eggs in my garden. I despatched him according to the humanitarian (or rabbititarian) guidelines and he is now in the baking dish ready to be roasted for lunch!!!

I will have a practice drive in the little green truck today, then I am going over to daughter's house to help with the packing. If she brings out paint brushes I will be out of there.


YG Report 23 Apr 2011 22:50

I'm the Killer Queen!!!

Door locked, windows closed, vents blocked up. No access for LG!!!

I'm safeguarding the one egg left that I can find.

There are muddy footprints of hobnailed boots all over the floor and empty foil wrappers all over the place.


YG Report 23 Apr 2011 22:52

You can't bake white rabbits!! The RSPCA will be after you! Best get in that little green truck and drive fast to escape them!


LaGooner Report 24 Apr 2011 08:37

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Rabbit,yum. Just as well I kept enough eggs back for everyone and did not forget the CPs. I am off to eat mine now so happy hunting and don't take more than your fair share LOL

Happy Easter to all you Nutters, have a lovely day xx


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Apr 2011 08:57

Morning all Happy easter
we are all out for a family meal today Ex is going and entourage ,also Froggy we are all meeting here for a mini bus
It rained just as i finished the BBQ here but not for long I have a couple of jobs to do before I get ready today so will crack on the pc is behaving at the moment .
Smudge is settling in well sleeps with Andrew until Andrew goes to loo then he visits me so I only get the older one until later on
Whos had all the eggs Auntie just left the boxes , Have a slice of Simnel cake


YG Report 24 Apr 2011 09:47

Happy Easter Nut Lodgers!!

Enjoy the day, whatever you are doing. i am chilling for a while before I start some more unmentionables!! Some holiday!! Never mind, needs must!!

I found a couple of eggs hidden in LG's bedroom. Mmmmmm, delicious!! Hope I haven't left any bits of red & white wrapper anywhere!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Apr 2011 09:50

Happy Easter everyone.

Thanks for the Simnel Cake Maz - even following the foil trail, I can't find any eggs! Mind you, it might be because AS polished off the Easter Bunny. Enjoy your Lunch out - a mini bus eh? At least only one person won't be drinking!

You know we said we might be tied up with family over Easter? Well, Eldest is staying in Norfolk with the inlaws, BM is staying in London with his g/f, and PC is working then round to her b/f until tomorrow evening. Such is life.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Apr 2011 11:18

I've booked the train ticket!!!!

Sorry, but the cheap ticket to arrive at the same time as everyone else are sold out. So

Arrive 1152
Depart 1748

And it was the same price to use HS1 as it was to use the local line, so no hacking across London. Brilliant!!


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2011 13:11

Back from the house packing up. Just like the olden times. Boxes and boxes of household necessities now all stored in one room. Seems really strange to go to so much trouble to make the place look luverly only to have to pull it all apart again and pack it into boxes.

Been working on the tree. Looks like I might need to delve into Ireland. Yes I know about Teresa's site for seaching for leprechauns. Still can't find my convict's mum and dad but am working on that bit.

Hope you all enjoy your Easter Eggs and goodies. I did leave some for you all. I gave them to the CPs with strict instructions they were not to undo or eat them. Hmmmmmm perhaps I was too trusting. Go look in their compound and see if there are any left.