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AuntySherlock Report 26 Mar 2011 13:24

Just home from the footy. We won, we won, we won!!! It was all the yelling and screaming that did the trick. Much better start to the season than last year.

We don't have lofts!! We do have space above the ceiling and below the roof. And yes some people do use that area for storage but, as access is confined to a man hole in the laundry ceiling, it is rather difficult to get to.

I am washing the bedroom curtains tomorrow and then cleaning the windows before I put the curtains back up.

I'm off to bed it is approaching midnight and I don't wish to turn into a pumpkin.

Catch you tomorrow.


YG Report 26 Mar 2011 17:04

Ooooh , my chest is swelling with pride lol!! I must be the only one who doesn't hoard!! Not because I don't want to - I just don't have the space!! Although I must confess to having several boxes stored away just in case I need to return something, like DET!!

I remember years ago my mother complaining bitterly that she had cleared out the loft after my grandfather died and threw loads of stuff away, including some light fittings (lustres, I think they were called) and the Americans were paying a fortune for them not too long afterwards!

Everything in the UK comes with a moulded plug on it now, doesn't it? What on earth are the men saving them for!! The appliance normally wears out before the plug lol!!


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Mar 2011 18:46

hello treasures lol i have too much it might be useful for youth lol
thankfully my loft has a floor so we have put a lot up there out the way .we were going to get a chinese takeaway but Andrew has been called out to an emergency the trains between york and darlington have problems and they need buses, so he has gone ,Froggy is playing caretaker so has gone already but we have really worked hard today all the cupboards are nearly empty now apart from what i need tomorrow then i will clear them later tomorrow . But we were going shopping tonite so am not sure what is happening now .


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2011 21:12

Just flying in to say hello >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ''DUCK'' !!!!!!.


YG Report 26 Mar 2011 21:16

Missed!!! Bother!!


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2011 21:21

LOL YG How are you ?


Yidarmylass Report 26 Mar 2011 21:31

Hi Ya All Duck.........D U C K


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2011 21:33

Where ????? I'll rush and get my skid lid LOL


YG Report 26 Mar 2011 22:00

Where's your tin hat??


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2011 22:04

The ducks are nesting in it LOL


YG Report 26 Mar 2011 22:18

Oooh lots of little ducklings running round the CPs compound soon, then lol!!

We could start selling duck eggs at the gate when we have enough laying!!


Yidarmylass Report 26 Mar 2011 22:36

Blimey poor DUCKS and mating season just started whoo hooo i like to duck an egg


LaGooner Report 26 Mar 2011 22:40

You gone Quackers Yidarmylass ??? LOL

Ducklings are soooooooooo cute YG. I expect we will have loads in the local pond soon. Don't like Duck eggs the colour puts me off


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Mar 2011 00:12

Duck eggs - yummy...but soooo rich!

There is a duck pond by the 'main' rd. The traffic has to stop when they waddle from the farm with ducklings in tow across to it. Ever few years, the population decreases and the farm shop has fresh duck meat for sale. Suspicious or what?

Well done Auntie's team. But will they keep up the success rate?


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Mar 2011 07:55

morning I remembered to change the clocks !! just but how come losing an hour feels like a day lol
I am sat here wondering where to put everthing that is left out and needed lol Andrew was late in lastnight so he will be grumpy but we have no sandwich kit we do need a meal too


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Mar 2011 09:28

Morning all

The East Coast rail line signal failure made the news headlines - no wonder A is tired. Hope he doesn't have to work today. Although he probably appreciates the extra money, he also needs his sleep, and you need the help!

Rather than sandwiches, perhaps you can heat up a can of soup or make some scones?? And there is always fish n chips or pizza for a meal today.

Know what you mean about the clocks - went to bed late as it was, but changed the bedroom clock and told myself 'wake up in 8 hours at xx' but woke up at xx-2. so 6 hours sleep. Grrr. OH will probably still manage his 10 hours, but will miss the BOGOF full English breakfast at the garden centre. It's not good for him, so probably just as well - lol


LaGooner Report 27 Mar 2011 10:02

Morning all, Just having a second coffee to see if I can wake myself up. I hate these clock changes they make me lose the plot ! No comments from you lot LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Mar 2011 10:12

As if we would LG!
We used to find the kids at school were all terribly grumpy for a day or so after a clock change - it's a bit like mini jet lag lol


LaGooner Report 27 Mar 2011 10:16

LOL DET in that case I think I have major Jet Lag LOL. At least the weather looks a little brighter today but I have not set outside yet to see the temperature.


AuntySherlock Report 27 Mar 2011 11:23

Hi All,

We change our clocks whichever way next weekend. It means it will be daylight earlier in the morning and dark quicker in the evening. Please don't ask me which way the clocks change.

I also hope my team can keep up the good work. It was a very exciting match. The whole round has been quite close with two scores within 2 points of each other and a tie. Still waiting for the final game of the round to finish.

I managed to wash the bedroom curtains, move some furniture and clean behind it, clean the windows and put one set of curtains back up. That gets half the room clean. I'll tackle the other side after work tomorrow. No sense rushing into these things.

Off to sort out my "other" email stuff, delete key at the ready.

I understand you are doing your census, or have done a census, is that correct. Does this mean that the next historical census will be released soon??