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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Mar 2011 09:56

Awww sorry to hear that you aren't well Maz. And you must have been looking forward to the trip so much. Don't blame Frog from keeping well away from you, considering where he works. And you have to think about food handling next week as well. What a Bummer.

Think we will have to rig up the Throne Room as a Sick Room for you and LG. What a pair! Now which of the CPs can we delegate as nursemaids, cos none of the rest of us are coming near you, lol

At least you have a revamped house to look forward to, and the mess in the process!


LaGooner Report 19 Mar 2011 09:56

Morning Maz, oops sorry I must have sent it over on the thread LOL. Same here as H isolated me too as she works in a nursing home !!!. Nice and quite though I am going to make the most of it. 3 Cats now that is above and beyond the call of duty LOL. I have got enough with these 2 let alone any more. Shame you had to cancel your weekend though iI hope you can reschedule for another when you are better.


LaGooner Report 19 Mar 2011 09:58

Awww DET I thought you were going to look after us LOL . I am feeling a bit better this morning ,fingers crossed I am over the worst. Very tired though and it took me twice as long to do my online shop as my brain kept going on hold. Nothing unusual there though LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Mar 2011 10:28

AWW LG i feel so worn out i am doing the washing as i have to lol Andrew left all the dishes .I cancelled the trip and even with insurance we would have lost the money so we will book again .i was no good yesterday at all just slept .
My old cat is 18 and in need of company .
The work will take 4 -5 weeks there is a meeting on wednesday here to discuss the situation my garden will take a battering too i expect


LaGooner Report 19 Mar 2011 10:38

Oh Maz you have my sympathy. I slept on and off for 2 days and still feel completely washed out. OH has been great cooking his own dinner and washing up etc. I would leave the dishes for Andrew !! pile them up somewhere and let him do them when he gets in. I will not be going far today,just up local post office to pay a couple of bills methinks I dare not leave them or I will forget!!. Take my advice and don't do too much as you will regret it later this is a nasty vicious bug believe me. Lucklily I did not end up in hospital like H. as my immune system is a lot better than hers,it took her 5 days to get over and she is still not 100% (but safe !!!) LOL.

What work are you having done in the house ??


LaGooner Report 19 Mar 2011 10:50

Right I am going to venture up the local shop. See you all later if I don't nod off again. Take care and enjoy your day one and all.

xxxxx to Maz take it easy .


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Mar 2011 17:21

Just woken up again Andrew has gone shopping i have pottered a bit and done the washing
I have applied for a council grant loan assistance LG ,to get the roof done flat roof , bathroom ,kitchen,radiators all renewed, rewiring .it will take about 4 weeks but I only pay it back when i can afford it or I sell the property but being done with the council it is safer than a loan shark .when its all done i will take my time to decorate and do the place as I really want . as the bathroom and kitchen will be done i dont have to worry too much


YG Report 19 Mar 2011 18:09

Sorry you missed your weekend away Maz, you must have been so looking forward to it.

At least you will be able to go later and perhaps the weather will be very kind to you.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2011 09:05

morning all I am on a test mission first cup of coffee since thursday afternoon lol will have a slice of toast too soon


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Mar 2011 09:07

Morning all - very quiet on here, innit? Just goes to show who usually makes the most noise - lol Hope this isn't a sign that things have taken a turn for the worse

In the interest of family solidarity, THREE games of rugby watched back-to-back yesterday. Glad that's over! Hope he is more selective when the Rugby WC is on later in the year (shudder)

Did have a bit of time up me tree and have linked both parents v distant lines about getting in a muddle - lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Mar 2011 09:11

We posted at the same time Maz - bet you are looking forward to that hot drink and sustenance. Do you think you'll have tomorrow off work ?

Effing line keeps dropping out - they said they'd fixed it. Grrrrr. Where's the swear box?


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2011 09:12

LOL Maz take a tip hold off on the toast for as long as you can, I didn't and boy did I pay for it last night !!!. Apparantly this could be Noro virus as it has been rife at the nursing home with all residents isolated for 4 days !!!!. Gee thanks for bringing it home to me H !!!!! LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2011 09:12

lol DET it is peaceful though everyone is in bed Andrew is off to the match soon so i am going to potter and do some chores


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Mar 2011 09:40

Oh dear - you two. What are we going to do with the pair of you? That's it Maz - the voice of experience has spoken - no work for you tomorrow. You don't want the whole school going down with it.

And tell A he needs to do his own cooking and clearing up or with the best will in the world, he'll be in for it. Hope the littlies haven't succumbed LG.

BTW - the swear box was filled in the last 15 mins - the time it took to get reconnected at less than dial up speeds.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Mar 2011 09:41

Hope you kept that slice of toast down Maz, from what LG says......... you might be jumping the gun.

Today might see you both improve enough to eat something........ fingers crossed.

I've had a chest infection and streaming cold for over a week now, so I think DET and YG are the only fit ones at the moment.


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2011 09:43

One littlie (biggest one had it beginning of last week and was fine in 2 days) lucky her !!!. It's cos I'm an old fogey that I am hanging on to it LOL. Everyone else but me,littlie and H are fine lucky people. Just taking it very steady today, a good excuse for doing some more research methinks LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2011 09:43

morning all i have kept my coffee down lol not done the toast yet Andrew has just thrown up though he is supposed to be going to the match with his dad lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Mar 2011 09:47

Oh dear Maz, it's spreading quickly, if he goes to the match he could pass it on to other people.

Poor OLD LG >>>>>>>>>>>> runs off.


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2011 09:48

Oh dear Pauline,sorry to hear that what a bunch of poor old souls we are LOL.

I can't even think about food I am just sipping loads of water to keep fluids up and playing the waiting game LOL.
One advantage when I get weighed in on Tuesday I have lost 5 pounds in weight LOL. Bit of a drastic way to diet though !!! I don't recommend it :-))))


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Mar 2011 09:57

..........Orders bulk pack of face masks and latex gloves

What a bunch of crocks you are! (hands out disinfectant for the necessary) Its so easy for these bugs to get passed around. Perhaps A will be more sympathetic now. Fingers crossed that B doesn't get Pauline's chest infection/cold with the resultant problems that will cause.

Cyber flowers on their way for the three invalids.