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LaGooner Report 1 Mar 2011 21:08

Yes they are, try the local records office they should be able to help you.


YG Report 1 Mar 2011 21:48

I think this one is unlikely to be resolved. I have found an address for NE Lincs Archives and will see if they can help me without me having to visit, as it is in Grimsby.

Her relative left home in 1939 and noone knows what happened to her. I guess she could have gone anywhere!!


LaGooner Report 1 Mar 2011 22:00

She probably has gone away with my lost relatives LOL. I am trying to find a death at the moment with no luck as yet.
The records offices are quite helpful I have had so much help from the Wiltshire one.


RockyMountainShy Report 1 Mar 2011 22:49

I like the Nailsworth Archives NOT.

Oh yes, we have lots of information AND pictures We are open ..................

HMMMM I don't think I can make those hours :_(((((((((((((((((((

*sigh* If only you were closer . *sigh*


YG Report 1 Mar 2011 23:00

Arrrggghhh! I've made a real stuff up on 'the other' site! I wanted some more pay per view and clicked on the wrong button. Registered myself twice by mistake for annual membership and still can't access the records until I complete the free tria form.

I'm going to have to phone them tomorrow to cancel both and set up the pay per view that I wanted in the first place!!!

I think it's time I went to bed lol!!


LaGooner Report 1 Mar 2011 23:30

Oh Yg I think you are right I have had enough for tonight too and that is just where I am going LOL

Sorry RMS I can't get there for you . Maybe if I visit Wiltshire again I may be able to pop over the border LOL

Nite nite all, catch you tomorrow.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Mar 2011 23:41

Sneaks through the door -

I am the Killer Queen!!!

Hope you get that subscription sorted out YG - what a nuisance!
ERs weren't taken during the war years, but you could try the Library local to the address and see what they can do for you. Trained librarians sometimes like to get their teeth into something different!
And well done with your enviromentally friendly (and budget saving) actions.

Was this the church group or the Yuff group Maz? They must have been terrible if next week is cancelled. Perhaps its a rebound to having to go back to school?

A quick wander then I'm off up the long as OH has warmed up the bed - lol

Good night


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Mar 2011 05:35

Morning all ,
After chatting to the church leadership we are having a meeting together before we begin again .these kids we have at the moment will do nothing we tell them the parents dont want to know .so we need to restructure the evening somehow .In all the years I have ben doing kids work I have never known a night like it

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 2 Mar 2011 07:18

Oh Maz, that sounds bad, nothing worse than kids that don't take any notice of anybody.

DET, you should have spent the night on the throne, it might have been warmer.

Sorry I can't help you RMS, I'm at the wrong end of the country.

YG, hope you manage to get sorted out with the other site.

LOL at LG's relatives running off with YG's friends.


LaGooner Report 2 Mar 2011 09:08

Morning. Pauline I think all our lost relations are hiding somewhere together LOL.
Oh Maz it does sound bad and quite a difficult situation to resolve with no support from the parents.

Shift over DET. I need my throne today as I have loads of sitting down to do. LOL You've guessed it perhaps ???? All I will say is wish me luck and hope not to much is missing LOL LOL LOL.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Mar 2011 09:40

Not oily bits of paper again??? Ohhhh Dear! Hope you can get comfy in the office chair LG. You don't need any distractions! We've got to wait for various bits of paper from Building Societies etc after the tax year end before we can do anything.

Morning all - The house is getting colder. We were able to persuade the boiler to fire up every hour yesterday, but it doesn't seem to want to today. OH seems to have the magic touch, but he is out at the moment LOL. We never used to have this problem with the ancient massive cast-iron original boiler. Sigh.

Have a good day.


LaGooner Report 2 Mar 2011 13:58

Got it in one DET LOL !!!!!. YG best send Kenny round he will warm you up.


YG Report 2 Mar 2011 17:50

Kenny has been a very good quiet boy lately. I will happily send him round to DETs. At least he won't perform like Sweet Pea!

DET, thanks for the info. I may try the NE Lincs Archives to see if they can help, but I have found a tree on Ancestry, so I might be lucky there!

Well, I managed to get my subscription sorted out. I had selected the right one, albeit that I had done it twice. That doesn't matter because I can use the credits easily. They told me to clear out my cookies and crank up the disk usage space, which I have done. Can't think it will make any difference because I wasn't having difficulty in accessing any of the records, it just kept taking me back to the free trial page. Anyway, I haven't tried it yet, so I will doubtless find out!!

Maz, you are having a tough time with the kids. What a shame they have to spoil activities that are there for them to enjoy. Hope its not a sign of the times.

More paperwork LG!!! Oh, but you lurv him!!

Pauline, hope you are keeping ok.

RMS, I'm sorry, I can't help either. Too far away from me.


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Mar 2011 19:31

hi folks I am worried about my cat he has not been seen since this morning


Elizabethofseasons Report 2 Mar 2011 19:42

Dear Maz and All


Hope you are okay.

Dear Maz..........hope your cat will soon return and sorry the kids played up so much.

Cor, it isn't half cold here.

I washed some thick blankets and put them away a couple of weeks ago.

After complaints from the household, they have been removed from the storage and out back on beds.

Some folk just don't know how to use a washing machine or rather pretend they don't know!

Take gentle care all
Very best wishes


LaGooner Report 2 Mar 2011 19:46

Evening all.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


YG Report 2 Mar 2011 19:51

Evening LG!! How are you?


LaGooner Report 2 Mar 2011 19:53

Evening YG Bloomin cold as I have just got in from Brownies. How are you ??


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Mar 2011 20:28

thanks no-one has seen him since this morning


YG Report 2 Mar 2011 20:56

Cold here too LG. Buried in records and cross eyed again!! I am going to throw the towel in soon!!

Maz, no sign of gizmo yet?