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YG Report 25 Feb 2011 20:57

You said you'd sent him to RMS!!


LaGooner Report 25 Feb 2011 21:02

I did but the little B****r must have escaped and come back LOL


YG Report 25 Feb 2011 21:15

Well don't give him directions to my place, thank you!!! Send him down to Exmoor!!


LaGooner Report 25 Feb 2011 21:23

LOL I better not do that my best mate lives just on the edge of Exmoor LOL


YG Report 25 Feb 2011 22:10

Dartmoor then!! He can run with the wild ponies!!


RockyMountainShy Report 25 Feb 2011 23:11

Haven't you heard ???????????????

The government is trying to stop trouble making people coming here. Don't know why, all they want is a easy way of getting into the States to cause trouble.

Maybe Sweet Pea was the one who tripped my parents and felt so bad he went home.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Feb 2011 23:22

Evening all - have your Elders had another mishap RMS? Oh dear - and you are the one snorting at our attempts in the snow. :((

LG - try wrapping a bit of card to make the lead ridged at the jack end - worked for us as a quick fix.


RockyMountainShy Report 25 Feb 2011 23:42

Actually ........ it wasn't the snow HA HA HA.

It was the broken edge of the road. Dad stepped on the edge and fell over and then Mum fell and as he says "she had a soft landing" as she landed on top of him.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Feb 2011 23:47

If you were in the UK, you'd be trying to sue the Highways Authority or local council. Hope they aren't too bruised....even if Mum did have a soft landing!!!

btw- has your snow gone yet? If not, perhaps you could bury Sweet Pea in a snow drift for a few weeks.....just to give Elizabeth a chance to gt her electrical items sorted out. lol


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Feb 2011 07:04

morning all ,well its lovely and light here in the mornings i am getting a quiet moment before shopping and then off to Durham to meet froggy ,its a half way point for us and a lovely city too


YG Report 26 Feb 2011 09:35

Morning everyone.

Wet here!! No chance of any washing done today!!

Just off for a pedicure to make the old feet feel a bit better. Then back to a reality check as there is the unmentionable to be done here, as well as food shopping! The excitement is excruciating!!

Enjoy your day out Maz.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Feb 2011 10:36

Watch out! Is that YG floating near the ceiling? That's what a pedicure does for you - lol.

Morning all - when I got up, the thought of washing was on the mind, but its gone all grey and yukky, so perhaps not. With the laundry room being used as a bedroom, there's no place to hang it up indoors.

More Rugby on TV today, so I may be sociable and watch that. Then again, perhaps not. But if I do, then the ironing might get done. Decisions, decisions.

Have a good day out Maz. Eldest&co are promising (threatening?) to take us for a walk tomorrow!


YG Report 26 Feb 2011 17:04

Wish I was floating DET!! I'm exhausted now. The weather brightened up by the time I got home from the pedicure, so the washer has been working overtime. H/**** done, shopping done, dinner half ready, now a sit down and a bit more research!


LaGooner Report 26 Feb 2011 17:29

Evening all, I have a happy lappy YAY. OH is such a lovely fella he fixed it for me. I think the only reason for that is it keeps me quiet and stops me heckling him LOL LOL.


YG Report 26 Feb 2011 18:09

I can believe that LG lol!


LaGooner Report 26 Feb 2011 18:24

Cheek LOL but I am honest !!!. How is the research going ,or isn't it ???


YG Report 26 Feb 2011 19:08

The research on the Oz rellies is an absolute doddle!! As for Nellie, well she is driving me insane, and Derek isn't getting far either. I'm doubtful that he will find anything, as it was Sheffield, we think, which is not in his area, but he says he has another couple of irons in the fire.

I am totally mystified by her. I'm still thinking that perhaps my gmother or great aunt had an illegitimate child, but I still don't know where the surname fits in, unless it was the father's surname. If so, she didn't marry him. The person I have found with the right surname and age doesn't appear to have been born at all! She appears on the 1901 census at 7 years of age and again on the 1911, plus a marriage index, but no birth!!!! Perhaps she was found under a gooseberry bush!


LaGooner Report 26 Feb 2011 19:16

Sound silly but have you looked on birth index for her listed as female with no first name entered. This is the way one of my Aunts was listed. Look under appropriate time span and appropriate area and who knows ??, It is a bit of a long shot but worth a go it did pay off for me.


YG Report 26 Feb 2011 19:31

I'll give it a go.

I have a rellie that was born in Oz and came over to the UK, presumably to visit his grandparents and other rellies. Is there any way of finding out which ship he came to the UK on. I have found his journey back to Oz from England but wasn't sure if it worked the opposite way.


Derek Report 26 Feb 2011 19:48

Hello you lot..just another interruption..noticed a mention of Exmoor/Dartmoor ponies........a subject close to my heart, particularly as so many of them are being summarily shot for whatever dastardly purpose.

Many years ago when i was teaching in Plymouth I did a short Television programme on BBC South West on the plight of the ponies , many of whom were being left to starve on the Moor over bright point of which was finding a pony in trouble lte one evening that couldn't get we went and got lots of straw and a big tarpaulin to cover him with...and sat with all night long..before the RSPCA which point he stood up and trotted off..without even saying thank you..but he was seriously ill..was saved and ending up on a local farm as a childrens' pet..Hooray!!.............
