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LaGooner Report 28 Feb 2011 20:02

Napping not me !! I was up my tree and fell down on to my botty LOL

Evening Pauline ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


YG Report 28 Feb 2011 20:09

Oooh, hope you haven't damaged the stamp on your botty!!


LaGooner Report 28 Feb 2011 20:21

Oww just smudged it a bit I think LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Feb 2011 21:17

A brief visit . Keep a close eye on your tree, or else it might be cut down for firewood...........the boiler's packed up again. Hurumph.

tatty bye.


LaGooner Report 28 Feb 2011 21:29

See that damn Gremlin has escaped again, or just had a thought did he find a little Lady friend somewhere and heard the patter of little cloven feet LOL.


YG Report 28 Feb 2011 22:17

Do not give him a sat nav please! I DO NOT want him up here!!


RockyMountainShy Report 28 Feb 2011 22:20

Has any of you youth care providers ever think of doing the "Cross Canada Challenge" There are even badges you can get. If you can buy them from over there, if not send me the money and I just MIGHT send them to you ;_)))))))))))))))) Just a thought

Are you still having technical difficulties?


LaGooner Report 28 Feb 2011 22:42

RMS I have not heard of it. Please can you give me details


RockyMountainShy Report 28 Feb 2011 23:08

They have divided the country up into 4 regions and you have to do a option from each province. There is one of the Sparks and one for the Brownies. The badges are the same, just the challenges are easier for the little guys.

It is a lot of fun


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Mar 2011 05:48

morning all , i have missed this about the virus for the ads i get the ads but they are around the edge I dont get any popups
Qrange mail are playing today i cant access my email i will look at lunchtime to see if its just a maintenance thing


LaGooner Report 1 Mar 2011 09:19

Morning, just sitting here having my morning caffeine kick then loads of those silly little odd jobs to do. You know the ones, they get put off until tomorrow LOL. well tomorrow has come in this household.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Mar 2011 12:07

Hmm, yes LG, I've got loads of those tomorrow jobs, but they'll have to wait until Friday - I should have a bit of time to myself then.

Sorry to hear about the boiler DET, hope you didn't put your thermals away.

Maz, I'm still getting my mail from Orange.

YG, put that man down, he's married, just type adblock into google. I've just had a look and you can get them for IE, Chrome, Safari, Firebird and Firefox.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Mar 2011 13:01

Afternoon everyone - sounds as if it technology has its faults all round! Hope the various tinternet problems are sorted out soon. We don't seem to have had problems with viruses, although the firewall or whatever did block a couple of hostile attempts a few days ago. We have firefox + Norton (and possibly something else)

Boiler man coming Friday afternoon - Seems to be the same problem as last time, so lets hope he brings the spare parts with him, instead of a quick fix.

We both went to work this morning , the visitors had departed for 'home' by the time we got back. Now to turn the spare room back into the laundry room!


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Mar 2011 14:51

my orange is working now it was early that it was off it has been a lovely day have used the line for the first time this year lol


YG Report 1 Mar 2011 19:16

Hello campers!! Hope you are all ok.

Been a nice day here today, but still a bit chilly!!

Some kind person fly tipped a load of packing, cardboard, polythene etc on top of our bins in the compound at work. Looks like they had just moved into a property as it was all new stuff, tv stands, pedal bins, saucepans etc etc. The council quoted a minimum of £70 to remove it as it couldn't be removed free of charge and placed on the fly tipping register because it was on private land.

One of the male indigenous species in the office volunteered to load his car and take it to the tip so I did my good deed for the day and helped him!
There wasn't any room for me in the car for me so he had to unload it all at the tip himself!


LaGooner Report 1 Mar 2011 19:59

Oh YG Brownie points for you LOL.

Evening all, hope everyone is ok. x


YG Report 1 Mar 2011 20:03

Hi LG! How was Rainbows!!


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Mar 2011 20:22

hellooooo well what a night the little s@@@@@@ we are closed next week as a result all three leaders couldnt get them to do as they were told


LaGooner Report 1 Mar 2011 20:39

Ooooo Maz such language LOL. Rainbows was boring !!!!!. YG


YG Report 1 Mar 2011 20:55

LG, how can I find out who was living at an address in 1939? I'm trying to find a friend's relative, who is more than likely deceased now, but her grandmother lost track of her after 1939. Are electoral rolls available?