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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Dec 2010 10:29

Morning - been on the phone again to the internet provider and got hold of supervisor who is 'taking ownership' of the less than dial up speed problem. Def a fault on the line/exchange and to expect a call about 10am tomorrow. Sigh. If only they'd fix it properly instead of a bodge job which only lasts a month.

BM suggested changing suppliers, but BT haven't opened the excahnge to anyone else, so its not worth it. One of the downsides of living in a semi rural cable as an alternative.

Moan over - have a good day.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Dec 2010 10:47

I was just going to suggest changing suppliers DET, obviously you don't have that choice.

If you stopped paying them, they might take a bit more notice of you.

I'm very happy at the moment because the bus has just gone off with my son safely inside of it.

An extra effort was made to get here for him today and they managed it.

I'll have to rush off now and try to drive the car across the ice to the main roads so I can get some shopping in.

Stay safe everybody.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Dec 2010 12:36

How wonderful Pauline - hope the bus gets there and back safely...and you with your adventure into the outside world

RMS - we give up , lol, We keep saying that our councils can't/won't make the capital investment for snow clearing equipment, for the sake of perhaps 2 week's use per year...and possibly not even every year! THAT'S why the UK grinds to a halt and we moan!!!

And whatdoya mean. no passenger trains? So much for trying to reduce the carbon emmisons via cars in Canada. But if they are anything like the UK, it works out cheaper and often quicker to go by car, depending where you are.

OH is toying with the idea of getting a 4WD next time we have to replace a car, and he has pointed out that if we got snow/winter tyres for one we have at the moment, we'd have to get the wheels themselves as well so we can swap them when necessary ourselves.


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Dec 2010 16:02

well its almost a decent day the main roads are clear now the pavements well that is another matter getting on and off them is like going over a mountain , but i went to the postoffice and got my prescription ,also cleaned the rabbit his water has not frozen up again since this morning so that was good
So i am home to provide food for the starving worker due in about 5.30 lol


LaGooner Report 8 Dec 2010 16:10

Afternoon all, just taking a break from the decorating . Got to go jump in the shower very shortly ready to get ready for Brownie/Rainbow Xmas party.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Dec 2010 18:35

Our main roads are a bit slushy but the highways are clear, it's just the side streets that are like skating rinks. And the shopping centre car parks are atrocious, my trolley tipped over as I was trying to drag it back through the snow .........and I landed on top of it.

I felt like I'd been let out of prison, people were giving me funny looks and I realized it was because I was walking around with a big smile on my face.


YG Report 8 Dec 2010 18:37

Evening everyone.

Very cold here, but at least there was no ice on the windscreen this morning. BUT, although it is going to get milder over the next few days, the local forecasters are saying that it is coming back with a vengeance, worse than we have already had!

Sorry to be the bearer of such bad news!!

Good for you, Pauline, getting out today and what a relief it must be for you. Make the most of it, in case these forecasters are right, although it might not affect you up there (here's hoping, anyway!)

DET, you are so right about the councils here, but if this weather format becomes a regular feature, they are going to have to do something, aren't they!! The transport minister, though, seems to be more keen to hand it to the 'Big Society' and put out a lot more grit bins for people to look after their own areas! They are completely bonkers!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Dec 2010 18:39

Sounds as if everyone has had a good day - and about time too - lol

Hope you don't have any bruises to show for your tumble Pauline. We've been rather luck with the supermarket car parks - both the ones we use have been ploughed. Which is great until you think you have spotted a space, then realised there is a pile of snow! lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Dec 2010 18:42

oops - missed that YG. You can keep bad weather oop norf, thank you very much! We've only got a forecast until Sat, which seems to be a continued rise in temperatures. I'll have to go and check now - tsk.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Dec 2010 18:45

Hmmm, better go and check ours as well.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Dec 2010 18:52

Just checked and it's slowly going to rise to 6°C by Saturday, but then start to drop again on Sunday.


YG Report 8 Dec 2010 19:31

They are talking about the end of next week and think it will hang around past Christmas lol!! Oh joy!! And I was planning a day off next Friday to go to Meadowhall on the train with a friend to do the unmentionable shopping!! I can see noone getting any pressies this year at this rate!!


RockyMountainShy Report 8 Dec 2010 20:04

Please note this on your calendars, Our road was scraped at 9:45 am this morning, and wonders of wonders you can even see some of the road !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -{:-() LOL


YG Report 8 Dec 2010 20:24

Send your scrapers over here RMS!! I've booked them in for Friday, is that ok?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Dec 2010 23:18

I wonder if Canada will do a lend/lease scheme like the US did in WW2?? lol Hope the newly uncovered road surface makes driving easier for you RMS. There must be loads of new drivers who haven't had experience on the snow. Must be a nightmare for them, and everyone else!

All set for tomorrow YG, or has the VIP decided to stay away?? Oops - wrong day - I'm all muddled this week...don't you dare say that is always the case :-)


RockyMountainShy Report 8 Dec 2010 23:54

We should lend our snow removal things to the less fortunate countries, but then if we did that what would we use hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I remember my first time driving in the winter a) I put the car in a ditch b) I did a 180 degree turn on black ice c) I got the car stuck across the road at 90 degrees trying to turn around. NOT all on the same day of course. Oh the happy memories


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Dec 2010 06:10

morning all
our estate is where the driving instructors bring the pupils ,good experience ,Our forcast is reasonable i think at the moment to get mild for a few days then get cold and frosty again so we will see
I am hoping my DLA form is done soon the meetings keep being delayed with the weather and i cant get to do any of the support work if weather is bad euther
but we have only 7 working days left until we break up i am making a list for food thats as far as i have got


LaGooner Report 9 Dec 2010 09:08

Morning all, have you missed me !! Probably not it must have been quiet on here while I have been busy LOL !!! Decorating is coming along nicely last little bit of painting to do today and then wait for OH to put down the new flooring.
Hope you are feeling ok after your fall Pauline, you should take more water with it :-))))).

Weather Ooooop Norf sound like it is improving. There is a red sky here this morning is that an Omen !!! we shall see.

Hi RMS. Are the Sparks and Brownies keeping you busy with all the Xmas stuff ? We have just had the last meeting of this year so time to catch up with everything around the home. Well hopefully LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Dec 2010 09:23

Morning all and LG. You mean you have wallpapered and painted in only 4 days? Good grief, are you for hire??

Our weather forecast has caught up with 'turning colder again next week'. Ug. No mention at this stage of snow.

Internet speed is improving, now 1.95 mbs download - would you Adam and Eve it?? And I haven't even had the call back phone conversation yet!

Hope there wasn't any damage to yourself or the car RMS. Those things tend to stick in your mind.......even if it was a long time ago (ducks to avoid snowball) Sounds as if the Canadian driving test should include a compulsary course in driving on snow -perhaps they could be taken onto a skid pan if they are likely to learn to drive/pass their test in the summer. I wouldn't mind having a go on one myself. OH did the unthinkable the other day. He forgot to put the shovel back in the car and got stuck in the snow - lol

Edit - fault at the Exchange (grrrrr, AGAIN) was fixed last night. Perhaps we'll club together and send them some stronger sticky tape - lol


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Dec 2010 15:24

hi there3 would you believe it we are in puddles it is thawing rapidly today ,And my meeting is scheduled tomorrow afternoon from work so its on the way as long as it does not freeze tonight cos it will be horrendous