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YG Report 9 Dec 2010 18:29

Oh lol DET, it's tomorrow, but not here!! Thought we had escaped because the venue has kept changing during the week, and it is not at our office, but we have been summoned to attend where it is now taking place. The whole team is going and one of the managers is driving some of us there, so at least I don't have to cope with the roads! Cost me a new outfit today, so I'm not happy! We were even told to avoid certain colours!!!

Oooh, just had a thought!! We might be on the national news tomorrow night!!


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Dec 2010 18:53

hi there YG you can get the throne then lol


YG Report 9 Dec 2010 20:34

Hi Maz, think I might just do that when I've watched Corrie!! I'll be in desperate need of a comforting mug of hot choccie then!!


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Dec 2010 06:00

morning all Yg hope it goes ok today we will want an autograph if you make the news lol
we are really thawing out here the dripping and sliding snow was very noisy but may it continue ,as it will make the shopping easier to do
Have a good one


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Dec 2010 10:00

Morning everyone - OH nicked the computer last night.

Well, hope the BIG DAY goes well YG. In case it isn't on the 6 o'clock news, you will be free to spill the beans, especially is the visit isn't in your home town. Have you had to practise your curtsey? I've still no idea who this VIP is, unless its buried a number of pages back. I do hope you will be on the TV, then I can say...I know her! That's YG!...

Hope more of the white now grey stuff melts in your parts of the world, before the temps drop again. Although the wellie boots with good grips are safe(er) they do look rather odd trundling round an urban supermarket - lol. I think I'll bite the bullet and order some of those shoe grip thingies that RMS talked about at the beginning of the long as they don't cost too much. Probably out of stock until the New Year, but might come in handy in the future.

At some point today, I have to make chicken soup, and a diabetic Christmas Pudding for &co. Supposed to keep it in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.

Do you think LG has wallpapered her LT to the wall???

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 10 Dec 2010 10:15

Must take notice of LG and take more water with it ................see if I can stay on my feet.

I'll have to remember to watch the National News today!! I'll join DET and say ......I know her.

I bought some new wellies yesterday, got some trendy ones with straps and buckles and things on, they look like boots ........if you don't look too close. My boots couldn't cope with the deep snow, so needed wellies that could be worn in town.

The snow is shrinking back now but the ice is still on the roads.


LaGooner Report 10 Dec 2010 15:39

Hellooooooooooooooo all. Nearly finished our room. OH got enthusiastic and laid half the flooring last night my it looks good. Going to finish it tonight I think so possibly will not be on again as I am the gopher. (Go for this and Go for that!) DET I am speedy when it comes to decorating I hate hanging about I just get stuck in (scuse the pun LOL).
Will watch the news to see if YG is famous LOL. If she gets on the news I will vacate the throne and get out the best crown and let her wear it for a day !!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Dec 2010 17:20

Well done LG! I think that part of our decorating problem, is the exaustion factor. We both run out of puff after a while, so decided a few years ago to work for 4 hours, then stop. We still have the energy to clear up then. OH used to work until he dropped, then I'd have to clear up on my own, by which time I'd rather be in bed!

Hope the meeting well today Maz.


YG Report 10 Dec 2010 17:34

Good evening to all my people!! Get that throne room cleared out cos the back of my head was on the local regional news website! I am eagerly awaiting the 6o'clock news, but although the cameras scanned all of us, I think they will only show part of the speech.

Our VIP was David Cameron and I was sat two rows back right behind the press. Saw our tv presenters from ITV regional news! Can't say I heard anything that I haven't already heard, and although he is very 'into' what we do because of the family and children connection, I fear for some children's charities where ring fencing is being removed and the distribution of funds being handed to local government. I can see them making cuts in these departments to fund whatever is closest to their 'hearts'. Well, we have to wait and see.

There were lots of students outside protesting about the cuts and the language was more than near the mark. I can't say the security was that tight either, there were five in our car and they only checked one invitation and which company we represented.

Still, it made for an interesting couple of hours! My son wanted me to ask him to promote Donny Rovers and a few other things that I can't repeat!

DET, you had better get on with those puddings. There's only two weeks left!

Well done with the decorating LG. You can start mine next, if you like.

Plenty of snow thawed today, so getting much easier, but pavements are still very tricky. Hope it all clears before we get the next lot forecast for next Friday, the day I am planning on doing the christmas shopping.

Pauline, stop hitting the bottle, then you will stay upright!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Dec 2010 18:00

Bows to the temproary occupant of the Throne /- and rushes off to put the TV on (or rather shout to OH)

These are diabetic low fat Xmas puds and not supposed to be made too soon! Instructions say to allow to stand in the fridge over night, then steam for 3 hours. Can be kept in the fridge for 3 weeks and reheated on the day! Problem is, I've never made this type before, and the mixture seperated. Only hope it turns out OK. I blame the Guinness!! Perhaps I ought to buy an ordinary one as a spare???


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Dec 2010 18:29

Well that was a disappointment - one short sound bite about the Student protests...and that was it!


YG Report 10 Dec 2010 18:46

Oh lol! Back of the head again on the regional news!! Although, if they had got me full face it would have cracked the camera lens! Don't think it's going to hit the main news.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Dec 2010 19:05

hello o thou queen lol ,sounds interesting YG
well the form is filled in and will be sent when the available reports are compiled they are expecting to fight for it about ! appeal and a high court hearing but worth ago

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 10 Dec 2010 21:20

High Court hearing? They're going a bit over the top with that aren't they?

Well, good luck anyway.

I didn't see the news YG, but sounds like I didn't miss much

Would I have recognized you from the back of your head?

What does the Christmas pud look like now DET?


Mazfromnorf Report 11 Dec 2010 07:36

morning all they call it a high court hearing not sure what it is exactly but it makes a precidence for another claim however i am not sure if i will cope with it all .
it is to break the prejudice for those of us who have to keep going and so therefore we become entitled to very little help even though we should because joe smith down the road gets everything and is not that bad
to find an easier job will help too
going to meet froggy somewhere as its a reasonable day and go somewhere to have a nosey about probably Durham

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 11 Dec 2010 08:37

It's a very unfair system Maz, people who try to help themselves get nothing (or next to nothing) and lazy people who have no intention of trying to do anything themselves get everything. I know people who have absolutely nothing wrong with them physically or mentally, but they've managed to live off the state all their lives.

Don't be put off by having to fight for what you need.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 Dec 2010 17:17

Afternoon all - been out to see the inlaws - it was mother in laws 86th bday - she (actually both of them ) is a game old bird and quite spritely despite age related aches and pains. Took them out to lunch, with sis in law as well. I think we 2 try to drink each other under the table - lol It would appear that somehow I now have 10 round the Xmas mark 2 table - Urggh! It weren' t me handing out the invites gov, honest! Sis in law is driving the parents over, and asked it both her offspring + 1 could come as well. At least she has volunteered to bring some deserts, which is not my forte.

It was quite interesting to note that their town, which was on the local news as being 'snow bound' is clear, while even after today, we have quite a lot still in the gardens, fields and side roads.

Maz, I did wonder if the reference to the High Court meant they might use your claim as a test case. You probably won't be that involved, if they decided to follow through and might if successful, set a precidence for other claims. At least it won't cost you anything and your name will be preserved for posterity in the Law Books!

Pauline - the diabetic Xmas pud is cooking as we speak - I'll let you know if it sets!!!!

It will be a shame if charities do get funding cut as the budget is being passed to the local governments, but at least, hopefully, it will be given to those areas which have the greatest need. My friend is a Learning Mentor in a Primary School. She has been told that the funding will cease come March.

Tat tah for now


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Dec 2010 07:48

morning well we actually got out yesterday did some shopping then came back here for some supper Tadpole came down too so
we have been looking at the christmas menu a goose seems to be on request again I have the Frog and tadpole coming .it was quite warm out lunchtime . yesterday


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Dec 2010 09:17

Morning Maz - glad Frog and Tadpole were able to get out. Does this mean that Tadpole has been off college since it snowed?

Still some snow/ice on parts of the grass and side roads, but with luck it should melt over the next day or so. It will take some time for the spoil heaps to go. Heavy frost overnight again, and BBC weather now saying arctic winds/temps expected by Friday, but too early to say if it will snow again.

Goose sounds interesting for Xmas, although our butcher says it is expensive. We are having a 3 bird roast - turkey, duck and pheasant....just the breasts to make it smaller. We did ask about Goose instead of Turkey, but advised not to because of the cost. The Xmas pud has set, thank goodness. Needs boiling up again on Xmas day.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 12 Dec 2010 09:55

Pleased to hear the pud set OK DET. Your ice and snow sounds the same as ours - it's gone off the pavements but it's still packed on the roads. The gardens are clear apart from dirty piles that were thrown on from paths.

Maz, we had goose last year, not sure what to have this year but it won't be turkey.