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Mazfromnorf Report 16 Mar 2011 06:14

morning all .I will need a large whisky Bottlle with you lot around we always had a bottle in Germany for all the loose change never done it in the uk though
It is very foggy here or is it my brain lol


LaGooner Report 16 Mar 2011 08:59

Hic !!!! Hic !!!!!. Oooooo ps Pardon me. Will this one do Maz ???? LOL. It is foggy here too or is it my eyesight after all this Whisky LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 Mar 2011 09:13

Probably a bit of both LG!

Morning - It's was misty all day yesterday, and still is. The in laws are supposed to be coming over, but not sure if they will get half way and give up. He is getting to the point where he is losing his confidence in driving. Well, he is 85!

We have sweet jar we use for the change - mainly coppers and 5p pieces. Takes ages to fill it, and even longer to get enough of one to fill a paying in bag.


YG Report 16 Mar 2011 17:33

We used to have a large whisky bottle too Maz! Can't remember how we came by it, because neither of us drank whisky, but I don't think we ever filled it.

I did start saving change in a 'Celebration' tin, but it's so heavy carting it all to the bank that I spent it instead lol!

Miserable, misty, wet, cold 'November ' sort of day here today. Pleased I'm home for the night now.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 16 Mar 2011 18:38

Same type of day here as well YG, mist and fog all day, nothing seems to have gone right either.

We keep change in a celebration tin as well.............. hubby puts pound coins in, and I take them out and spend them.


LaGooner Report 16 Mar 2011 20:12

Evening all, what a day !!!!


Elizabethofseasons Report 16 Mar 2011 21:53

Dear All


Hope you are all keeping well and doing okay.

Guess what?

I did more housew***.

I say, I did more housew***!

Oh, I repeated it!

I have been helping a friend take with their research. I saw the same look of excitement that must have been on my face when I started researching.

It made me realise I have come a long way and learnt a lot.

And what great fun it has been and still is!

Take gentle care all
Very best wishes


YG Report 16 Mar 2011 22:24

Hello Elizabeth. I hope you are well.

You really are a naughty girl using that word twice!!!

You will have to make a contribution to the swear box!!

Pauline, what a good idea!! Why didn't I think of that at the time!!


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Mar 2011 05:35

morning all well its warmer and getting light here I am away with froggy at weekend to the lakes so I hope the fog has lifted by then lol .
I have tried all the nice approaches with my neighbours with noise etc .but another neighbour has gone to the powers that be over the nocturnal activities agreat ammount of intrest has been shown from all sorts of areas


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Mar 2011 10:20

Morning all - sorry its come to this with the neighbours, but if they won't take any notice of polite approaches.................??? Perhaps they have a history of poor behaviour, and at least if they are renting it might be possible to move them on.

Eye, Eye !! - hope someone here is taking lots of soap away with them - we don't want to hear lurid details about a dirty weekend! Have a great time- you've had a lot on your plate and need a break. :)

I've found a little button on my browser bar - it checks spelling on a web page! You clever lot will probably tell me its always been there - lol

Got to go to school and sign a get well, 60th birthday card for a friend. She'd had pains since Nov, all sorts of tests, then keyhole surgery for scar tissue. When she woke up, she was told they had taken her appendix out! All those tests for nothing. Tut.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 17 Mar 2011 13:27

Hope your friend is feeling better today DET............ and thank you for the email and link to the house. They've done a lovely job of it haven't they?


LaGooner Report 17 Mar 2011 13:37

Same here DET thanks for the email. I wish I had won the lottery I'd buy it in a flash it's lovely.
Also wishing your friend a speedy recovery.
Have a great time Maz and I hope the weather is reasonable for you.

Hi Pauline, hope you are well.


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Mar 2011 14:23

DET thanks for email .its a lovely place The cps would like that place
Heres one for us lol A lady at school has asked me to help woth some research guess what the name is lol lol I was useless Nutter
The weather is supposed to be good this weekend and yes the soap is going too lol lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Mar 2011 15:29

Hope the weather lives up to its promise - certainly nothing to write home about darn sarf. If you add to the look up thread, we could try to help out your friend, although no use with Irish folk.


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Mar 2011 16:39

thanks i got what she needed it was the surname made me laugh lol


YG Report 17 Mar 2011 17:31

You've got to get there before me, LG!!

Thanks, DET, it is stunning! No wonder Aunty has been so busy!! Hope that she will return to the boards soon if the work is done.

Ooooh Maz, you little tinker!!! Love is in the air la,la,la,la,la,la!!!!

Hi Pauline, hope you are ok.


LaGooner Report 17 Mar 2011 18:41

LOL LOL Maz she would fit in well here.

Hmmmmm fascinators at the ready girls ?????? LOL


Elizabethofseasons Report 17 Mar 2011 18:47

Dear Ladies


Hope you are okay.

We have reached it. The 500th page of the lives of the nutlodgers!

Yippee! Who's ordered the sherbets (drinks!)?

I'll have a shandy with fish and chips.
Someone has to keep order in me household....hiccup, hiccup.
Oh dear, a belly belch!

Take gentle care all
Very best wishes


YG Report 17 Mar 2011 18:54

Another sixteen posts and we hit 10,000 too!! Hope it doesn't put the thread in the danger zone!


LaGooner Report 17 Mar 2011 19:22

Ooo Elizabeth that was not very ladylike LOL.
Keep posting only 15 to go !