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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Mar 2011 18:10

Evening All

Good news, bad news, and good news

1) Good - when doing the 'exercises' a click was heard, so its possible a disc was out of line and is now back in. fingers crossed that things will only get better.

2) Bad - the vacuum cleaner expired in a puff of smoke, so we've been out and bought a Vax Mach Air. As it has a free 6 year guarentee, we should be OK until then,

3) Good - PC has passed both her end of seminar exams. She honestly thought she had failed the second one and is over the moon!

Off to jig around the room (or perhaps not in the circumstances - LOL)


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Mar 2011 18:35

dont jig too much you might do a mischief again lol


LaGooner Report 9 Mar 2011 20:20

Evening all, yes we did lose last night with no thanks to that **###@@ ref. We were robbed and what a load of dirty players they should be ashamed of themselves. Rant Over LOL.


YG Report 9 Mar 2011 22:02

Evening LG!! Cor blimey, I'm not arguing with you lol!!


LaGooner Report 9 Mar 2011 22:16

Evening YG. At least Yidarmylass should be pleased. Spurs have gone through LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Mar 2011 06:04

morning all
where has the week gone Thursday already wet and windy here again type of day to stay in bed 5 weeks today we break up for easter lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 10 Mar 2011 07:09

Yes, it's wet and very, very windy here as well, Maz.

Hope LG's calmed down a bit.

I didn't hear Yidarmylass singing about her team going through............ thank goodness, please don't start her off.

Well done to DET's daughter, and it sounds like it could be good news about your back as well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

YG, the ages are often out by a few years on the census records.

Are you really leaving RMS? Why? I think it's against the LG rules to leave this thread. If you're busy you can take a leave of absence but you have to come back.


LaGooner Report 10 Mar 2011 09:05

Morning all, sunny but windy here. Great day for the washing LOL. One load already out on line and one more in the machine.

I did not give you permission to leave this thread RMS. LOL !!!!

Well done PC. Give yourself a pat on the back but for goodness sake don't do that to your Mum LOL. we don't wnat that to play up g


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Mar 2011 10:56

Morning all - it certainly looks like a drying day, but need to clear the back log of ironing first!

Thank you for your felicitations to PC - they shall be passed on. She went to a gym/static cycle exercise class 1st thing this morning, but got all hot and bothered and bailed out after 20 mins LOL.

How's the oily bits of paper doing LG? Got 2 notices of coding yesterday, both dated 22 FEb and different to each other. Why can't they be consistant?? Sigh - wretched IR.


LaGooner Report 10 Mar 2011 14:51

Going as slowly as ever DET. Don't mention IR it's a dirty word in this household LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Mar 2011 14:58

congrats to PC DET i am sorry i missed the entry as usual ,Tadpole has got straight A's in his AS levels So his application for Uni will look good .He was worried too .
The milkman has a possible sighting of Gizmo so am going out later in the early evening to look it sounds hopeful it would be a direct line from our house if he was chased with fields around the area. so he will have been hunting if it is him have some slips with my number on too so fingers crossed


LaGooner Report 10 Mar 2011 15:03

Oh I do hope it is the little devil Maz . Well done to Tadpole too.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Mar 2011 15:16

That's absolutley brilliant Maz, on both counts! Everything crossed for the safe return of Gizmo as well!


YG Report 10 Mar 2011 18:35

Three cheers for PC and Tadpole!!

Sounds very hopeful about Gizmo, Maz. I hope you are successful in finding him.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Mar 2011 19:32

we are back but the little devil is not I think we are on the trail but it is a huge area to search .and he could be any where within it .I am going to put an ad in the paper tomorrow .


YG Report 10 Mar 2011 20:01

The little tinker. Someone must be feeding him Maz. Let's hope the advert works for you.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Mar 2011 21:57

Next time take the cat food tin and knock a spoon against it - might work??

Gone boss eyed after looking for records. time to call it a night on here. Well, at least until I can see straight, LOL.


LaGooner Report 10 Mar 2011 22:23

Nite nite DET sleep well.


LaGooner Report 10 Mar 2011 23:16

Well I never the killer queen strikes again LOL. I am off now too see you all tomorrow and hopefully there will be news of Gizmo. xxx


Mazfromnorf Report 11 Mar 2011 05:53

Morning all ,we have fliers to put on the area posts etc froggy has made me some .I think Andrew is going to look early tomorrow morning .If he was chased by a dog he is going to be hiding from dog walkers and he is a nocturnal one so perhaps some star gazing is needed lol .I had a tub of dried food as he prefers it to the tins