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Mazfromnorf Report 25 Jul 2010 07:49

morning all went to the seaside yesterday only redcar but was lovely and bright ,Froggy is moving his month so will be busy we are getting some time in before he gets busy but he will be a lot nearer me then .I am hoping to get the garden done later on its got rather untidy again so once lunch is sorted i can get stuck in after church .


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Jul 2010 13:04

everyone must be gate crashing the party Aunty your blonde one sounds very focussed,
A cousin has phoned me so later on I am going to phone her and see what she knows about my elusive stapleys .as she is one originally ,she is a farmer so should be good to visit eventually


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Jul 2010 13:18

Happy birthday to Ava...lucky girl having such a fuss made of her!

Glad you had a good day out yesterday Maz; it will be so much easier for you to visit once Frog is living closer.

YG- camera is on charge so that the hunky fireman ( or at least their shiny engines and long hoses) can be downloaded lol

We're trying to stay awake long enough to do a bit of food shopping this afternoon. Now where did I leave my Nectar and RAC cards? Somewhere so safe, that I can't find them lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 25 Jul 2010 16:17

Yep, I know that feeling DET...........I put something in a safe place and the only person it's safe from is ME. It's sometimes months before I find my safe place.

I love York but it's too far south for me to get back in time for my son getting home.

Hopefully I'll be able to meet up with Maz at Chester-le-Street one day between 2nd & 13th. The rest of the holidays I'll have my son all day and won't be able to get out.


YG Report 25 Jul 2010 20:17

Evening everyone. Wonder if LG is still standing lol!! Bet she is exhausted now! Hope you had a great party LG.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Jul 2010 20:46

lol - LG is probably having a sneaky go on the inflatable slide !

There should be a couple of photos in your email box YG. We (or rather OH) had a bit of a problem downloading them and he actually managed to lose the only one which had real live fireman. Sorry about that :(

Hope Pauline and Maz will be able to get together....a nice treat for two nice people.


YG Report 25 Jul 2010 21:11

Got them thanks, DET! Sent you an e-mail.

The thought of LG on the slide!! It makes the mind boggle!! Although I must confess, it reminds me of the day I arrived back from South Africa! My granddaughter arrived home from school (aged 5) and immediately requested that Gran played on the slide with her. Fine, until she demanded that I came down on my back, head first!! I've never been the same since lol!!


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Jul 2010 07:19

Morning all off on the train later on I am looking forward to th einterview but the logistics of getting there is a pain but do able .I am hoping the new units are accessible if i am not successful but there are other providers in the area of similar work .
Pauline I am sure we can meet up then The second week may be better so suggest a day and i will get there .
I have found a good free discount card for travel cafes in stations its called Bite and you can get it free online seems quite good
YG next week in the dungeon lol only if you want to we may find the boss lol


LaGooner Report 26 Jul 2010 09:03

Morning all, LOL Maz the dungeon is my second home. Watch out I am not lurking in a dark corner waiting to pounce!!!!

Had a great party yesterday but now left with a kitchen that looks like the blittz .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Jul 2010 10:37

Morning all. Glad you had a good day yesterday LG.....and good luck with the interview Maz.

Beta Male has one of those Bite Cards as he works next to one of the main London Stations and often gets his lunch there. I'll have to ask him how it works. It's either a discount on the cost, or collect 'points'.

Not sure what we are up to today, apart from going to the bank in the village. This jet lag is taking far longer to get over than it did 2 years ago. Must be old age :(

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 26 Jul 2010 12:29

Good luck with the interview Maz.
Any day except a Tuesday will be fine with me, but if you want to go to the market it'll have to be a Friday.

Never mind DET, you've got plenty of time to recover before you go again.........well, I think you have.

YG, I don't fancy going down a slide head first - on my back, my sister's granddaughter had me going down feet first - on my back and that was bad enough. My head was banging off the slide all the way down.

Wonder if LG's got the mess cleared up yet.


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Jul 2010 16:04

Afternoon interview went OK not sure if I am strong enough for the restraining procedures but they are going to see what is available the posts are Darlington,Newton Aycliff or tudhoe all round the area .
pauline what about the 13th Aug unless anything crops up


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Jul 2010 16:29

Don't worry about the restraining issues - in most cases you would be given a personal alarm and everyone comes a-running. Problem child is 5ft nothing and less than 9 stone and can handle adult, overweight males, admittedly not by herself, but when the rage takes them, noone could. You'd be given training on restraint + guidance how to talk them down so the situation doesn't arise.

The missing cards have come to light!!! They were in the same 'safe place' where we keep the suitcase padlocks.... we always forget where we put them as well- lol

Assuming the family stay in the States, we probably won't go again until 2012. If we can work it, we will try to co-incide with the Olympics and rent out our house out to help with the cost. Probably wishful thinking, but.......??


YG Report 26 Jul 2010 17:56

Evening everyone.

Maz, we must do the dungeons!! Just make sure there is some eye candy there to give me the kiss of life, if needed lol!!

I'm sure you would be ok with restraining too. My friend's daughter is like DET's problem child and she is ok. Good luck. I hope you are successful.



YG Report 26 Jul 2010 19:49

Hoooooowwwwl!!! it's a full moon tonight!!!!


Elizabethofseasons Report 26 Jul 2010 19:52

Dear All


Hope you are all okay!

Dear YG.....Yowwwww, to you too!

Meeting of vampires and unruly malcontents is held at usual place.
Please bring set of spare teeth and broomstick.

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Jul 2010 19:56

O no will keep my windows closed ,Well we will find her in the dungeons then its not far from the station to walk either lol
I am shattered i have done a load of walking today .I have been offered the job its in Darlington so as long as buses are accessible and they are satisfied I will be safe so i have some homework with the personel again


YG Report 26 Jul 2010 20:23

Elizabeth, LG will bring the broomstick and I'll supply the teeth!! You won't recognise LG though, as she does tend to grow hair at certain times of the year! Say no more, nudge, nudge, wink, wink!!

Congratulations Maz. A fresh start for you. Will you still have the usual holidays, or are we going to lose you at the end of October?
Talking of which, is there any chance of setting a date so I can book my tickets early for the best price?


LaGooner Report 26 Jul 2010 20:38

Howllllllllllllllllllllllllll, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. LOL

Broomstick and fangs at the ready. Who fancies a bite ??? LOL


Elizabethofseasons Report 26 Jul 2010 20:43

Dear LaGooner


Hope you are okay.

Friendly and polite vampires and werewolfs, please!

I even ask if folk object when I bite 'em!

Can someone help me with the cauldron? Its a bit heavy, you know!

Take gentle care
Very best wishes