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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Jul 2010 09:30

Good morning...hope you are making the most of the weather if it is good where you are. If Aunty is starting on the garden, at least she won't have to spend too long each day over there, until the light goes. Isn't gardening OH's domain , anyway? Hire a rotavator, then seed or turf it and stick a few plants in pots...sorted, lol.

Hope the cooking goes well today LG. Beta males bday was yesterday, not that he was around. I can vividly remember trying to assemble a 'Thomas the Tank engine' cake years ago, late at night. It was so warm, the sweet 'funnels' etc kept sliding off the butter icing - lol!

Hope Maz and YG manage to sort out a play day together. Is Pauline going to manage to get there as well, or is that for the future? Hopefully we can get the photos downloaded today, if OH can stay awake long enough.

Good luck with the interview Maz. Hopefully there won't be any lifting involved.

Most of the washing is done, just the ironing to plod through, and then the bills to sort out. Thank goodness for internet banking. Pauline is need a holiday to get over a holiday - lol


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 09:49

Good morning DET - I wll send my ironing down too if you would like some more! I hate it!

LG will be up to her elbows in fat, sugar and goodness knows what else. Wonder if the birthday girl will have a hand in too, helping grannie do the mixing lol!

I think the garden may be beckoning me later on!! Unfortunately it will mean working in it, not sitting and enjoying it!

Pauline is very welcome to join us, if she able to. It will help me keep Maz under control!

Great excitement this morning ...... a fire engine, lights flashing and sirens blaring, went into the park straight across the road from me! Pity I was still in my jimjams, otherwise I would have likely been racing up the park after it!!


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Jul 2010 09:59

a play day lol i have a 2 for 1 for the york dungeon . tues 3rd or thurs sounds good , Wot do you mean maz under control lol I am not looking for Firemen lol
how many nutters will we find in there lol ?
DET you can do my ironing too
Pauline needs to be nearer than York I think It would have to be Newcastle ,gateshead area . but a good Idea


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 20:14

Oooh Maz, that's scary, the Dungeon!! Maybe they won't let us out!!!

Hope we can take some photos lol!!

Bet LG is buried under a sack of flour!


AuntySherlock Report 24 Jul 2010 21:57

Morning. Well we inspected the exterior and just couldn't decide where to begin. Think some of the tasks are beyond our capabilities so might have to resort to an expert's assistance.

So daughter tidied the garden and I cleaned the windows. Very interesting cleaning windows all day, because as DET says when it gets dark you can't see anything. Which is great for cleaning windows because you can't see the smudges.

It appears you are all fine. I think about you all when I am unable to talk to you. I have done no family history for a couple of weeks now. Just replied to a PM I had about someone in my tree. Don't think it is the same rellie but I've asked the person to put a request for help on the boards.

I am hoping this renovations bit will be finished in a couple of weeks. There are still a few major jobs to be done and I think the blonde one is tiring of the whole idea. Don't blame her but she remains steadfast in her ideas of what she wishes to achieve.


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 22:04

coooeeeeeeeeee. just looking in quick before getting my shower. I did get some help from the little birthday girl. She ate more decorations than were put on the small cakes and biscuits LOL. Her actual birthday cake has been professionally made it is absolutely wonderful,too good to eat LOL


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 22:14

Boo LG!! You have managed to surface from the bottom of the flour sack then!!


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 22:15

Hi YG. Only just what a day. We are catering for about 60 people . You know my girl she does nothing by halves LOL


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 22:24

Good grief LG!! You shouldn't have such a big family lol!!


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 22:28

LOL YG Hailey also has quite a few friends coming with their kids. It will be a good do with alarge inflatable slide for the kids, a friend is doing a disco with songs and games for children. Plus she plays adults requwsts,guess what is top of my list LOL


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 22:34

Oh no!!!!! All the neighbours will need ear plugs!!!


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 22:36

We are hiring a village hall,so at least my poor neighbour won't have to suffer LOL


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 22:46

I hope you all have a great time. I know someone who will be exhausted at the end of it all!!

But you have time to recover before the next one!!


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 22:48

Next one will be Hailey's in a couple of weeks LOL


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 22:53

Mine too, so we can have a joint party!!


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 22:56

Now there is a great idea. Perhaps we can have it at our local firestation. Hailey spotted a couple of fit firemen on our Rainbow visit LOL


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 23:04

That would do me fine lol!! There seem to be plenty of them around at the moment!


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 23:09

Plenty to share round then Yg. LOL


YG Report 24 Jul 2010 23:13

Ooooh yes!! And I would share lol!!

Am off to bed now and hoping to have sleep in, at least for a while tomorrow if the terrors let me!!

If I don't catch you in the morning, have a super day and give Ava a big kiss and cuddle from me.

Sleep well LG x


LaGooner Report 24 Jul 2010 23:18

Nite nite.YG. I will probably be on for a while in the evening if I don't fall asleep in the chair. I will give her a hug and a kiss with pleasureJust had a thought I must remember to take my camera with me as she will look gorgeous in her Snow White costume.