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RockyMountainShy Report 2 Aug 2010 01:07

Hey, this is the only place I CAN boast without getting a dirty look (that I can see)

You all sound like you're all enjoying your holidays, that's good


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Aug 2010 08:30

Morning all
i bumped the Rowley thread for aunty to look at ,I had a hot match that left me wondering about Rowleys hubby .I cant get Australia in perspective enough For Distance .
I am lookng for a convent Death but that is missing too
Am going to ring about the Job today to do bank work to make sure i am doing the right thing I am also cleaning the house lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Aug 2010 10:31

Course you can boast RMS! It's good to see you have time to post again. Hope the parents are both progressing nicely. :)

Maz, mess around with maps google, and ask for directions from, say, one of the other places Rowley lived. That would gives the miles and help with the perspective. Aunty must have fallen down a rabbit hole in the Blonde one's over grown garden, or sown her fingers on to the curtains she was supposed to be making!

If you know the convent's name, why not track it down and contact them? They may still have a record. Not sure if you mean she was a nun or a patient, but they should know.

Internet is still on a go slow - sigh :(


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Aug 2010 10:57

just got back from vets so ouch bill one of cats has a fungus infection ,Thats life it will take a while to go but it will clear eventually .
The nuns dont keep records I e-mailed them years ago for dates etc which they gave but i would like to get the reg number to log She was a sister
The Aussie bit will play with and see what happens there is no rush .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Aug 2010 11:02

Sorry about the vet bill. Any chance you can take out an insurance for them?

If you haven't already done so, but the Sister's birth name as well as religious name on the Ask the Nutter's thread. Yob, last know residential area and when she was last known to be alive, and someone can have a look. You could always add her to 'your' tree on Ancestry (not connected to anyone else) and see if that will throw up a death record, or allow you to search.


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Aug 2010 12:35

I have got her thanks I got the diocese records somehow they were available .I e-mailed them this morning
I dont have this puss insured as he is never poorly he is a lot happier now bless him .The vet said he's gorgeous being and old boy he will have to heal slowly .as they dont like doing risky treatments on the older boys .

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 2 Aug 2010 13:20

Hope the bill wasn't too bad Maz, but you know he's worth it. I never had any of my cats insured but they weren't often bad - so it was probably cheaper the way we did it.

I can't brag about my paperwork being tidy, I've got it all over the dining table and the table is barley visible..........just a well we don't eat in here.

Hope you're having a relaxing time LG.

How are your parents RMS?


RockyMountainShy Report 2 Aug 2010 18:24

A Question:
If you saw a car spinning out of control coming towards you, would you :

a) scream
b) reach of your seat belt buckle and try and get out
c) hope your seat belt holds

Remember you just have seconds to react!

My parents are coming along nicely thanks :-)))))))))). My Dad is just waiting for his bones to heal and my Mum is getting her confidence in walking back (not sure how she lost it, but whatever).


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Aug 2010 18:29

Hmm. Can we have more than one answer? Probably hope the seat belt holds and try to steer put of the way. (whilst screaming) Is this something you've discussed with your father? There is probably nothing he could have done to make the impact less. Hope he isn't beating himself up about it.

OH tried to tidy this desk up today. Grr off!! lol. At least the papers are now in a neat(ish) pile.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 2 Aug 2010 18:38

Think I'd probably scream and turn the steering wheel as hard as possible, or maybe freeze with shock!!


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Aug 2010 18:57

I would close my eyes maybe its a hard one My desk is tidy and i have dusted it lol however the table is not as its work in progress .I have accepted the Job on Bank staff and once my CRB and references are in I willl have some work .I am looking forward to the challenge and hope to find a permanent job within the year with them
Am not in york tomorrow so it will be york look out on thursday lol


LaGooner Report 2 Aug 2010 20:42

I'm watching you lot LOL O-O

Having a good rest nice and relaxing


YG Report 2 Aug 2010 21:08

Boo LG!! Is there no safe haven!! You have eyes in the back of your head lol!!


YG Report 2 Aug 2010 21:13

Well I now have two fence posts (one additional one for extra stability!). They are now waiting for the cement to set and will be back tomorrow (weather permitting) to complete the fencing.


LaGooner Report 2 Aug 2010 21:29

LOL YG How long will this one last ????. Sitting here doing a bit of tree research before bed. Oh is quite happy playing his ds games and it is soooo peaceful although chalet we are in is rather old hat just like Hi de Hi. I keep expecting to be woken up with the tannoy saying morning campers LOL. It is comfy and suits us forwhat we need though LOL


YG Report 2 Aug 2010 22:03

Pleased you're enjoying the rest LG. I can come along and give you a wake up call if you like!!

Received my bi-monthy copy of the local council's magazine this morning. Guess what was on the front cover ........................................

A fire engine and two fireman!! What a way to start the day lol!!!

I've already told the guys doing the fence that I'll see them again in a few months!!


LaGooner Report 2 Aug 2010 22:09

Have you framed the mag LOL. ????. You would have to travel a bit of a way for the wake up call and have you got a yellow jacket to hand?? Hi de Hi !!! LOL


YG Report 2 Aug 2010 22:13

I've got a black one. I'll get Maz to soak it in her custard vat! That'll do!!


LaGooner Report 2 Aug 2010 22:23

LOL might be a bit soggy. You'll need a xylophone too!!!


LaGooner Report 2 Aug 2010 22:35

Right we are off to bed for an early night as we are off out early in the morning so hope to catch you tomorrow, Sleep well nite nite x