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Mazfromnorf Report 7 Aug 2010 18:23

lol footy words not the other ones


LaGooner Report 7 Aug 2010 20:44

And what is wrong with footie words ?????? . Just a quick look in to see what's going on. x


LaGooner Report 7 Aug 2010 20:46

And is it not a certain Yorkie Lady's birthday about now ????? Happy birthday if I have got it right. If not have it in advance or belated LOL


AuntySherlock Report 7 Aug 2010 22:43

Good morning. Or good evening your time.

House renovations are progressing. One step forward and twenty seven steps back. Daughter's catch phrase is "nothing ever goes right", but we are learning from our mistakes.

I too have noticed your footy season starts soon. Four page spread in our newspaper. Please note LG, I have a two page chart on when every game will be played. Rummage, rummage, search look. Sorry, I HAD a two page chart, must have used it to wrap the dog droppings. And I know which players are leave Arsenal (all of them by the looks of it) and that what's his face, Fabbo, is not happy.

Happy birthday to whoever's birthday it is was or will be. Have you now reached the age when you start counting backwards. You get to be a year younger each year.

Hope you enjoyed your excursion OS DET. If I had good manners I would read back over the thread and find out what has been happening. Later, maybe, later. And thanks for the message.

Hello to northerly Maz, Pauline, Elizabeth, YG and anyone else who has peered around the Nut Lodge door and wondered what the heavens is going on. Hi to any lurkers who are quietly travelling through the thread.

Off to renovators haven this morning to buy more essential things for nail, gluing, potting, or putting into the house. And then to footy late this afternoon to watch my team get beaten, again!!

I do think about you all and I will be back!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Aug 2010 23:04

Good to see you again Aunty...even if just for a flying visit. Perhaps Maz ought to lend you a broomstick (suitably turbo charged) to help you be in two places at once. Would the Blonde One appreciate any help from the CPs???? Just had a thought...I think my cousin's 25 year old son and his mate are knocking around Australia at the moment. Do you want me to see if they are near enough to give a hand in exchange for bed and board?

Ooh - LG has popped in again! Hope the rellie hunting goes well. Any major traffic jams this time?

So, when does YG have a birthday? Go on, spill the beans.


Elizabethofseasons Report 7 Aug 2010 23:19

Dear All


Hope you are all okay.

Thank you DET, I escaped through the secret door!

All these swear words!

I put my foot down and made all in the household help with cleaning and sorting out.

Blimey, the things you find.

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Aug 2010 07:32

morning all YG her birthday was yesterday I knew and forgot to mention it as well
Happy birthday for yesterday YG
Aunty good to see you again dont overdo it ,we do miss you very much the thread is bare without your epistles
LG how are the rellies are thye in the right place or any surprises ,I have been right through my file and discovered just how much checking I need to do I have a book full of srcibbles too
Andrew is back I am on the fourth wash with at least two to go He is now on standby for the tall ships work so is in bed as i type but I now have to feed him lol I hope church has enough for him as wer are there today .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Aug 2010 09:55

Belated Happy Birthday to YG. 21 again??? Hope you had a special day with a visit to or from the littlies and offspring. :-0

Your book of scibbles sounds as bad as my pile of papers. Go to try to file it, and discover something is missing,,,and off we go up a connecting branch. Finding it soooo hard to ignore distant married ins.


YG Report 8 Aug 2010 10:04

Good morning one and all!! Welcome back Aunty, you have been missed!

Thank you for your birthday wishes. A friend took me out for a meal last night and we had a lovely evening. My family are away so I will have another celebration next weekend!!

I have decided that I am not old, I am chronologically gifted! At my age everything comes with a lifetime guarantee!

The sun is shining here this morning so I need to finish tidying up one corner of the garden before the rain comes again for the next few days! Have we had summer now or is the heat going up when I go back to work, lol!.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Aug 2010 14:51

Belated birthday wishes YG, glad to see you went out for a nice meal to celebrate.

We've got sunshine today as well, it's really warm.

I was out yesterday and forgot to let Elizabeth out of the padded cell, just as well DET told her about the secret door.


YG Report 8 Aug 2010 17:37

Thank you Pauline.

The sun is out again here now, but it turned quite overcast throughout the day, although we didn't have any rain.

I've done a bit of gardening, but am a little tired today, so have sat in the garden reading too!

I tidied all the side border at the back of the bungalow and now the neighbour's gardener has just trimmed all the conifer on the boundary fence and it is all over my tidy border arrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!! Another job for tomorrow!!


David Report 8 Aug 2010 18:34

Nice to know your'e still there


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Aug 2010 19:11

hello again my son is back he has been on here all day lol
i was going to do allsorts but i did a bit of gardening pulling back some of the shrubs that have gone over
evening david


YG Report 8 Aug 2010 19:31

Hi Maz, thanks for the pm.

Just had a light tea and now relaxing!


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Aug 2010 19:34

hi there thats OK i felt awful i was with you on tuesday too .i am just catching up while this is free at the moment


YG Report 8 Aug 2010 19:51

You are losing it girl!!! It was Thursday, lol!!


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Aug 2010 20:16

lol yep i am I am multi tasking lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Aug 2010 08:52

Good morning - hope you are all well. Looks as if it going to be a wet day 'oop norf' - no laundry for you! We are supposed to be having our wet day tommorrow.

Problem child is having a friend come to stay for a few days, so suppose I'd better make an effort and tidy up - a lot of it is the offsprings opened and discarded post. I DO wish they would file or shred it!


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Aug 2010 09:24

morning i have the same problem i stuff it all in the darwer because I then cant be accused of losing the vital bit lol
I have washed ironed cleaned etc am hoping to do the garden later on but rain is forcast .I have a bit of hedge that needs a clip so will have a go at that .I have to go down and sign the CRB stuff tomorrow its a train ride so although its not far it is very awkward to get to .but it is only the office .Froggy may be free to take me and then we will go into preston park as its nearby

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 9 Aug 2010 10:18

Oh, I didn't know it was going to rain today, I've got all the towels out, one wash-load nearly finished and another waiting to go in. I need it to stay fine.

Edit: Forgot to say ....... morning everyone!