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LaGooner Report 15 Jun 2010 09:02

Speak for yourself DET LOL. Those damn things drive us crazy too. Surely the players can't concentrate with all that row. In my opinion they should be banned from the ground completely. I remeber years ago someone behind me in the stands with an air horn. I'll let you guess what I told him to do with it LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Jun 2010 09:14

A minority LG, a minority!

DET - not interested
Aunty - Doesn't like FIFA soccer
YG - not interested
Maz - no comment but grumbles when A hogs the TV and PC when a match is on.
RMS - no comment
Pauline - not available
LG - likes it

So.......... 3 not really interested. 1 probably not. 2 no comments and 1 follower (+EoS)

But each to her own. And at least those who do, aren't obsessed. :)


AuntySherlock Report 15 Jun 2010 10:50

Hi everyone I have really great news.

The Australian media seems to think that Germany was our biggest hurdle. They have been very quick to inform us that we should be able to lick Serbia and the other team we have to play (Ghana or something) with one hand tied behind our backs. Our soccer players hands, that it. As soccer seems to be a game with no use for hands I reckon they should tie both behind their backs.

Only time will tell but the biggest news item is not about the soccer it is about the trumpet accompaniments.

I also think the average Australian is quite ready to purchase one of these musical instruments for the sole purpose of blowing raspberries at the media.

I have sent the CPs to South Africa to tutor the Aussie team in play acting. OK it's a bit unfair but I figured we need the help more than the English team does. They are already very skilled at that process!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aunty runs away, as quickly as her aching body will allow!!


Mazfromnorf Report 15 Jun 2010 14:51

hi there its a lovely sunny day here all laundry is dry and the cats are sunbathing bellies up lol on the concrete by the back door


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Jun 2010 15:22

Glad you've got some sun! I had a quick potter in the garden earlier, and it is deffinately on the parky side, considering I was already wearing a T Shirt and cardigan. If I was intending to stay out any longer, another layer would have been needed!

Has the decorating caught up with your muscles then Aunty? Perhaps that should read the muscles have caught up with the decorating - lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Jun 2010 23:06

I've deaded it!!

Night all


AuntySherlock Report 16 Jun 2010 00:37

Can't let you claim it. I didn't post this morning because I had some work work I wanted to complete before coming to work.

You will all be in bed by now. Catch you when you wake up.


Mazfromnorf Report 16 Jun 2010 06:52

morning all
another lovely day today we have a teddy bears picnic at school today so no cooking just loads of sandwiches ,i am not sure which is esier in bulk however the no pans washing up is the perk ,
i also have an eye test later on new specs probably i do get a voucher so will see what the ouch is lol


Mazfromnorf Report 16 Jun 2010 13:51

aww poor little thread no-one has even opened the curtains


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 Jun 2010 16:21

Yawwwwnnnnn. Is it the afternoon already? lol.

Been busy earning a crust (no, not the left over ones from the Teddy Bears picnic). And there is work work to be done all day tomorrow, and Friday afternoon, until at least 1630. Yuk.

Voucher frames aren't toooo bad Maz, if you do need glasses. You may want to consider asking for the lenses to be put in an older pair of frames you may have, if it works out cheaper. Pair of glasses, but is it a pair of frames as well? Hmmm.


Mazfromnorf Report 16 Jun 2010 16:53

the ouch was ok 50 quid cheaper than last time i went to as!! and not sp ,s
its very warm here just got a cooked chicken to chop up for tea
teddy bears picnic was good though they dont comunicate with any one we were told one number given a different list then they were short but not really cos someone was trying to take over lol Got finished an hour early


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 Jun 2010 16:56

Tis warm out of the breeze, but with a north easterly wind, a bit nippy in it! The washing should be dry, which is a good thing. Glad you made a bit of a saving on the specs.

Thought you must have got home earlier than normal. Sounds as if it was a case of too many chiefs with the ordering!


Mazfromnorf Report 16 Jun 2010 17:31

DET they love to poke in some folk instead of asking who ordered lol
we had no clearing up cos it was all wrapped mind i would rather cook dinner cos its easier . all my washing is dry here its lovely


Mazfromnorf Report 16 Jun 2010 20:50

poor little thread it gets abandoned when the sun comes out lol .its a lovely evening again


Elizabethofseasons Report 16 Jun 2010 21:03

Dear All


Hope you are keeping okay.

The sunset is late tonight. They have been really good.

Just watching the World Cup match between South Africa and Uruguay.

An awful lot of football on the TV!

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


AuntySherlock Report 16 Jun 2010 21:45

Morning all. Just received an email from an historical society over on the east coast. I ask them some questions about OHs great grandparents and they have information to send to me. Whoo hoo another step forward.

Still waiting to hear from GRO and my Mr Hill.

By the way if you have people who served in the Australian Defence Forces during WW1, ie the AIF, try googling AIF project and then search by name. The information is amazing. They look at the service records and then make that info into a presentation about the person. I have found two of my rellies and requested a third be included and he has been. Think I might put that info on the Tips Board in case someone is interested.

Very cold here this morning and we have a few days of rain forecast. OH is going back to daughter's place today to continue with the painting. I think I'm rostered on for Sunday.

We are going to a cocktail party on Saturday night. Frock up, high heels and probably stand around for a couple of hours making small talk. I do hope they remember the chairs for the old folks.


LaGooner Report 16 Jun 2010 22:11

Hellooooooo all.


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jun 2010 06:31

morning warm day again its lovely ,busy day although the count down to the holidays is doing well 5 weeks tomorrow .lots going on all over the place with trips sports days etc


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jun 2010 14:16

morning all hope you remember your sun lotion you will need it lol Hope everyone is OK


Mazfromnorf Report 17 Jun 2010 19:32

thats it i have killed it lol