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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Jun 2010 20:16

Not quite! Been working, food shopping, then when I booted up and wandered off while it did its 'thing', OH nipped in, Grrr.

How is the job hunting Maz? Anything suitable yet? At least with the trips out, there should be less to cater for.

Aunty - re your solar panels. Now it is your winter, and less sun, is are they still producing electricity when its cloudy?

Glad you've found another source of FH info. Strange how the Australians have a 'Defence' force, and most other European countries have an 'Armed' force.


LaGooner Report 17 Jun 2010 20:52

Hellooooooo all.

Maz you are not allowed to kill this thread that is my privilage LOL


AuntySherlock Report 17 Jun 2010 21:57

I don't know if our army navy, airforce are usually called defence forces or armed services. I have called them defence forces for many years.

Received an email from GRO. Lucked out on the first search for Mr Hill. This is very frustrating because his enlistment papers are very exact about his age; 28 years 4 months in February 1916. Starting to accept the theory he really did not know. Anyway I am continuing the search into 1888 this time.

Solar panels. Even though it is very cold we still have some sunshine on most days. As I understand it while the sun shines the panels store electricity, which we use and the excess power generated over our needs is returned to the grid. We receive a payment for that returned power. When it is overcast or dark we use the power normally from the grid and are charged for it.

Make sense?? I hope.

I have been putting old photos into my Ancestry family tree. They really brighten up the pages and I am quite pleased with the result.

Tomorrow your time is the next FMP open house isn't it. I see they have changed the rules and you can register anytime in the 24 hrs of the day England play, for a 90 minute search session. I will be able to do that while you lot are sleeping because it will be Saturday over here. I think, I hope!!!

You are all making me envious with your warm weather, despite the fact that our temperature range is between zero and 14-16 degrees. Yes DET there is still that range in the temps and the sun does shine in the afternoonn providing it is not raining.


AuntySherlock Report 17 Jun 2010 22:49

Just found an email from FMP about their new improved BMD indexes, and of course their new scale of charges for people like me who use credits on their site.

You won't have to search through pages of info anymore to find a birth, they have them digitised. You will be charged 5 credits per search, instead of one. However there will be less to look through so it will save you credits.

They have just completed the births, and will be doing the marriages and deaths later..........


RockyMountainShy Report 17 Jun 2010 22:56

Warm weather??? What is that ?????????? -{:_(((((((((((((((((((

We're supposed to be 24 we're 17 and cloudy and it is trying to rain AGAIN!

Speaking of pictures, I have a picture from a distant cousin with no name and nobody knows who she is. Like he said "At times family finds can be so frustrating" AARRGGHH


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Jun 2010 00:21

Stick to Ancestry or Freebmd Aunty, which will either cost you nothing, or already included in your sub.

I know the feeling RMS re the weather. Although the thermometer got up to 24 (in the sun) today, with the 'cooling' N Easterly breeze, it certainly didn't feel like it. At least I shed the thick cardigan, even though my arms were still covered.

We'd like to have solar panels, but they are no way cost effective, and as our south facing roof is also faces the street, I'm not too sure if we would get planning permission.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jun 2010 06:46

morning the sun is hiding today but not cold it does look like rain but it is supposed to be dry .


AuntySherlock Report 18 Jun 2010 08:09

DET Re the solar panels. Is your government/councils/governing bodies pushing alternative energy solutions. I can not see why you would need planning approval and the panels are really not all that bad to look at.

In Oz we have a lean towards alternative energy. It means that these panels are available to us at a greatly reduced cost. And I mean greatly reduced, about two thirds off the original price. There are all sorts of rebates and grants to make it easier to purchase them. We certainly would not have bought them if we had to pay the full price.

Hey it's early days yet. I am still waiting for our first electricity bill since installation. I am not fully convinced. If it aint really really low I'm off to chuck rocks on the roof.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Jun 2010 10:26

Morning Maz and everyone still up. There is a TV prog on BBC1 at the moment and they mentioned Barnard Castle, so I'll have to go and have a look in a minute!

There are grants available for solar panels, but there is only so much available, and you have to get in v quickly once the funds are released. With the government cuts, who knows if it is ring fenced. Planning regs can be rather odd, if it effects the visual aspect of the house, although OH has pointed out that there is a a precedent with another house in our road which has them. Although not relevant with this topic, there have been incidents when the council person in charge of Listed Buildings (old/historical interest) says that renovations have to follow certain criteria to attempt to preserve the original features, but the Planning office says they have to follow current specs. A rock and a hard place, comes to mind.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jun 2010 14:10

all green power is encouraged here but has to be inkeeping with the buildings ,which is as DET says pain to negotiate windturbines are a plenty in this area ,there are a few folk around here who have only just or not connected to the national grid .they have tapped in to grants to get panels ,also the watermills ae being renovated with grants
the sun is out now and my washing is in so hopeing to get it all done ready for weekend


YG Report 18 Jun 2010 19:38

Evening everyone.

Hope you are all ok.


LaGooner Report 18 Jun 2010 20:17

Hi stranger where you been hiding LOL


YG Report 18 Jun 2010 20:59

Boo LG!!

If I could say I had been doing something enjoyable with a fireman, I would!! But I haven't unfortunately.

How are you?


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jun 2010 21:00

boo hi there


YG Report 18 Jun 2010 21:12

Hi Maz!! How are you?


LaGooner Report 18 Jun 2010 21:28

Evening YG and Maz. Just been watching the footie. What a waste of my time LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jun 2010 21:30

am fine been looking for rellies have put a real puzzle up on ask the nutters ,now i am going to hide been interogating mum ,how are you


Mazfromnorf Report 18 Jun 2010 21:32

footie was that what it was lol


LaGooner Report 18 Jun 2010 21:36

More like schoolgirls playing LOL


YG Report 18 Jun 2010 21:36

Even I watched it!! I don't know why!!!