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Mazfromnorf Report 5 Jun 2010 10:35

well u can sat nav it to me lol he probably will fix it he could zap it lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Jun 2010 21:25

Is this a stand off - waiting to see who will break first and bring the thread back to page 1? lol

Hope you have all had a good day, and enjoyed the last of the sun for a while. BBQ went well and the guests have gone off clubbing for the evening. Sick bucket(s) all ready for their return lol


LaGooner Report 5 Jun 2010 21:45

All the family gone home now Too DET. Nice peaceful evening just me OH and tv LOL


AuntySherlock Report 5 Jun 2010 22:04

My team won. We beat the second place team. It was a very exciting game and I can not believe they won.

I went and saw the ambulance team, gave them a pile of goodies for their afternoon tea and thanked them for taking care of me.

So today it is off to the library and to lunch.
Hope you all have a restful day and it doesn't get too warm. Groan!!! It is about 5 degrees here celsius that is!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jun 2010 22:08

Oh well done Aunty's team. What are they called by the way ???


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Jun 2010 22:38

Whoa Hoo!! Well done Aunty's footie team. See, they do have it in them! That's a very kind gesture to take goodies for the First Aid team.

Enjoy the libary and the that order? What is OH going to do while you are pouring over dusty tombs?

Sometimes we wish we could have a quiet evening by ourselves. There is always the concern that there will be a panic phone call from PC to say she's pranged her car again, or from BM asking for a lift home lol


LaGooner Report 5 Jun 2010 22:50

Take the phone of the hook and turn off mobile . Let them sort it out themselves !!!! LOL


AuntySherlock Report 5 Jun 2010 23:56

I am going in by train and will meet OH in town. He will drive in and we we go home together. Logistic, logistics.

Maz are you there. Last minute questions, from my list of things to do.

Names are Amos John (or JA) and maybe Grace. Amos John's parents would not have been with them. Date is around 1958. Now have you any idea of which State they would have arrived in. We can't find a marriage and I can not search for marriages after 1959. (Hmm not certain about that if I am using the fiche records).

What say I concentrate on NSW for the State. Will also take a look for Rowley's info in the Centre of Oz.

Anthing else I have forgotten.

Edit. Yes I have forgotten what time it is over there. Almost midnight. You are probably curled up on the lilypad fast asleep. Never mind. I will probably bring back more questions than answers. Catch you later.


AuntySherlock Report 6 Jun 2010 00:32

Testing testing. Check out the name!!

You can see I am bored waiting for the time to pass.

Wonder what else I can do.


LaGooner Report 6 Jun 2010 07:37

Oh very pretty Aunty. LOL.

Morning one and all. Looking at the sky here I think I will have to launch Arsenal ArkRoyal LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Jun 2010 07:38

morning all how are you all well here we are PC a little better been de gunged data rearranged off a tiny hardrive to another one .there were some infections on a file so that has gone .it is a lot better but may need a fan or power supply soon so .time will tell .Aunty i think you have all the right info we have a death for one of them 1997 approx .unsure where though .the rain looks as if its advancing here so am not going to do any washing .
we had a lovely BBQ which i did while froggy was fixing this .son was in all day yesterday on a ps3 but we were able to enjoy the gaden together .we are planning our trip to mums pricing the cost it looks cheaper to hire a car than two train tickets this time ..
if we meet in london he is going to rest in Hastings and enjoy a break lol


LaGooner Report 6 Jun 2010 07:54

Morning Maz. rest what's that LOL. lucky frog!!!!!!. Just looking in quick before starting today's decorating. I had great plans to get stuck in Friday but decided I did not feel up to it so had a day off !! As they are hoping to move in before the end of this week I am trying to make up for lost time.


AuntySherlock Report 6 Jun 2010 07:56

Well you won't have any problems sailing it over here. It has been raining all day.

Lucked out on the research Maz. Can tell you when they were not in Australia but not when they were. I think we need to start from them leaving UK and arriving in Oz and take it from there. Also it might be handy to find out when they were married.

Did a lot of searching for Rowley and then remembered she was married before she came to Oz. Duh. Did not have her married name. Oh yes I have it here somewhere. Next time, next time.

Lunch was nice. Well as nice as can be had sitting for two hours with about thirty geriatric ex-service personnel. The food was excellent.


LaGooner Report 6 Jun 2010 08:01

Rain is just starting, very light at the moment but the forcast is very heavy showers and Thunderstorms !!! Poor OH is off Racing this afternoon I think he may get wet. He is going to be one mighty grumpy bunny when he gets in LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Jun 2010 08:27

Aunty thanks anyway its a case of elimination again then lol well i am gearing up for work in the morning so need to keep the momentum going today we have a murky sky but just spotting so far sometimes it is kept from us by the pennines .have got a chicken cooking for lunch as no matter how hot it gets son will always eat a roast lunch ..
hope you dont work too hard LG you need a break too y the sounds of it
we should have a retreat at the lodge arrange a pamper session lol and do FH at the same time away from everything lol ,i am in better shape for relaxing this week though


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Jun 2010 09:11

Morning all - love the twiddley bits Aunty! At least 2 hours wasn't toooo long to suffer the stories you've heard many times before lol. Hope the temps rose from the 5C from yesterday pre dawn.

We had a lovely thunderstorm and torrential rain last night. The Ark Royal would have floated off its Slip without having to be launched!!!

The Clubbers arrived home very noisily in the early hours, and the sick bowl has disappeared from the prominent place lol. Lots of sporadic movement during the night, so at least one of them must have been making use of it!!!

Very overcast, but the birds are singing, so might be able to get the washing on the line, at least for a while.


AuntySherlock Report 6 Jun 2010 10:02

We are having trouble with pigeons.

The biggest trouble is that OH feeds them and they bring their relatives and sit around on my clothes line leaving deposits which have nothing to do with banking.

OH has acknowledged my sharp comments and has stopped feeding them but still they gather. He thought he would try a solution he heard somewhere. If you put toy snakes on the ground birds will not come near them.

OH bought two rubber snakes, placed them on the lawn and as per the instructions has been moving them around every few days. He forgot about them didn't he and while he was hanging out the washing yesterday, scared seven shades of s*** (you know what) out of himself when he spied this snake out of the corner of his eye.

And the pigeons just walk between the snakes and wait to be fed!!!


AuntySherlock Report 6 Jun 2010 10:33

Just going back to being plain me. My name at the top of the page is now


and even I can't work out that type of mathematical calculation.

Ha that's better. I had to sign out and then on again to get rid of all the percentages.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Jun 2010 11:06

Awww - the twiddle demon has struck again.

We can empathise with the pigeon problem. The car at the end of the drive is parked under a tree. There is *no way* it is safe to leave the sun roof open!!!!


AuntySherlock Report 6 Jun 2010 11:27

Oh DET just picking myself up off the floor.

You live in England and you have a car with a sun roof???!!!

That is like ummmmmm sort of like ummmmm providing snow chains for cars in Oz.