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Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jun 2010 10:46

it is but we can maybe go in the summer ,It was my treat to frog so did not want him to drive .so will have to put my thinking cap on .now
.i am doing well here lol the list is coming down well lol


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jun 2010 11:06

Hmm I am back from fitness and hot on the trail of another mystery.

A man's brother in law was informant at his funeral.

That means the husband of the deceased man's sister.

There is no other configuration is there.

Therefore I am looking for the husband of the sister of the man who died. Wonder why they all seem to have married other named people. Second marriage???

Off to do some fossicking in the BDM.

Ah ha. I am stupid aren't I. It could be his wife's sister's husband. Is that correct??

Why is there a little pink "new" next to the Search Records tab.
Oh I see it's the 1911 census.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Jun 2010 11:18

It might be better to wait until the summer anyway Maz, the weather might be a bit better, it's a bit unpredictable at the moment.

Can I just pass my list over to you?

DET, when my nephew left Uni and went to live and work in London (about 10yrs ago), my sister knocked his bedroom wall down the day after he moved out. She made his room smaller so she could make her room bigger. Luckily he liked it down there and decided to stay, if he'd come back home he would have found half his room missing. That didn't sound could he find something if it was missing?

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Jun 2010 11:20

Aunty, it could have been his wife's brother, or didn't she have a brother?

Edit: going to the shops now, anybody want anything while I'm there?


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jun 2010 11:50

Hi Pauline, I think it is his wife's sister's husband.

Same parents as wife
Different first name from wife
Found marriage between wife's sister and informant.

Now I am really confused. Going to bed.


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jun 2010 12:34

just been to the shops between showers lol ,didnt se you there pauline lol
the forcast for the week is good .so will see what happens


LaGooner Report 1 Jun 2010 13:32

Hi all, just looked in during my lunch break. I feel loads better today so far, so daughter is working me hard painting the little ones room LOL. Very pretty too I may add.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jun 2010 16:02

You can put the sniffer dogs back in their kennels - we're home. Our hearts sank when we walked in to the inlaws abode - table set for 4 with napkins and the full array of eating irons. Sigh, so much for a flying visit. And I still have to cook tonight for the resident offspring.

Hope there are no ill effects from Aunty's tying up in knots session, and it's good to hear others are on the mend. Only YG to report in now..............let's hope her muscles haven't seized up!

Wish I'd know Pauline was off to the shops, you could have saved me a trip lol


YG Report 1 Jun 2010 18:39

Evening everyone.

Finished the spring cleaning now!! Am ok, except for when I sit for a while and then I'm like an old woman till I get mobile! Alright, I know I'm getting old, so what else could I expect!!

I'm in urgent need of a fireman and his chopper to sort out an old pallet for me that I can't get in the car to take to the tip!! I need it cutting at least in half so that it will fit!!


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jun 2010 19:04

oo yg you could set it alight then call the firebrigade lol that would break it up .have you had the rain today its been bad all day here


YG Report 1 Jun 2010 19:32

Yes Maz, it's rained, and rained and .............

It's been fine, wet stuff though lol!! Not heavy rain, but constant from 11.30 this morning. I did get outside this afternoon to plant a hawthorn whip whilst it was raining. Thought it would help it settle in well. It's to fill in a gap where one must have died long ago, before I moved in, hence the pallet, which was blocking the gap!

A bit drastic, me thinks, setting it on fire, besides it's wet now lol!!

Good forecast from tomorrow, though, so may paint the front of the bungalow!! It's the only wall that needs doing as all the rest is brick!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Jun 2010 19:55

It's only Tuesday YG, you've got the rest of the week, don't try to do everything at once.

It's rained here all day as well, sometimes light, sometimes heavy but always wet.

DET, your in-laws probably thought they were doing you a good turn by cooking for you. Wish somebody would cook for me.

Glad you're feeling better LG, don't go knocking yourself out with the decorating though.

I must have missed you at the shops Maz, maybe because I had my head under a brolly.

Still no sign of RMS, wonder if she climbed too far up her tree and couldn't get back down.

I think Aunty's beginning to wish she hadn't bothered to climb up her tree.

My new carpet comes tomorrow, the one to replace the one that replaced the faulted one. I've picked a different carpet this time - even picked a different manufacturer.


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jun 2010 21:58

YG. Are you able to pull or push the pallett out onto the edge of the road so someone can steal it. Perhaps tie a pair of your unmentionables to one corner of it!!!

I've had an email from GRO asking me to phone them and discuss a search for my FW Hill. They will search over three years for pounds 9.25, or if I want it done quickly about 23 of your pounds. I must go look for a pounds symbol on this computer.

Hope everyone else is on the mend and recovering from their ailments, illnesses and self inflicted hurts.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jun 2010 23:14

Mother in law probably thinks I don't feed her little boy properly, Pauline! Was only thinking about you and your carpet the other day, when our bent furniture (from Feb) was eventually repaired! AND the TV was replaced after one month with the service people.

That's pretty good value Aunty, for the long as you can stomach the international phone call cost. If you don't already, see if you can get a computer to phone programme. We have SKYPE and it costs us something like 1p (£0.01) a minute to call to RMS's time zone. No contract, just what we put on the account in advance. But we did have to buy a microphone.

Good idea of Aunty's, for getting rid of the pallet. Or you could way lay your friendly local gardener to see if he will break it up for you! Don't some places buy pallets? Have a look in your small ads section of the local paper.

Supposed to be dry and getting warmer for the rest of the week. Will this be Flaming June at last?


YG Report 1 Jun 2010 23:16

I'd thought about that Aunty (but not the unmentionables!) Not sure it is in good enough condition for anyone to pinch!

Thinking about it though ....... the size of my unmentionables would act like a windsock, so maybe it would take flight if the wind gets up!


RockyMountainShy Report 2 Jun 2010 00:42

OK DET found me -[;-((((((((

I am sooooooooooooooooo sorry I should of been here, please forgive me *on my knees, with hands out stretched*

PLEASE, PLEASE FORGAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I ahhhh didn't want to catch your colds (yea, that sounds good)

Are you planning to phone me?? I don't have Skype, my sister does though, so phone her instead.


AuntySherlock Report 2 Jun 2010 04:35

Hmmmm very flimsy excuse for being AWOL for so long. I think a turn at mucking out the CPs compound is in order. What say all of you.

Here's the broom RMS. And you may have a plate of mole stew and a bowl of pink custard when you have finished.

Actually if I was offered that as payment for hard labour I'd stay away too!!

Interesting I am able to type far down the page at work without it jumping up and down. Must find out what the difference is. I'll bet it is IE6 against IE7 or whatever.


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jun 2010 07:19

morning when you have done the cp compound RMS you can do mine how does one 22 yr old create so much mess lol in fact its more like devastation lol
we have been promised warm weather for the next few days so am hopeful got a wash going and just had to put all the rubbish out there is more recycling than in the wheelie bin lol

I am havin a quick cuppa before doing some chores yes i know its early but am wide awake lol and frog is here later after work so need to get my act together .
I have a bucket of snails if anyone wants a snail race lol
YG we could start a kontiki expediton i know it was papyrus but we could use pallets lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jun 2010 09:44

RMS, how can you not be forgiven after that abject apology? lol.

Actually, the person who does the phoning needs to have the SKYPE. The person receiving the call on their mobile/land line doesn't. If they have caller ID, it comes up as a local (to them) number. We've never tried it computer to computer (not sure if it works that way), but use MSN or a video link in those circumstances.

You can keep your snails Maz, and have some slugs for company lol. If they are still alive next week, how about a snail race at 'youth'?

You are complaining about your son maz? You should see mine's bedroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's got to the point where we have to shut the door when it is vacant as the mess is soooo depressing. His room, his responsibility, and if his wash basket is unreachable, its getting to the point where I refuse to risk life and limb to get at it. 2 MONTHS he has been saying he will clear it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jun 2010 10:19

my sons room has a hazard warning on the door lol its all the washing that appears which is when he has lost something and he clears the floor lol the wash basket is outside his room as it would never appear otherwise .
my daughter was worse but now she is spotless and very tidy .
well i have hoovered washed dusted and got tea organised now the day is mine .even done a maths practise test lol