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Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 08:19

morning all DET he is more likely to wander off and nosey on his own he has never been in the real london area before .He dont drink .but does enjoy food lol
we have chiquitos in durham which is mexican food you can decide how hot you want that as they cook it
I am looking at chores lol slowly getting through them the weather is a lot warmer this morning so might get into the garden yet ,
I have done a lot of sleeping this weekend lol .


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 09:36

Morning all, feeling terrible this morning. Geee thanks kids,just what I need !! LOL.

A meet sounds good Maz and we can all give the Frog our stamp of approval LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 09:38

lol not the botty stamp one lol
good reason to do nothing LG lol


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 09:41

LOL Maz. No not the botty stamp !!!! I don't intend doing much today anyway. I am supposed to be helping with decorating tomorrow so hoping I feel better for that.


Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 09:59

i am in the same frame of mind here have done some essentials here but that is it .Its not hay fever is it ? sometimes the rape seed makes everyone bad its well out up here at the moment .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 May 2010 10:20

Morning Nutters,

Sorry to hear that you early birds are feeling under the weather. Let other people wait on you for a change!

If Frog makes a wish list of the places he would like to sight see, we might be able to work out an itinery for him. Just remind him that London is a BIG place and he won't be able to do it in one day lol.

Despite your explanations, think I'll give Mexican food a miss. For some reason, I've developed a sensitivity to spicy foods. Son in law didn't believe me until he was told that when OH had sprinkled cayenne pepper on his sandwich unbeknown to me, and I used the same knife to cut mine, the remaining transfered grains made my lips puff up! I can eat spicy foods, but there is no taste, just 'heat'.


Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 10:27

morning DET i am just tired really i will speak to froggy then he will probably enjoy that thank you


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 12:28

Not hayfever Maz. Little ones have had a cold and generously shared it with both me and OH !!! LOL. Kind little souls aren't they ?


Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 13:34

very generous of them lol they are not selfish then lol


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 13:54

No they are certaily not Maz. Little darlings !!!!! LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 14:23

bless their little cotton socks i am trying to get my act together i have done allsorts today my main job this week is to catalogue all my cds so i can see what i need at church .I get bored after a few then nosey about


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 17:12

I am trying to get all the records sorted for one branch of my family. Trouble is just when I think I've finished I find more of the devils LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 17:49

i had no washing until andrew woke up and cleared his floor now the line is full and its all nearly dry though .it is lovely and warm though .i whizzed round with the mower earlier too .


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 18:00

I have been sitting on my behind nearly all day. Just moved and got tea and now I am worn out again. Oh for some energy LOL

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 31 May 2010 19:47

Never mind LG, in a few days you'll be back to normal - as long as you can get a bit of rest now.

Maz, you probably need to wind down from all the build up to the wedding.

It's been lovely here today, very warm and sunny. Not the usual Bank Holiday weather.

I've never been to a Mexican restaurant Aunty, not sure if I would like it. I'm not even sure we have any around here. Glad you all enjoyed your meal.

DET, that sounds a bit serious, your lips swelling up just because you used a knife that had a trace of cayenne pepper on it. No holiday in Mexico for you then!!

I've only gone back 2 pages but I didn't see YG anywhere, that garden must be taking a lot of doing.


Mazfromnorf Report 31 May 2010 20:04

hope YG is OK maybe she is gardening it has been warm all the washing is now dry lol


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 21:27

Evening all. I sent YG an email as I have not heard anything from her lately either. Hope all is well.


AuntySherlock Report 31 May 2010 21:31

Morning all. I'm not talking to you lot if you keep bragging about your weather. It is dark, cold, wet and miserable here.

And the dog just threw up all over the carpet.

And yes he is OK.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 May 2010 22:07

If Spot is OK, why has he thrown up over the carpet? is it a subtle hint that he doesn't like the colour????

It's been dull and still all day - the washing has ended up in doors to dry overnight, so the warmth must have stayed oop norf! Hope LG and Maz feel better in a day or so. Pauline is probably right about the wind down from the wedding.

Could YG have been barbequeing with Steptoe? Come to think of it, RMS has been rather quiet of late.


AuntySherlock Report 31 May 2010 22:22

Spot's spot of redecorating I think is to do with foodstuff which does not agree with his doggy tummy. OH knows which things he should not eat, but just can't resist those big brown eyes and that pleading look.

In actual fact I think all the boards have been very quiet, very miserable and very boring of late.

I typed a lot more on the subject however I have deleted it because I can see me being corrected for being "unfeeling!!!".

On a more cheerful note I have decided to change this room around. Been thinking about it for a while and have been inspired!!!?? by your tales of renovations and refurbishments.

It is a small room and contains four bookcases, a filing cabinet, a gigantic wooden desk a computer desk, a poker machine and a wooden box full of magazines, and my fitball and three small boxes of papers.. Oh and my computer.

You're going to ask about the poker machine aren't you?? Hmmm.