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YG Report 31 May 2010 22:25

Evening/morning all.

DET, no I haven't been barbecuing with Steptoe!! I don't do things with him or for him anymore other than take him shopping on a Saturday, and I don't even stay for a cuppa!! If I could get out of that, I would!!


AuntySherlock Report 31 May 2010 22:28

HI YG. And I thought you were camped out by the waterfall with the fairy!!


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 22:29



LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 22:29



YG Report 31 May 2010 22:32

Hello Aunty!!

No such luck as camping by a waterfall with a fairy!!!

Am on holiday this week, but up to now have been chasing my backside trying to get some spring cleaning done and as usual, don't know when to stop!

The mind is very willing but the body .................... groan, groan, ache, ache!!
I've got aches in parts that I didn't know existed and when I finally drag myself off the sofa I'm walking like the hunch back of Notre Dame!!


YG Report 31 May 2010 22:32

Trigger happy again LG!!


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 22:34

LOL. But of course


YG Report 31 May 2010 22:44

Are you feeling any better tonight LG! I see you have been suffering with a cold. You'll have to stop kissing and cuddling the little ones if they are going to be generous with their germs!!


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 22:47

I have a rotten headache tonight and tickly cough. How can I not snuggle up to my littlies LOL. I am off to bed soon with a good dose of medication that should help


YG Report 31 May 2010 22:51

I'm going myself now when the cats have been out for their constitutional!!

I hope you're feeling better tomorrow. Back to the painting lol!!

Dose yourself up and I hope that cough settles and lets you get a good night's sleep.

Catch you tomorrow night hopefully/ xx


LaGooner Report 31 May 2010 22:54

Nite nite Yg sleep well. I am off to snuggle down now so goodnight all ,catch you tomorrow


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 May 2010 22:58

Oh person feeling especially grotty, one with hay fever/the sniffles and one with an achey back. Could Aunty spare one of her medics, do you think?

What's a Poker machine? Is it a one armed bandit, or a card shuffling thing? going to regret asking now - lol

Can't see how you can move things around all that much, there is so much in it. Where do the guests sleep when you have them? :{

Night LG and YG when the kitties are back indoors.


AuntySherlock Report 31 May 2010 23:34

Oh dear!! Thinking on the way to work about my post about the miserable boards. No I don't mean the "I hab a bad colt , aitchoo!!" posts. Exactly like those beautiful examples posted on this thread. I mean the, well you know what I mean!!

Poker machine, what do you call them slot machines. Put the coin in the top and lots of coins are supposed to fall out the bottom.

Sorry was interrupted before I finished. No beds in this bedroom. This is my study. We have another bedroom which houses the very rare overnight guests. What I would like to do is remove all the bookcases and put row of shelving up on the wall floor to celing so all the books can go in the one place. I really should dispose of the desk. It is an enormous piece of furnture. Can not remember how we moved it into the house. Nope, it stays I would have to buy another cupboard to house all the things in the desk drawers.

Must go, catch you all later. And remember lemon drink, honey and brandy, and rub Vicks Vapour Rub on your chests. And don't worry it's only summer colds.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 May 2010 23:51

Do you have IKEA downunder? They have alll sorts of 'storage solutions' which may be suitable, including deep shelving units that will take boxes or baskets for all the 'stuff' in the big desk. All flat packed and fairly simple to construct.

Go on...........why do you have a one armed're dying to tell lol


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jun 2010 08:21

morning all well its an indoor day today cos its raining here and dark so can do some admin .also got ironing to do .so will be around most of the day .have some calls to make and tea to provide for a son who thinks he is neglected lol when i am at work as he has to feed himself lol


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jun 2010 08:53

DET Sometimes you are so clever!! Don't get too excited, I only said sometimes. IKEA. I never gave that place a thought. I wonder what they have in book shelving which can be mixed and matched. Oooooh, looks like I have another excursion on my list. They are about 30km away from here.

OH just walked in and asked why I needed to know how far and I said shelves and he said good quality bookcases and I said take up too much room and he said you can't hang shelves full of books off these walls they will collapse and I said freestanding. And he walked away and said just do one wall and see what it looks like. Which is boy talk for, I don't really care but if you muck it up it will be your fault.

By the way the words "fairly simple" and "IKEA" should not be together in the same paragraph.

One armed bandit. It is OHs. It is also an antique mechanical one from about the 1960. Just sits in the corner and take up space. Not much fun to play anymore. Whatever money you put into it, you just open the door and take it out again. Sort of takes the challenge and the thrill out of the process.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jun 2010 09:04

Morning Maz. Hope everyone is feeling a bit better today. We're off out in a bit to the inlaws.It's supposed to be a flying visit, but she is of the generation who insists on feeding you. Send out the search parties if we are AWOL by this evening - lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jun 2010 09:09

Sorry Aunty - missed you there. I'd opened the page and then went off to do something else.

IKEA usually have an on line catalogue...but I like to visit as well. Of the flat pack manufacturers, I find them the easiest to use with well thought out universal diagram instructions. Eldest had a set of deep shelving 'room dividers' against a wall which worked out well. She bought lidded boxes which fitted in them for the bits and bobs storage, as well as using the shelves for free standing books. But then it is down to personal taste.


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jun 2010 09:35

hello everyone i found some shelving on Ambrose wilsons site they are like boxes and shelves you can mixand match the units .I am losing naomis furniture so will need to replace it and found them dont know if you get ambrose wilson catalogues it is mainly old lady shopping but they do have some good comfy shoes in .
on the one armed bandit get him areally good offer that he cant refuse lol .I love the atitude of men they are worried when they know we are right lol
I am feeling better but drained hence the lazy mood we were going to holy island /thursday but it has been cancelled due to lack of interest


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jun 2010 10:04

What a shame Maz.....I take it, it was a group coach trip? Nothing to stop you going independently!

We have had discussion about the reuse of bedrooms. #1's is now the study/second sitting room/with a put you up sofa bed, #2's when at Uni stayed untouched, #3's when at Uni was the laundry room, but had to be converted back to a bedroom when she boomeranged home. Other families seem to follow the same pattern!

Must jump in the shower now, or else it will be lunch time before we get were we are going.....then there will no chance of avoiding a meal lol