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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 May 2010 22:05

Eventually! Logged back in, after getting a fatal error. Thought I'd gone broke the site - lol

Just look at us, planning next year's hols!

YG - hope you can still get your heating fixed. If they won't do it, try getting your local Councillor or even MP involved!!! I know there are budget cuts all over the place, but it is your landlords responsibilty to give you a working heating sytem.


LaGooner Report 24 May 2010 22:10

LOL. Have not properly planned the rest of this years hols yet.


YG Report 24 May 2010 22:50

They are coming next week to do the heating. Goodness knows what mess it will make! Thank goodness I will be on holiday to sort it all out!


RockyMountainShy Report 24 May 2010 23:56

OK my cousin in Bristol is complaining about the 'heat' too. If I find out that your temperature is 14 degrees you are all in for a heap of trouble. LOL -{:_)))))))))))))))))))


Mazfromnorf Report 25 May 2010 06:49

morning all its cooler here today with very fine drizzle still put the washing out though .I had a grant to change my boiler but now the radiators need changing as the boiler does not work properly with them .lol more expense


LaGooner Report 25 May 2010 09:01

It's never ending Maz that's for sure. I need to decorate right through except bathroom that is , and also re design a large chunk of the garden. Money and time are the usual 2 bugbears for me !

Wildcat sends her love and news is Tory is to become a Grandma soon. x


AuntySherlock Report 25 May 2010 09:26

Hi There remember me???

It appears you have been behaving yourselves while I have been away. Let me see, we'll call this story.

"A funny thing happened on the way to the football"

Well just as we got there on the bus my ancient body decided to throw a wobbler with a sensation I can only describe as being given a dental injection on one side of my upper body. I have been incarcerated for the last three days in hospital. After being used for a pin cushion on Sunday afternoon I had a CT scan. This was to find my brain. Evidently this was not successful because I was required to have another diferent scan and blood tests on Monday.

The fact that all my symptoms had disappeared by Sunday evening did not deter the medicos from their chosen path. So after being poked and proded and subjected to every known test developed by the medical science and a few more I think they made up on the spur of the moment I was finally released from their clutches this afternoon. The report on my condition is as follows. (1) I have a magnificient brain (well I had to put that first). There are no damaged arteries, no abnormalities, nothing to cause any extraordinary symptoms. (2) My blood tests are quite clear and damn I forgot to ask my cholesterol level. (3) And my EEG and ECG and WD and HO Wills Inc tests were also clear.

They had three theories before the tests. After the tests they have put the wobbler down to a type of migraine where you do not get the headache. Hey, you should know by now I don't ever do anything normally.

I have never been asked so many questions about my state of helath before and succeeded in throwing them into a real tizz with the answer to one particular question. "What tablets do you take? Answer? None. Waddayamean none? Nope no tablets, oh well apart from the very occasional asprin for a very occasional headache and an even more occasional vitamin pill when I think I need one. Evidently old people are supposed to take tablets. So I now have to take an asprin each day. Very low dose.
And they don't really think there is any need for that. Well apart from the fact that the next time someone has to ask me what tablets do I take I can reply "Asprin".

So after existing in a state of pseudo sickness for three days, worrying the h*ll out of my family, not having access to a computer and spending two inactive days climbing the walls in a hospital ward I am returned.

By the way my team won!! Just my luck to get carted off to hospital in an ambulance in the middle of the game.

Oh and by the way I think maybe we'd better include medicos when we speak in reverent tones about firemen. A couple of times there I thought I might pull off all the little sticky things which attached me to the machine which goes "beep" just so the young doctor would have to stick them on again.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 25 May 2010 09:51

LOL Aunty, only you could make a stay in hospital sound funny.

I wondered where you were, thought I'd missed something when I speed read the posts to catch up.

I hope they were right and it isn't anything serious.

Now you have medical proof you have a magnificent brain you could demand a pay rise.


LaGooner Report 25 May 2010 13:48

Hi Oh mighty Brainbox LOL. Seriously it is good to have you back in fine fettle glad there was nothing really wrong. Trust you to miss a good footie match LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 May 2010 14:22

Aunty we have missed you glad to know you were OK its one way of getting a medical lol Medicos now as well as Firemen


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 May 2010 17:03

Wondered where you had got to! If you hadn't appeared today, you would have received a 'stop having illicite fun and get back here' email.

Glad they didn't find anything seriously wrong with you, and the baby asprin is a preventative for strokes in the future, beloved of UK GPs. Perhaps it was over work and or work related stress. A good excuse to have a few more sick days!

If your team won, dare we suggest you are a jinx? lol


YG Report 25 May 2010 17:50

Welcome back Aunty!! Sorry to hear of your adventure, but pleased that they have confirmed your brain is in good order!!

Why haven't you sent the medicos over here!! You don't need one pampering to your every whim!! You have your OH lol!!

My mother always used to say 'Share and share alike'! I'll swap you a fireman!!


Mazfromnorf Report 25 May 2010 19:45

hi there YG the firemen are nearly in their new station they are practising approach and turning etc
DET never thought about the Jinx bit lol
that and medicos lol the stations in germany were all under one roof so you saw both lol


LaGooner Report 25 May 2010 20:01

Hi all, hope all is well with you


Mazfromnorf Report 25 May 2010 20:03

hi there i am fine LG how are you 3days to half term lol


LaGooner Report 25 May 2010 20:04

I am fine thanks. oooo half term no Brownies or Rainbows YAY !!


Mazfromnorf Report 25 May 2010 20:08

will be a real treat lol no clubs for a while lol How are all the grand kids now


LaGooner Report 25 May 2010 20:13

They are a well now thanks and as naughty as ever LOL.


AuntySherlock Report 25 May 2010 21:30

Morning all, or evening your time. I am awake. Ten hours sleep last night. Might have something to do with being woken up every couple of hours on the previous two nights.

Thank you for all your good wishes. I am returning to work this morning but only for half a day for the rest of the week. I am a bit wary yet of doing too much.

I did think I might be a jinx as well with regard to the footy.

I really did miss chatting to you lot. It is so nice to be able to communicate once again. I notice you are talking about your half term break. Do you have time off in the middle of the term. We still have about five weeks to go until the next holidays. This year we have eleven weeks in this term because of how Easter fell during this year. Next year I think we go back to 11 weeks first term then ten weeks second term etc.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 May 2010 22:58

The summer term is a bit of a funny one because of when Easter falls, although a number of schools are trying to introduce terms of equal length. Having left term time employment about 3 years ago, nor having school aged children, I'm a bit out of touch now.

At the moment, it is based around the late spring bank holiday, which this year is Monday 31 May. So *most* schools in England and Wales are on half term next week.

The public exam boards have no exams set for next week either, so Secondary Schools *have* to take their break then. Not sure which comes first, the chicken or the egg - lol

Glad you are easing yourself back into work. No more getting up before dawn, or staying up late. And deffinately no sneaking work home or going in at the weekend!!!!!!