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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 16 May 2010 14:18

Ah, she's around. Just had a look at that thread LG, all seems to have gone well.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 May 2010 14:26

Hi Pauline and LG. Yes, the reply on the Wedding thread has been spotted - but she didn't seem to have had the time to come over here - tsk. Probably saw too much dust and splattered remains of cakes lol

Need to pop to the farm shop (cucumber, and no ribald comments thank you!) before Pauline's rain gets down this end.


Mazfromnorf Report 16 May 2010 15:39

hi there well I am awake I think i am absolutley knackered but it has beeen a good day chilling .Frog has just gone he came back after the church service before the evening do and did all the washing up tidied up and brought the suitcases up to the castle for the honeymoon .
The day was wonderful and i have spent today just reflecting on it all the wedding cake tiers were sponge but the favour boxes were for sweets which were dotted around the tables like gummy bears , dolly mixture etc so we got them for friends and family .also thee were wedding cake shaped biscuits iced as place name tags .
this morning i have been collecting what was left behind and sent it all on with friends going south today . the weather was dry but cold but it was dry I will find some photos to send around soon froggy has some .


LaGooner Report 16 May 2010 17:04

My word your frog is so helpful. Send him down here to get me organised please LOL. The day sounded wonderful Maz and now chill out and recoup your energy. It took me about a week to get over Hailey's wedding. Can't wait to see some photos


YG Report 16 May 2010 17:14

Am so pleased you had a lovely day Maz. Many happy memories to cherish over the coming years.

Welcome back LG!! You little tinker you, off partying almost every night!!

I wish it would rain here Pauline. The garden is desperate!! it was forecast for today and tomorrow, but it has been a lovely day here.

I'm saying absolutely nothing about cucumbers DET!! Other than are you making some eye masks out of them!!


LaGooner Report 16 May 2010 17:22

No partying today thank goodness just chillin out in between loading washing machine etc.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 May 2010 20:01

So glad that everything went smoothly...and that Frog was able to help out. Such a practical amphibian!

Did the traditional plan A take place down the ailse, or the back up plan if X wasn't available? Can't wait for the photos...N would have such internal glow, the shivers and goosebumps won't show %3A-%29


AuntySherlock Report 16 May 2010 22:13

Good to hear everything went to plan Maz. What a lovely idea to have the biscuits iced with names for the place cards. I agree with the treasure you have in the Frog. He is definitely a keeper.

I have to giggle at you lot welcoming your warmer weather, our morning temps are between 4 and 8C and it is freezing. I hate it already. Don't want to do anything. Oh well I'll become used to it.

By the way you beat us in the cricket. I know you didn't even know it was on. Twenty20 World Cup in the West Indies. The final was played yesterday. Oh who cares about cricket, it's football season.

Well must away time to get ready for work. Catch you all later. By the way is anyone still waiting for GRO certificates. I sure am. Wondering if I need to contact them in case they have gone astray.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 May 2010 00:04

Sounds as if our temperatures are in sync for a change.

Yes, did hear about the cricket, but more importantly, Betamale's Rugby Union Football team is through to the Guinness Premiership Final. He's taking OH, just when I fancied an outing to a game now it's not cold enough to freeze brass monkeys. Never mind, its a chance for them to 'bond' lol


Mazfromnorf Report 17 May 2010 06:43

morning all nearly back to normal getting the wash pile sorted here I am glad i am not at work today though ,I am now discovering stuff that has been left behind lol
the only thing that went a bit wrong was the hooped petticoat fell down as she got out of the car so we have a brilliant picture of the brides maid under he train tying it up again it was so funny really ,and a flower girl did not want to stay in her dress but she was very tired .,
the venue was a best western hotel at Walworth Castle ,just outside Darlington in County Durham so you can google that up ,Becks the bridesmaid from Biggleswade was at uni with Naomi she lives with her
Dad thats all i know
it is still a lot cooler here but dry so hoping for a good wash day
the cats were well behaved no mice ,my son was a star as usher .and met the challenge really well .frog helped him a little too

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 17 May 2010 10:20

I've just had a look at the castle Maz, it looks lovely. It's in a lovely place as well.

After LG's had a lend of your frog, can you lend him to me for a few days?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 May 2010 11:26

What a lovely setting for the event Maz. The photos must be a picture of romance. And now it's back to reality :( Don't over do are going to need plenty of rest, and it's half term in a couple of weeks.

Can Pauline send Frog down here after she has finished with him please? The dust levels have been allowed to rise recently, and the inlaws have decided to pay us a visit. Help!!!


AuntySherlock Report 17 May 2010 11:33

Two GRO certificates arrived today. Opened them very slowly. Not my person. Sigh. Oh well that's two out of the eight I have chosen. Only six more to go.

I have entered the details in the comments box on Ancestry that way the next person searching for a rellie named Hill will have a head start.

Oh well off to send for the next lot and then off to bed. Too cold to stay up late. Not to mention the diet is keeping my concentration levels down a bit.


LaGooner Report 17 May 2010 11:45

Hi Aunty, very frustrating for you waiting for so long and then not the right ones

Maz. The day sounded great gave us a laugh about the hoops falling. Ava is being a flower girl in June so she will probably be the same as your one LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 17 May 2010 12:42

hi there you should have some pics those who i have emails for they are from facebook there are more to come but gives you an idea i was doing a reading about husbands love your wives and my ex husband is stood directly in front of me lol


LaGooner Report 17 May 2010 13:40

Ohhhhhhh Maz, that made me and OH laugh so much. Bet that went down like a lead balloon LOL LOL LOL. I could not have done that I hate my ex so much it would have been hypocritical LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 17 May 2010 15:02

just shows how much he means to me not he had a scowl on his face all day he never mixed at all .I cant believe how tired i am i keep falling asleep .i have got the house back to shape just and i have to go to asda so we can eat .they have just called in to get stuff they have forgotten again lol but it was lovely to see them .

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 17 May 2010 16:12

I'm not surprised you're tired Maz, it's all catching up on you now. Spend a couple of days with your feet up, doing nothing.

I hate my ex so much that I couldn't have been in the same room as him.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 May 2010 16:50

Thank you soooo much for the photos Maz. N looks eggstatic!! And your hair do is lovely. Can't understand why the Ex was scowling. After all she is his daughter as well and he should have been happy for her. Men!


YG Report 17 May 2010 18:11

Evening everyone.

Maz, thank you for the photos. They are really lovely.

Naughty ex!! What on earth was his problem lol!! He should have been as proud as punch!!

Have a good rest now and try to catch up with yourself. Bet you are ready for half term.

Off to do tea and google the venue! Catch you later.