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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 May 2010 09:29

Have they moved back in then LG? Have a good day by yourselves with out having to worry about other people.!!!!!!!


LaGooner Report 23 May 2010 09:40

NO DET. Just me and OH here still. Usually visit daughter and sprogs but it is them that are off over the weekend. Still trying to move myself out of this chair but just received a bit more tree info and well just had to take a QUICK!!!! look LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 23 May 2010 09:43

i have slowed down lol i like the sunshine and will rest up after church LG Beamish has loads of new stuff now it takes about two days to do it properly now you can get a years pass and that is good value .there is a lot of walking around it .Have you been to lindisfarne that is a favourite spot of mine I am going at half term again
the area around Beamish is lovely too now thats why we were at the pub nearby
have a lovely day everyone


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 May 2010 09:45

You'll get moaned at shortly! I'm trying to write an email, but keep coming back on here waiting for inspiration. :(


LaGooner Report 23 May 2010 09:50

Perhaps next years holiday will be up that way then. I love Hamsterley Forest too. I can do a good bit of walking as long as I stop for a few breaks. We have not been to Lindisfarne yet perhaps again on next years itenary

Have not even looked at my emails properly yet just the one caught my eye LOL


LaGooner Report 23 May 2010 09:55

Right ho must away and get ready. Catch you all later have a lovely day x


Mazfromnorf Report 23 May 2010 13:28

oo I live near Hamsterley lol and YG is only a while away we could meet here drag DET up on train lol we will book some warm weather too


LaGooner Report 23 May 2010 17:04

That sounds good to me Maz. though not quite as hot as it is today thank you.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 May 2010 22:58

Train? Drag? What's going on here? lol. As we are unlikely to have a 'big' holiday next year, it's a possibility...not that we have an graveyards to hunt through oop norf! (thank goodness says OH). Any Roman Ruins? It's not a break unless we can find some lol

The sun must have tired everyone out, and the rain washed Aunty away. Last day of the good weather tomorrow, then it all goes down hill :(


LaGooner Report 23 May 2010 23:33

You can help me with some graveyards 00p norf LOL. You would love Beamish


Mazfromnorf Report 24 May 2010 07:04

lol DET the romans have bits all over here Piercebridge ,just outside the town here is a bath house ,South sheilds ,wallsend etc Hadrians Wall Corbridge and so on .Time Team is always in our region .
which Grave yards are you after ?
it is a warm one aagain here but lovely

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 May 2010 10:14

Next time any of you go to Beamish, let me know, if my son's at the day centre I'll be able to get there. I only live about 20 minutes drive further north. I've only been there once and that was about 20 years ago, it's probably changed a lot by now.

It's a bit cloudy here today but still very warm.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 May 2010 14:58

hi there will be a good spot to meet you then as the pub is lovely for a drink or meal
it is not quite as warm today but still lovely am back at college yuk but not for long
what about the metro centre or chester le street ?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 May 2010 16:34

Sounds good - hope Maz and Pauline can get together for a coffee/cream tea or what ever.

Think LG was after the graveyards, and I've always wanted to walk along part of Hadrian's Wall. So may be next year, who knows?

Still hot, hot, hot here. One girl at work fainted and went down like a log from a standing position, poor kid. She didn't seem to have hurt herself though.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 May 2010 17:42

Chester-le-Street is a good place for me Maz, I can get back from there no problem. No worries at all with that place, great for shopping as well.


YG Report 24 May 2010 18:27

Evening everyone. Hope you are all ok.

I've been busy catching up with the gardening, which was hard work in the heat. We had another hot day yesterday and today has been very pleasant, but it is supposed to be clouding over and raining overnight. The garden will breath a sigh of relief!!

Beamish sounds really good. It must be 17 years since I've been!!

I don't think I'll be going anywhere next year either, as the council have put back my refurb work until 2012 so am hoping to be busy getting other jobs done that I was going to do afterwards!!! Im not a happy bunny about it as it has been moved in error but they can't bring it forward again now.


LaGooner Report 24 May 2010 18:52

Evening all, Just had a lovely pm from Wildcat some of you must remember her. I have told her to pop onto here sometime and say Hi. Can I get to Chester le street by train Maz ??? might make a nice little outing when this lot are driving me mad LOL


YG Report 24 May 2010 19:44

Evening LG!

I remember Wildcat and Tory. Have you ever heard anything from her too?


Mazfromnorf Report 24 May 2010 20:44

i remember Wildcat hope she is OK .Chester le street is not central it was a good spot to suggest for Pauline and I more it is a nice place though we would have to look at a main line station that is not too pricey for us all next year .Beamish is a driving thing too not very central .


LaGooner Report 24 May 2010 21:06

Wildcat is well, I don't know about Tory I shall have to enquire.
Beamish is very rural LOL. I remember it well from the first time we visited I was positive we had taken a wrong turning as we headed out into the sticks LOL.