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LaGooner Report 17 May 2010 18:34

Just popped in to say HI while eating my tea. I have got to go to a very boring Guiding meeting this evening Yawnnnnnnnnn !!!!! LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 17 May 2010 18:49

evening well we have food now ex was not happy as his relations were sat with me and frog along with my cousin he did not circulate at all hardly

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 17 May 2010 19:26

Thank you for the photos Maz, they're lovely, they look so happy together.

The bridesmaids are in very pretty colours........maybe those dresses could be used again for when you and frog tie the knot!


Mazfromnorf Report 17 May 2010 19:46

lol lol lol u will have a long wait lol more like to be the son next lol he has taken a shine to one of the bridesmaids


AuntySherlock Report 17 May 2010 21:44

Hi All. What a lovely surprise when I woke up this morning. I have photos too. Oh thank you Maz. I do like your outfit, you look the quintessential mother of the bride. I know you spoke about putting it together and being able to see it is great. How pretty everyone looks all dressed up in their finery. And the newlyweds look so happy with each other.

Had a laugh about your ex, he's probably sour because he's feeling left out. It is difficult for split families when the two sides need to be together.

Now for goodness sake sit back, do nothing and relax for a while. The house must be in perfect condition, you have done enough dusting, painting, scrubbing, hammering; now you need some "me" time. Oh OK "me and frog" time.


RockyMountainShy Report 17 May 2010 21:55

YAWN ***********************

Are you ready fir this. 78 hundred people! BUT we did set two records the biggest birthday celebration in Canada, and the biggest gathering of Guiding members in Canada EVER! and my Sparks did GREAT for 6 year olds, they didn't wander off , when we told them to do something they did, they were perfect. As soon as my brain is working, I'll send La some pictures

And speaking of pictures, Thank you DET for sending the pictures of MAz daughter wedding, they sure do look like they like each other and her dress is nice too.


LaGooner Report 17 May 2010 22:08

Well I am back. What rivetting stuff we discussed LOL. RMS it sounds like you had a great time. All our major celebrations are starting June onwards so piccys will be sent to you then.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 May 2010 06:49

morning all ,glad you liked the pics everyone i will get some more to you as i get them who knows frog maybe on them lol lol !!!!! i am giving out the flowers today as the church is still full .I am getting a ready for half term next week i have normal routine until then though


AuntySherlock Report 18 May 2010 10:12

Hi There. Received RMS info about 7000 thousand screaming girl types in the one place. Oh dear me you lot have more stamina than I do. I have enough trouble coping with ankle biters at a reasonable distance.

Must say they all look like they are having a marvellous time. The noise levels must have been comparable to a rock concert.

I have sent for my next two birth certificates for my Frederick Hill. Unfortunately I am going to run out of money before I run out of FW Hills. I wish there was a way GRO would tell you that you have the wrong one when they print them off.

Oh well can't go any further until I solve the mystery.

Hope you are all well and a lot warmer than we are. Weather beautiful and very cold.

Had a giggle at OH. Since we have had the solar cells installed he has taken to switching off lights constantly. After trying to do something in the dark yesterday morning I sat him down and said. No dear, how will you know if we save any money on the power bill if you don't use any electricity. So he has stopped walking around behind me switching off lights when I go from one room to another.

I don't mind being careful with the switching off but there are limits.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 May 2010 11:15

Your OH sounds as if he is like mine with those 'orrible energy saver light bulbs!

Thank's for the link to the sleep over RMS - with that many people 'sleeping' under one roof, no wonder you were yawning yesterday!!! Couldn't get the link to the video or pictures to work...instead there was an ad for a back pain relief tablet, which may come in useful.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 May 2010 14:10

hello well i got through the shift I am at the consultant this afternoon then childrens club which i am going to have to wing it as i have no programme done but ihave a lot of fall back plans in my brain so hopefully it will be ok lol without them taking a lend of me as they say up here

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 18 May 2010 18:26

My hubby used to follow me around the house turning lights off, but he gave up on it after a while. I think it used more electricity turning them on and off all the time.

Aunty you can add a postem to FreeBMD with the info on your certs. It helps other people when they're trying to work out who is the right relly. I've added postems to all the people I have certs for.


Mazfromnorf Report 18 May 2010 19:56

anyone in I am trying to find lists of evacuees into Co durham as my cousin was brought to Bishop Auckland in the war but cant remeber the address
i am interested as this is where i live now lol


LaGooner Report 18 May 2010 20:27

Evening all, Hope all is well with you


YG Report 18 May 2010 20:42

Evening LG.. How are you?

Maz, I don't know whether this will help in your search for evacuees:

There are no central records of children’s evacuation during the Second World War. If any information has been retained this is likely to be held locally so you could try the archives of the area your relative was evacuated from and to. You can find the addresses by using or

Useful addresses:

Evacuees Reunion Association (ERA)
The Mill Business Centre
Mill Hill
Nottinghamshire DN10 4RA
Tel: 01777 816166

The Research Centre for Evacuee and War Child Studies
Bulmershe Library
University of Reading
Bulmershe Court
Reading RG1 6HY


LaGooner Report 18 May 2010 20:49

Evening YG, Fine thanks , and yourself ?


AuntySherlock Report 18 May 2010 20:54

Hi Maz, Check out this web site and email Holly and ask her. You might already have this site for Durham but if you do not it is really good. I receive an update email from them every so often with lots of info in it.

Searching is free then when you wish to look at the information you purchase credits. You can purchase a few or lots of credits.

The site is all about Durham.


YG Report 18 May 2010 21:04

I'm sort of all right, thanks LG!

Morning Aunty!!


AuntySherlock Report 18 May 2010 21:06

Hi Pauline , Just read back the previous page. I have put postems onto FreeBDM. Figured someone might have use out of my bad luck.

RMS I was able to watch the video from a link on the right hand side. Could not get some of the pictures to come up either.

Hello to all. On my last soup day. I will be so pleased to have proper food tomorrow. The next stage is called wellbeing. This is where I reintroduce food with no sugar. So it's no refined or processed food which contain sugar, and food taken in short and small bursts until the body metabolises more efficiently. The eating all the time is a bit of a problem but I usually manage breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snack and dinner. I also get to take vitamin B complex and an anti-oxidant. Oh ha I am not a tablet taker so this does not last very long.


AuntySherlock Report 18 May 2010 21:25

Morning YG. What is "sort of". Are you breathing, are your eyes open, can your fingers type. Yes. Good that is an excellent start.

OK I'll send you something to cheer you up.