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LaGooner Report 12 Apr 2010 22:43

Hmmmmmmm. nite nite YG. have pm'd you


Derek Report 12 Apr 2010 23:04

sorry...better make it clear that LA and i have friendly banter and nothing else........I thought this was what this thread was all about.....I apologise if anyone thought otherwise.......



RockyMountainShy Report 12 Apr 2010 23:12

He said he was sorry, what more could you ask for ???????????


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Apr 2010 23:19

Is RMS intending to cost cheap flights for this proposed trip????? I've Pm'd LG in response. Not being too sure where the proposed get together was intending to be, I've said that Leeds is as far as i'd want to go on a day long as I can get an advanced booking ticket.


AuntySherlock Report 12 Apr 2010 23:24

I'm sure I started this list of questions with a preamble. Anyway this morning's questions are......

1. Why did Maz say the frog has turned into a prince, and then run away and hide. Did I miss something.
2. Who has been making our magnificent site untidy by deleting posts. Article 29.5 of the constitution states no deleting unless it is caused by hiccups.
3. Why don't I invite all of you to Australia in 2012 to the genealogy conference they have been advertising on web site for a while. It would only cost you Oooh about $5000 each. Yeah knew you'd like that idea. Crosses brilliant idea off list.
4. How am I going to tell OH it looks like he has cousins in New Zealand. I have received contact and lots of wonderful information from over there. It will take me days to put it all together.
5. Why isn't there anyone in the world who knows about Frederick Hill. Sorry Maz I know you have Hills.
6. Why does it take 6 weeks to move biscuits from Canada to England. We could do it in 6 minutes in the catapult.
7. Why does Derek keep apologising. Oh ha! He is of the deleted threads. Oh dear have you lot been giving him a rough time. Tch, tch!! He doesn't qualify - not a fireman and too many brains.
8. OK back to the house tidying. Musn't let OH think I couldn't cope while he was away!!


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2010 00:06

Apology accepted Derek. No grudge held here. Have pm'd you back DET

I truly am going now as I am nodding off over the keyboard. Goodnight all


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2010 00:35

1. We’re as much in the dark as you are
2. Don’t know.
3. Good idea! And we would miss some of the razzmatazz with the London Olympics!
4. Start saving for a boat trip.
5. He is a made up person?
6. Blame Customs and Excise – everyone else does.
7. Same conclusion.
8. Go on, admit it. You’ll be pleased to have him back, and he would be pleased to think he is indispensible.


RockyMountainShy Report 13 Apr 2010 03:29

I have another question for your list:

9. Why don't it cost twice as much as the first package?

I sent my cousin a box of cookies cost $8, three days later sent 2 boxes over for a Rainbow/Brownie unit. Some random group in Bedfordshire, wherever that is :_)))))))))) Did it cost $16 NOT ON YOUR LIFE it cost $14. Explain that if you can !!! AND I ADDED A PICTURE.


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Apr 2010 07:51

morning all , I ran and hid to see what comments would come lol i can meet in london if thats easier for everyone .in the summer .I will be in the south in october again .and as YG says it will be cheaper if we book in advancehaving a slower start today .did not want to crawl out of bed at all but the thought that this should be the last day attached to a oaintbrush is the incentive


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2010 08:57

Morning all,

RMS. That is one of the mysteries of life LOL.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2010 09:36


10. Why is it that only one person in the house puts the new toilet paper roll on the holder?


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2010 09:43

LOL morning DET.

11 why is it that only one person does not let the cats starve to death %3A-%29)


Mazfromnorf Report 13 Apr 2010 09:57

lol morning to you both
12 why do cats say that they need food and have been fed by son
13 why does he know how to make washing but cant find the time to do washing
14 why does the last parecetamol get used and no-one says


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2010 09:58

The others would probably twig they needed feeding if the person who usually did it, disappeared for a couple of days!

12. They know when they are on to a good thing
13 One of the mysteries of life
14 The housekeeper 'knows' something has run out through ESP

Hope you don't urgently need painkillers maz. It's all those paint fumes - lol


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2010 10:05

Morning Maz,

15 a slant on 13. How does he make the dirty dishes but does not know how to bring them from upstairs and wash them


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2010 10:10

You can add drinking glasses to #15! They only reappear when there are

a) no more in the cupboard
b) he can't fit any more on his bedside table.


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2010 10:12

answer to b starts on the floor instead. LOL

right must away as this blessed place won't clear itself up. I've waited in hope but it hasn't done it yet LOL Have a good day one and all catch you later x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2010 10:35

Isn't the floor the place to keep clothes - both dirty and clean???????? lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 13 Apr 2010 10:40

Are we practicing for University Challenge?

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 13 Apr 2010 10:41

DET, you must have lived with my hubby at some time in your life, or are all men like that?