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LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 21:20

LOL bet you have really if Steptoe is driving you that mad LOL. I am off out in the garden tomorrow to clear 6 years sludge and grunge from my pond. I have got the whole day on my own so will be able to get on with it inb peace. Oh is off stockcar racing for the day and the rest of the family will be out doing their own thing.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:24

I might cut the back again tomorrow. it's like the flippin' Eiffel Tower!! I only did it on Tuesday but it's already springing up again. I'm only two settings away from the shortest cut!!

Don't know how I'm going to keep up with it all while I'm working. Let's hope that May day is good weather so I can get out and do it all again lol!!


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 21:26

I've got loads to do it all got rather neglected last year as did the house. I will try and get the greenhouse washed out and sterilised ready to put in the seeds.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:33

That's what I could do with!! I used to have one years ago and was never out of it!! Collected fuschia varieties and spent hours in there taking cuttings and growing tomatoes!!

I've just bought some young lettuce so need to buy something to pot them on. I've got a nice book on growing crops in pots so am tempted to try some peppers and tomatoes. I've got a bed of strawberries down the side of the shed.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Apr 2010 21:34

hi there just got in tonite been out in the sun today so nothing done at home but had a lovely day eating and walking around .have been in to Bedale .
tried to get on earlier but pc was not playing the net had disconnected so had too redo the password etc


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 21:39

Strawberries YUM !! I grow tomatoes and cucumbers in there and all my summer bedding too. Didn't put hardly anything in last year and the garden looked really boring. Only one corner looked good as always and that was the bit that I call my rustic corner. Honeysuckle,jasmine,climbing roses all scented Lovely !! Just pruned all that lot back ready for this years show.

Hi Maz, sound as though you have had a wonderful time.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:42

Hi Maz, out with a certain someone again lol!!!

I was looking at honeysuckles today and some clematis. I have planted a packet of night scented stock too for some fragrance.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Apr 2010 21:45

yes lol he fixed my internet lent me the steps to do stair well tomorrow .well Andrew to do the stair well lol .it has been really warm here


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 21:45

I have loads of the stock it has self seeded from some that Hailey grew when she was about 8 LOL. I just leave it to do it's thing along with the Love in a mist that Kris grew when he was little. Got loads of scented things in that corner as that is where we like to sit on warm summer evenings.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:46

It's been lovely here too!! I was more than ready for some sunshine and it has done my psoriasis a world of good, as well as the break from all the stress at work. Back to it on Monday, yuk!!


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Apr 2010 21:47

gardening is on my agenda this week to get stuck into


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:48

I didn't realise it self seeded LG. I have always just pulled it out when it has died off, never to be seen again lol!


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Apr 2010 21:48

will catch you later as son is in now


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 21:51

I let it die right down and crispy give it a shake and pull the dead out and then leave it to do it's thing. Seem to be getting a bit less of it lately as the forget me nots and wild violets seem to be choking it. They have run riot too LOL. I am going to be brutal and get loads of that out but I really do hate throwing plants out.

Nite Maz, take care


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:58

Nite Maz.

I feel like that LG when something is still living, apart from weeds, of course!!

I've managed, I think, to get rid of all the horsetail!! I was waitig for it to invade again, but nothing!! I did read the other day that repeated chemical treatment and regular mowing will eventually kill it, so fingers crossed!!


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 22:04

Mum in law had loads of that and never did get rid of it all. All gone now as her spare piece of land was sold when she passed away and they built a house on it so that killed it LOL.

I have got a load of reed in the pond to get rid of as it's taken over and I know I will loathe to throw it although it is becoming a bloomin nuisance. I have also got a small wildlife pond that I am going to empty and fill in for safety now the little ones will be going outside to play. I will loathe throwning away those plants too.LOL. I am a terrible hoarder even with plants.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 22:06

I used to have the same problem with water lettuce!! I was trying to give carrier bags of the stuff away, but there weren't enough people with ponds that wanted any!!


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 22:07

Same here I have supplied just about the whole neighbourhood with lilies,reeds etc so unfortunately I will have to grit my teeth and throw it out to compost.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 22:17

It's worth it then, you'll have some good stuff for the garden!!


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 22:19

Yes but boy will it be smelly when I pull it out LOl. Just think of me peg on nose covered in black slime. Oh Joy !!!