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AuntySherlock Report 9 Apr 2010 23:20

Puff, puff!! Sabre tooth tiger is happy. He will now sit and pant for half an hour just in case I forget how far he was waddled this morning.

Maz I hope there are not as many Hills in the Sussex area as there are in the London area. You lot would love the weather here this morning. Fine, sun just peeping through the clouds, bit of rain yesterday, and the ground is just soft enough to dig in. Yuk, bluck, horrible job. Plants should be made of plastic or material. You can take them out of the vase, dunk them in the tub, shake them off then stuff them back in the vase again.

OH was bemoaning the fact he would miss his roses. He is right. They are all blooming this morning and the smell is heavenly. Well I don't mind looking at them just as long as I don't have to do things with them.

You lot with all your cleaning and redecorating have inspired me to do some myself. This required at least a week of thought. I have decided there is too much clutter around the house. The knick knacks and dust gatherers have to be culled and I need proper bookcases in my computer room, probably built in ones. Phew all that thinking has fair worn me out.

DET Hope your back is better. It takes three days to cure without medication and three days to cure with medication. Dunno about the going to bed in the middle of the day bit. Did it help???

LG did you remember to turn the vacuum on this time. It's not the broomstick, it's the other flying machine.

Well I'm off to the big city again. Have to take back one of the books I bought Thursday. Far too Americanish for my needs.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Apr 2010 23:36

Enjoy your trip to the Smoke. it's been a lovely day here as well - warm in the low 20's, sunny and the daffodils are out. We had hoped to go out, but it was not to be.

A couple of hours kip did help, although it was the medication which sent me to sleep. Don't know why I bother as they didn't do much good last time. Rest, rolling around on the floor and a hot flannel or water bottle seem to work best.


RockyMountainShy Report 10 Apr 2010 00:37

All right THAT"S IT 20 degrees !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have 7 and it keeps trying to snow !!!!!!!!!!!!


AuntySherlock Report 10 Apr 2010 08:44

I have spent the day running around yelling "Open Sesame". Definitely as happy as a pig in you know what.

Aladdin's cave of family history resources. All beautifully set out and available instantly on fiche, film or in voluminous volumes. With lovely people running around to help answer your questions.

All sorts of info you just can not find on the internet including stuff from the UK. I think they print out your certificates on the spot.

Very much a learning curve today. Oooh I need to go to town more often.


AuntySherlock Report 10 Apr 2010 08:49

DET. Have you tried walking. No, don't laugh, well you'd better not laugh anyway. Have you tried going for a simple walk. Just try out the door to the road and back. (Hopefully your road isn't two miles away).

And I don't mean run a marathon.

If you are crawling around on the floor maybe not but it does work sometimes, walking that is not crawling on the floor.


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 09:29

Morning all, lovely bright day here blue sky and sun. The daffodils are out and nodding in the breeze. Oooooooo I am starting to sound like Wordsworth LOL.


AuntySherlock Report 10 Apr 2010 09:51

Are you able to say it without looking it up....

I wandred lonely as a cloud that floats on high oer vale and hill
When all at once I saw a crowd a host of golden daffodils

Continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way

They stretched in never ending line along the margin of the bay.

It ends something about

I hope I will never forget The beauty of the daffodils
And that is all I can remember. Waaaahhh! My brain is going!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 10 Apr 2010 12:00

Well you did better than me with that Aunty, I only remembered the first 2 lines.

It was cold here this morning (when my heating wasn't working) but it's lovely now, sunny and warm (and yes, the heating's working now, when I don't need it!).

DET, hope your back's a bit better today.


Derek Report 10 Apr 2010 12:49

DET..have left you a message on my Thread....



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Apr 2010 15:17

Thank's Derek. Hope it wasn't too much of a problem. Proper Thank You on your thread.

Glad you enjoyed your 2nd trip to the Archives. Does this mean that the Saturday midday exercise class is going to be dumped in favour of numerous trips to the City, Aunty?

Thank you all for your concern over my temporary infirmity. It's much the same as yesterday, and unless i go for potter every hour, it 'locks' into a sitting position. So the advice re walking isn't as daft as it might first appear. At least I'm now about 22 degrees from the perpendicular instead of 45!

It's supposed to snow in Canada! :-0 Slightly cooler today, but still warm enough to sit outside with a coffee and a good book lol.


AuntySherlock Report 10 Apr 2010 18:22

It's three o'clock in the morning. We've danced the whole night through!!

Well I don't know about the dancing but this will learn me not to go to bed early.

I think you might be right about the trips into town DET.

By the way have you tried holding onto the top of the door and just moving your feet back a bit so it stretches the spine. Be careful. You might not be able to reach the door top so chose something just above your head.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 18:32

Oh woe is me!! I have just spent ages typing up the events of today and caught the wrong key. It's all gone!!! I'll have to start all over again!! It'll have to wait now until I have eaten my dinner or I will be consuming burnt offerings >>>>>>>>>>>>>> again!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Apr 2010 19:21

Try the 'back' button YG.

Catch you later


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 20:15

It didn't work DET and I have just done it again!! It's this laptop, it drives me mad!!

Pleased to hear that you are more upright than you were. At least you are going in the right direction! Take care.

Well, I've had another one of those days, just as I was thinking that I was getting my act together again! Whoever left the door unlocked to the padded cell has a lot to answer for!!

I took Steptoe to the supermarket and got there and back without any problems. Then I unloaded the shopping from the boot and slammed it shut with my car keys in it!!

"Oh dear, what do I do now?" says I. "Call out a locksmith like you did when you couldn't find your flat keys" says Steptoe, who is his usual grumpy, abrasive self! "I can't afford another £100" says I. "Well, I don't know then" says Grumpy.

The blood pressure was increasing steadily and panic was starting to set in when my brain went into action. "I know", says I, " I'll walk home and get the spare keys from my handbag and walk back with them", Good idea? Errmmm, NO, the house keys were locked in the car and as I am now security conscious, I had also closed all the house windows.

Mmmm, ok, I'll phone my son. He will be able to help.

"You could try phoning the dealership parts department and see if they have the key no on their computer", but they would have to order it and so you wouldn't get one before Monday. Errmm, NO, it's Saturday afternoon and they will be closed.

"You could break a window in the car, but then it would be Monday before it could be fixed and as there are no quarterlights it would be expensive". Errmm, NO.

"Mmmm, are you a member of the AA?", says he.

"YES", says I, "but my membership details are in the car and the copies in my diary in my handbag in the house".

" Try phoning them and if you have any problems call me back as I have company membership which covers any nominated vehicle".

Hallelujah!!!! The AA were worth their weight in gold! They were out within the hour, a dishy young man with shades on!! I offered to let him smack my hand, but he very politely declined! Five minutes later I had my keys!!!

Moral of story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

forget the firemen!!!! Three cheers for the AA!!


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 20:34

TuT YG forsaking the poor firemen LOL. I thought of you today our local town has a newly opened second hand shop . One guess what is called LOL


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 20:53

Ooooh, do tell LG!! I'm scratching my head here!!


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 20:57

Stop scratching then LOL. It is Steptoe's Yard LOL


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:05

Omg, never!!!

Would they like him to go and help them. I need to get rid of him altogether before I commit a serious crime lol!!


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2010 21:08

Seriously it is. We drove past it today and OH thought I had really lost it I could not stop laughing. He laughed too when I explained to him. LOL. It's a bit of a long way for him to travel unfortunately.


YG Report 10 Apr 2010 21:18

He adores Steptoe films!! Has a resemblance to Wilfred Bramble too!! An
And certainly lives like him!

I've been out finishing the weeding this morning under the hawthorn hedge. My arms look as though I've been self harming lol!!