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AuntySherlock Report 11 Apr 2010 21:33

Morning you lot. Off to work this morning, taking Spot with me because he has been so neglected over the last few days. Weather is quite cool and a bit overcast here this morning. Well it will be when I can see outside.

Yes I did go back to bed. And woke up again at 6.30 am.

I think Petal is either a friendly salutation or LG has some family history research information Derek needs.

Catch you all soon.


YG Report 11 Apr 2010 23:15

Where's Her Maj!! I hope she hasn't fallen in the pond amongst all that frog spawn!! Can you just imagine the sight of her feet sticking out of the middle of it all, and all the air bubbles rising to the surface whilst she blasts out her signature song!!

On the other hand, she could have sneaked over to Derbyshire to assist a certain someone with his frog spawn!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 Apr 2010 23:41

Hi YG - hope you had a good time with the littlies, and sorting out your garden. Our thoughts are the same about LG and her pond lol

Here's wishing Spot a good day out...lots of new places to sniff out and things to chew on.

Try typing in a word doc, then copy and paste. If GR or t'internet go up the creek, you've still got a copy to c&p again. Not so spontaneous but worth it if you have a lot to share.


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2010 07:54

morning well here we are 2nd week of holidays ,breakfast time i am plodding on will get as far as i can today it is supposed to be dull today so will not get distracted by the sun hopefully get the majority done today of the stairs .so will be about on and off again
I hope spot enjoys his day out bet her maj was snoring after working so hard yesterday was laughing at the image YG lol hope work is OK today


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Apr 2010 09:54

Maz - You ought to add to maggiewinchester's thread 'Decorating with cats' on Chat. Its hilarious!

At least you are nearly finished, which is the main thing. Then all you need to do is keep on top of the cleaning.


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2010 10:18

drinks break the sun is in my eyes lol its lovely but to see where i am going i have closed the blinds .I will have a look at that thread .its the big one that is in the way
hope all is well with her maj its unlike her to not be on in the morning


AuntySherlock Report 12 Apr 2010 11:28

Here it is 8 pm I've brought home a pile of work to do. Spot is sleeping off a hard day at the office. We won't talk about the back seat in Aunty's little car!! It is sopping wet because Spot tipped over his water container.

Tired of watering the garden and walking the dog. I would like my slacko life back. OH will be picked up from the airport tomorrow morning, driven home at a fast pace and shoved out of the car with a list of jobs to be done.

I think I know where LG is. Standing down by the docks waiting for the biscuit package to arrive from RMS. Should be a loooooooong wait, about 4-6 weeks was the message. We can all make mayhem while the queen waits.


AuntySherlock Report 12 Apr 2010 11:32

Oh and by the way. My weather forecast.

And I don't wish to hear you lot cackling from over this side of the planet.

7.5C minimum this morning. 21C maximum
8C minimum tomorrow morning 22C, rest of the week
same, same, same.

Are we getting the shivering picture.


LaGooner Report 12 Apr 2010 11:46

Morning/evening all. Maz got it right I fell asleep in chair straight after tea. Boy that was hard work 6" sludge at the bottom and boy what a pong. For once I did not fall in. Loads of spawn and some new lily pads starting to sprout LOL. Garden was overrun with frogs (anyone want one ????), toads and Newts who did not appreciate their spring clean


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2010 12:10

just popping in it is 20 here today and that is warm for us it is lovely so much so its hard to keep paint flowing
this year i do not need a frog thank you lol so far any way he he

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 12 Apr 2010 12:19

Your frog's lasting a long time Maz, it's about time he turned into a prince.

It's lovely and sunny here as well, I've got the bedding on the line, I love putting it on the bed after it's been on the line all day - lovely smell of fresh air.

That sludge really does stink LG, I can smell it from here.


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2010 12:37

may be he has lol >>>>>>>>>>>>>> runs>>> away hides .!!!!


LaGooner Report 12 Apr 2010 12:57

Lovely stuff for the garden though Pauline if you can put up with the pong for a couple of days LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2010 13:52

walls done i think
wondered what the smell LG just wood work but am waiting to see if i have missed any ares first sun is out here its a lovely day now
Gizmo is chasing flies etc lol my windows will be cleaner not !!!


LaGooner Report 12 Apr 2010 16:46

Just sat down for a break as I have a bit more admin to do soon. I would have started it but was emailed a bit more tree info and got lost in the branches LOL

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 12 Apr 2010 18:06

I do that all the time LG, I'm always just going to put a little bit of info on but I get carried away and sit for hours doing it.

I need to put some new info on now, the death cert I've been waiting for has come today. I should leave it till tomorrow but I want to get it on now.


LaGooner Report 12 Apr 2010 18:09

LOL Pauline go for it. That's you out of mischief for the evening PMSL


YG Report 12 Apr 2010 18:29

Yeah, LG, you survived the pond cleaning!!! Don't bother sending any toads or newts here thank you!! Not even sure that I want a frog unless he can wine and dine me and do all the odd jobs and then s** off home!!

Been cloudy and chilly here today, but the sun is out now and it is lovely. Good forecast for tomorrow and Wednesday, much warmer than across the other side of the universe lol!!!

I think we need to start rubbing it in a bit!!


Mazfromnorf Report 12 Apr 2010 18:43

evening all did work go OK YG ?its got chilly here now but has been lovely


YG Report 12 Apr 2010 18:49

Yes, it wasn't so bad Maz. I always feel down when I'm going back but I get over it!! Ready for the next holiday now!!