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YG Report 7 Apr 2010 22:22

What have I missed! Frogs visiting at 5am!! Tell me more!!


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2010 22:41

Ay oop I missed that too YG. This sounds very interesting


YG Report 7 Apr 2010 23:00

We will have to wait now for Aunty to return to enlighten us!!

That Maz is a dark horse!!

Right, I'm off to bed!! Sleep well LG. Nite nite xx


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2010 23:01

I am off to bed now as it's been a long day, nite all sleep well x


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2010 23:01

Great minds think alike YG good timing lol. Nite xx


Derek Report 7 Apr 2010 23:36

I'm trying to work out the true extent of Auntie's fantasies.would it be fair to say that chocolate covered lingerie in the guise of a genealogy expert in any kind fo uniform in Derbyshire would float her boat??


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2010 23:40

Oh we all have our fantasies on here me included. I really am off now before I fall asleep on this keyboard. Nite nite

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 7 Apr 2010 23:40

Errrr, I think I'd better read the thread, seems like I've missed something.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 7 Apr 2010 23:52

Ah, Maz forgot to put a 'full stop' after 5.

Made it look like 5am, well, I think that's what happened.

Derek, nothing unusual about Aunty's fantasies, that's normal for this


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Apr 2010 09:23

No Maz yet? She is usually the first Northern Hemisphere person to log on! Perhaps 5 am was right in the first place, or esle she had a VERY heavy night, last night lol.

Lovely and sunny today. Too nice to sit at the comp all day, but expect that's what will happen lol

YG, are your Radiators sorted now, or is that later in the year?


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Apr 2010 10:36

lol I am here frog came at tea time you lot now is here still too lol we went to see Nanny Mcphee and the Big bang
we are now going out to lunch Bye for now lol


AuntySherlock Report 8 Apr 2010 11:57

Hello! Hmmm I think it might be a 24 hour frog. Whoo, hoo, rummages through the drawer for the fascinator, checks out the row boat.

Ahem!! The Incredible Adventures of Aunty. We left Aunty packing OH and his baggage into the car. The conversation on the way to the airport was along the lines of, Now you behave yourself while you are visiting, with the response, does this mean I can't use the f word!!

Dropped OH off and motored back to the suburb where I needed to be. Because the place does not open until 10.30 I left the car in a carpark and caught the bus into the city. As we went past the fire station I waved happily to all the lovely firemen lined up outside the fire station. They all had placards which said things like, We can help! We Like Pommy Girls! Repairs done here. Bloomers Found. Adopt an Aussie Fireman!!

First thing I did when I reached the city was to stand outside, well just inside, the door of the chocolate shop. And breathed in deeeeeeply. It only took me a little while to recover from my faint. The ladies in the choccy shop were concerned at the dribble from my mouth so I borrowed the nice policeman's handkerchief to mop it up. I declined their kind offer of a year's supply of chocolate and was carried screaming from the shop.

My next pressing necessity was to find a convenience which I did and remembering the lady's guide to using a public loo was very pleased to see a full roll of paper was available.

I then spent some time in a bookshop where, using a voucher I had been given for my birthday some months ago, I bought a book on researching family history ( no idea what I needed that for) and a slow cooker cooking book. So it cost me more than the voucher, too bad.

I then found the bus stop again caught the bus back to where my car was parked brought something to eat drove my car about 500 metres to where I had to be sat in my car and ate the food. And that took care of the scrumptious luncheon I promised myself.

Then went to the research place, introduced myself, became a member and spent the next four hours overloading my brain with information, procedures, systems, books, papers, fiche and notes. I found enough information to ensure I need to go back for more. I think if I buy a folding bed it should just fit through the door. I will then be able to stay there all night. Wonder what is the punishment for breaking and entering a historical reference establishment.

About 3pm I figured I'd better go home. It is an hour's drive and being a technologically astute female I set the satnav for home, switched the brain into neutral and drove. Now the clever satnav had about five options to move me from one side of the big city to the other. From south to north. And what were the directions. Straight through the middle of the city. By the time the brain had clicked back into gear it was too late and so it was not a leisurely drive home.

Arrived home to be greeted by Spot. Howl, howl, Owwwwww, grrrrrrr owwww, hoooowwwwl, bark, bark, bark. Where the flaming heck have you been all day. I haven't had my afternoon walk, I haven't had any lunch, where's my dad, hurry up and put your shoes on, I'll help you with the bark bark bark laces. And so Aunty's day finished with a not too leisurely walk with a ten tonne tornado who believes a good walk is a fast walk, particularly if dinner is waiting at the end.

Just received an email from the rellie visiting. "Your OH arrived safety, we are meeting for tea tonight, there is a slight resemblance to the cousin, same sense of humour".

I hope he remembers the bit about behaving himself!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Apr 2010 17:30

LOL Aunty, how could anybody follow that little story.

God, it would take me all day to type all that.


YG Report 8 Apr 2010 17:43

Aunty, you realise that your behaviour at the choccy shop and the talk of fireman and bloomers has convinced Derek that he is right about your fantasies!!

AND, why didn't you grab a fireman under one arm and take him kicking and screaming back to your place. You could have loaded him on the catapult and he would be here now!!

Anyway, you will all be pleased to know that I made the journey up the motorway and back in one piece, with no mishaps. Had a really enjoyable time. That is my annual outing done for this year!!! Although, my friend is buying a property in Turkey and I have been invited over for a holiday when it is completed, so next year, who knows!!!!

DET, the radiators aren't fixed yet. Still waiting for the refurb which is due between now and the end of the year, but not holding my breath!!! They still haven't fixed the fence yet!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Apr 2010 18:04

Greetings to the returning travellers. Glad both trips went well, even if AS did have an unwelcome detour through rush hour midtown city traffic!

Start saving YG - a 'free' holiday is too good to miss. And what do you mean? That was your annual outing? Don't we count - lol!

Am I allowed a free 'grr'? Sat at home all day waiting for a repair man, who phoned at 4.30 to say he couldn't come now until Monday. Grrrrrrrrrr. Still, as my back has gone into a spasm, we probably wouldn't have gone out, but it's the principle of the thing.

Hope Aunty's OH is managing to behave himself. Obviously it's nature over nurture and he will fit right in with his recently discovered relatives. :-)

Doesn't Aunty drool over Orlando Bloom or some such Toy Boy????


YG Report 8 Apr 2010 19:30

Of course you all count DET!!! I was just basing it on the fact that I went out once last year and haven't been out since, so figured this was the one event for 2010 lol!!

Now then, why, I wonder, has your back gone into spasm!! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Apr 2010 19:43

How about...........picking up a duster? lol. Well, it would be lol if it didn't twinge!!!


YG Report 8 Apr 2010 20:27

Can't you come up with anything more exciting than that!!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Apr 2010 20:28

hello i here back from youth which was cancelled ,
frog dropped me off and it was too late to shout him back when i found out so i stayed and chatted instead at the desk .You lot are awful 24 hour frogs sometimes lol ,Have been up the Dale today for lunch and at last have my handbag found in the oddest of places it is a designer one in a gift shop antique place for 6 quid a bargain so my out fit is complete .
Aunty you dont have to panic about the fascinator etc lol there really is no need lol


YG Report 8 Apr 2010 20:44

D'ya know, you'll tell us anything Maz!!