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LaGooner Report 5 Apr 2010 00:11

LOL Aunty I told you Red and White Kit is the best. I am off to bed now as I have been in the garden all day digging and cutting back. Spent all evening doing some more research and now I am completely Cream Crackered LOL.
Nite nite one and all, catch you sometime soon I hope


LaGooner Report 5 Apr 2010 09:20

My word where is everyone.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all if you look in


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 09:22



YG Report 5 Apr 2010 09:34

A belated happy Easter to everyone!!

I didn't get on the thread yesterday because Muffy decided to give me an Easter present >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not a lovely choccie egg >>>>>>>>>>

a black eye!!

She came in to wake me up and sat on top of my head. I tried to push her off and her lethal claws caught me. I have a cut right across the bridge of my nose and a deep one on my eyelid that has caused the, well, purple rather than black, eye!! It's half closed, so spent an idle day watching tv!!!!

Now then, when you have all finished rolling round the floor >>>>>>>>>>

I hope you all had a lovely day and well done LG for not touching any chocolate!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 09:40

i am here lol just trying to find the start button but went to the kettle instead lol .
ooo RMS is going to end her thread , thread whooshhing party time yeaa


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 09:47

Hi Maz. The kettle sounds like a very good idea!! Time I had breakfast, me thinks!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 09:49

morning YG how is the shiner lol


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 10:06

It's got lots more colour today!! I was so lucky that it didn't catch my eye. I look a real mess!! Hope it heals before I go out on Thursday or people will wonder what I've been up to!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 10:14

lol you will have to get some shades like the celebs do .it looks as if its stopping raining here i have a third load of washing in and plan to do some painting to tidy up the marks lol ready for the wedding


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 10:18

It's been raining overnight here. The tv forecast was right! I was hoping to cut the grass, as I didn't get it done yesterday, but it will have to wait unless it clears up.

I'm off all week, so hopefully I'll get it done, if the council don't beat me to it!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 10:58

well my grass is so wet. still it is supposed to dry out later on in the week its washing I want to put out .it is supposed to get warmer too which will help out .
I have asked Andrew to take me to get some paint but he is still lazing in bed so I am waiting
I have oiled the wood in the loo and washed the floor used some undercoat on the window so now wait for that to dry


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Apr 2010 11:03

Morning/Evening all. Hope Aunty's OH has returned safely, although she is probably more pleased to see Spot again lol.

Sounds nasty YG. Make sure you keep an 'eye' on it and off to the Hospital/GP at the first sign of infection.

You Nutters were very industrious yesterday - not sure what we did now, apart from getting up late and having a video web chat with child overseas. We ought to book our flights, but it is getting sooo expensive now, even in cattle class.


AuntySherlock Report 5 Apr 2010 11:20

Hi everyone, yes I'm here and my peace and quietness was brought to an end this afternoon. OH and the mad dog arrived home again safe and sound. She smiles happily!!

YG I think you have had enough adventures. I'm sorry my dear but you really need a minder. Just take your black eye, your knickerless bottom and your hands sore from gardening, and stand outside the nearest fire station. Oh, forgot, and a sign around the neck. Something along the lines of "free to a good home" or take a risk, here's trouble.

Is RMS up to whooshing again. Last time she did that I growled at her. Obviously I didn't yell loud enough. Oh well perhaps she's found the info she needed.

Hi DET Re the plane fares, google, google it's amazing what you can find these days. Hi LG Boo to you too. I'm intrigued about Maz's housework efforts. Sound like she is doing up the house to sell it. You know that story don't you. Made such a good job of the refurbishing and renovating they decided to buy the house themselves.

I'm doing an Australian search for someone. Must admit I've been sitting here quite teary eyed. Count myself so lucky with the life I have had. Thank you for the unspoken warm fuzzies, I knew you'd understand.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Apr 2010 12:35

Thinks its her Cookie thread, so don't get worked up about it.

Back to number crunching on flights - sigh. And to think I used to be in the Travel Industry.


Derek Report 5 Apr 2010 13:08

Hello all you nutkins..(nutters).just to let you know i am monitoring your traffic.and have surrounded Derbyshire with a moat of pink custard.....and its shark-infested!!.

Derek x


AuntySherlock Report 5 Apr 2010 13:17

Hey LG. Do you wish to deal with him. I think the boakins, Nellie, Sweetpea and Gizmo are in need of a little entertainment.

Shark infested pink custard. Does someone wish to tell him what is usually found in that custard.


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 14:29

hello Derek, Bessie has been missing recently ,she is Nessies cousin from scotland they fell out and she came home with me fell in love with kenny the kimodo dragon of YG's and had babbies . so she might just be in the custard
well i am nearly finished the gloss in the loo then that is totally finished .I have begun the kitchen ceiling and paintwork too
Aunty glad you are reunited with spot
DET dont forget extra seats for the CPs .Gizmo needs no entertainment trust me he is capable of causing complete havoc


AuntySherlock Report 5 Apr 2010 15:29

And on that explanation, which is perfectly understandable to any Nut Lodger, I will bid you all goodnight. And heaven help us if Bessie has started producing again. We will have to declare open season on boakins, and issue everyone with snake catching sticks and bags.


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 16:23

if Bessie has more kimodo dragons we will never have to worry about gas or heating again lol .the boakins will become roasted alive .
perhaps we can raise funs by getting into the circus trade night Aunty


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 17:22

lol Aunty, I don't think anyone would take me on without completing a risk assessment first, and even then they would think twice!!

Had a good clear out of old paperwork and some of old photos that are past helping and of no interest to anyone!

Cut the smallest piece of grass, but think it still needs to dry out a bit more. A reasonable forecast for the next couple of days, so maybe!! That's if I can manage it without cutting the cable in two!!

Maz, you've been a busy girl! You'll be meeting yourself coming backwards!!