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LaGooner Report 6 Apr 2010 20:58

Just sitting here trying to summon up the enthusiasm to sort a bit of paperwork out . I keep looking at it but it won't go away LOL


LaGooner Report 6 Apr 2010 20:58

Byeeeee Maz


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 07:25

morning well here i am a list by my side of todays jobs and a coffee . its grey and dry .am i inspired to move lol no
but i must with about a month to go i need to keep focussed but am going to have a bit of a break today once i have finished the paintwork in the kitchen .


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 09:09

wakey wakey !!!
I am up lol on third cup of coffee paintwork finished lol
just got to clean now lol


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2010 09:15

Blimey Maz slow down girl, I have only just started chores and I am on my second coffee now to keep me up and running. Talking of running I'd love to. I have got a Dentist appointment at 10.15 Oh help >>>>>>>>>>>> runs for cover biting fingernails LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 09:24

ouch got ur cheque book lol
.I am looking for a white handbag too
How are you


YG Report 7 Apr 2010 09:29

Morning from a wet Yorkshire! That's put paid to any more gardening today!!

The gas engineer has been - blimey, on holiday and no chance of a lay-in. He was here at 8.00am! All work completed without any mishaps!!!

Just snatching some breakfast and a cuppa before deciding on ironing or going to the tip!!

Cleared out the shed of a few bits and bobs, plus an old portable tv that my son gave me. I tried to free cycle it but no takers, so has to go! It's a shame as it still works, but it is very, very old!

Enjoy the dentist - NOT - LG!! I don't envy you!!

Maz, enjoy your bit of free time today and don't do anything I wouldn't do!!


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 09:34

morning all well i am a wee bit away from free time but getting there lol Glad the gas was fine though .coffee drunk am going to the chores lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 7 Apr 2010 10:23

Oh what an exciting day you have ahead of you YG, the tip or the ironing..........hmm, tough decision.

My day is just as exciting........the ironing or cleaning the windows.

Edit: I suppose it's better than going to the dentist!


AuntySherlock Report 7 Apr 2010 10:36

Anyone there! I am going crazy. Just received a PM from DET in reply to a question I asked her. Little white envelope next to the Messages on the green bar. I have opened her PM and sent her a reply.

Little white envelope is still there. I know she has opened the message. I thought the little white envelope disappeared when you read the reply.

I keep going back to the Messages box and looking but there is no new message there.

Is this the end of my brain??


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 10:51

i got a e-mail to reply to my messages last week and there were none lol .so perhaps its a ploy to confuse us Aunty
YG the recycling must be fussy in your area i get rid of all what i put on


AuntySherlock Report 7 Apr 2010 10:55

Maz, you received THE email. You lucky person. You were one of the chosen few. I never received one and I was going to start a new society of the flyerless GR members.

Worry now it was just a mass mail out of flyers to try and persuade GR members that replying to PMs is a good thing.

And my little white envelope is glaring at me again.

I'm going to log out and log back in again.

Cross fingers that I return.


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 11:10

it was a ploy to try to contact members more and reply to our messages when we get FH stuff lol


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2010 11:13

Hi all, back with the good news my teeth passed their MOT but the rest of we wouldn't LOL.

Snap YG I got a heap of ironing waiting and just finishing this coffee and I will go and tackle it.

Boo Hoo no one loves me I have not got any email LOL :-))))


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2010 11:17

You mean you still don't have the 'Answer your messages' email AS? Poor thing! I was going to say it's because you are an 'S', but i'm a 'T' and got mine - lol!

I didn't take it as a personal criticism, but a timely reminder after a number of moaning threads. If only half a dozen people sit up and take notice, it was worth it.

YG - if we can fit it in the wheelie bin, they will take the rubbish, but like you, we prefer that items are recycled in some form if at all possible - hence the occassional dump run. Not so easy for those who don't drive!


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 11:18

i am always getting family trumps too why me lol ?with matches that i already know about lol
i meant to say freecycle our recycling is an absolute pain we have two small boxes to fit tins and glass, paper and card then a garden waste wheelie bin one as well the rubbish one and they are very fussy about whats in that now


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2010 11:19

That was quick LG. No cracked teeth from grinding them last night????

YG will chuckle at this (and possibly Aunty's OH)- my Asthma nurse is cross with lung function test yesterday was 'excellent'!!!!!


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2010 11:23

Ah well at least we lost to the best team in the world LOL. Better luck next year :-)).

Are you sure about that DET LOL !!! They don't like it if you prove them wrong do they LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2010 11:28

our tip is fussy too hence we have fly tipping issues here . they issue permits for trailers .there is a traveller who recycles stuff from the tip and sells it cheap Andrew got some brand new football boots for a fiver


AuntySherlock Report 7 Apr 2010 11:30

Do I deduce from the conciliatory talk that the team lost last night.

Oh dear, she said in a mournful voice, because you can't see her broad grin, such a shame, everyone all together, aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and they were doing so well. Cackle, cackle, oh my it does sort of seem they couldn't play without what's is face!!!

There, there, never mind, LG. Always next year.