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Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 18:05

lol YG thats who it is lol I have stopped for today lol just waiting for the floor to dry in Kitchen I have painted half of the ceiling and woodwork .so tomorrow will tackle the larger bit
I have to be in tomorrow so will make use of the time ,will need to pusuade RMS to have a cookie thread whooshing party cant miss oportunities lol


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 19:29

well throne empty hide here with my easter egg my frog bought me


LaGooner Report 5 Apr 2010 19:59

Whoops what was that loud crunch. Oh heck I have sat on Maz's Easter egg. Best leg it LOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 20:01

Don't worry LG!! You can't eat it to hide the evidence cos of your diet, so I will!! Maz will never know!! We'll blame the CPs or Spot!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 20:14

lol you clumsy pair .it was lovely lol .lg i am watching you evening petal it is now lol


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 20:31

I didn't break it Maz!!!! It was LG's botty that broke it!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Apr 2010 20:49

lol you ate the leftovers lol it was the box mainly that got flattened lol


AuntySherlock Report 5 Apr 2010 21:28

Hi There. It is about 5.30 am. My aging body is not used to the change in times so I am bright eyed and bushy tailed wide awake.
It is pouring with rain here and has been all night. OK so I am exaggerating just a bit. It has rained on and off all night and is still showery. Not cold about low 20s.

Interesting story about the chocolate box, sat on type. I just need to know one thing........

what exactly are "chocolate leftovers"??? Is that something which is available in the UK. I don't think I have ever had chocolate leftovers before. I usually suffer from "chocolate not enoughs".


YG Report 5 Apr 2010 21:34

It wan't really leftovers, Aunty. It was Maz's egg squashed into a thousand pieces, a bit like a jig saw!!! But, it still tasted wonderful!!


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Apr 2010 08:31

morning my
egg was lovely it was Hotel chocolat stuff its dry here and much warmer at long last washing is out and have begun the ceiling in the kitchen lol
the radiator is getting fixed today and i am getting stair rails in so they will be to oil later on


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Apr 2010 08:33

the left overs of choc were the crumbs i could not see in the dark the boss was charging the broomstick from the light fitting lol


AuntySherlock Report 6 Apr 2010 08:47

Morning all, or evening my time. Spent the first day of the holidays demonstrating to OH I can still be a useful member of the housewives association Slow cooked a beef casserole with potato bake. Sorted out photos for him to take on his rellie visiting.

However OH and Spot have had a serious falling out, or rather Spot has had a series of falling ins. Remember I told you it rained last night. Creek is running isn't it. So Spot went for a swim, not once but twice during his morning walk. Bad Spot norty Spot. Spot is dried off and looks like a big fluff ball. OH mutters bad words not quite under his breath.

Afternoon walk time. I hear them coming back and then I hear the back door shut. Uh ho. Spot fell in again. This time Spot had to stay outside in the sunshine, tied to the clothes line post, so he could dry off, again. And no sharing OHs afternoon tea biccies. I wouldn't like to be that sabretoothed tiger if he decides to go swimming again tomorrow morning. OH will have his food, water bowl and treats all packed up ready for Spot to go visit the Bad Dogs' Home!!!


YG Report 6 Apr 2010 09:06

Spot can be banished to the rather risky realms of my house Aunty!!

A dry day here so hopefully will get some more gardening done.

Well, I am totally gobsmacked for want of a better word!!! I phoned a major supplier to order two parts for my cooker and dishwasher. The cooker part was a timer button that consists of a one inch length of very narrow plastic about the diameter of a matchstick, with a small button on the end and it cost £5.01!! The foot for the dishwasher was the same price then they charged £5.10 delivery! When it arrived it was sent second class mail!! The foot was wrong, so I have phoned this morning for a refund and to make sure they send the right one this time and they have told me not to return the orginal one, but to throw it away!! I could post it for 50p, but they don't want me to pay the postage and their business labels cost £8.00!! I have never heard anything so ridiculous!!!

Rant over!!!


LaGooner Report 6 Apr 2010 09:12

Morning one and all. I had visitors last night (unexpected but very welcome) that's why I disappeared swiftly.

YG sounds the norm to me I had the same about throwing away with a freezer part.

PS Maz I was wondering who would pick up on it LOL. Just testing to see if I was still being stalked PMSL>


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Apr 2010 10:39

Poor YG - it is so annoying when that happens. But at least you aren't having to pay for their expensive labour to fit it. Although not quite the same, we have had to get the supplier in to fix a piece of brand new furntiure. He ordered the part, but when he came to fit it, it turns out it was the 'new' version, not the 'old' version he wanted. Think he was more cross than we were! At least it's under guarantee and won't cost us anything.

Spent most of yesterday hyperventilating into a paper bag after booking our overseas flights!!! If the kids think there is going to be anything left to inherit, they are sadly mistaken lol. The only way the CP are going to join us is if they manage to smuggle themselves into the baggage hold. As it is, OH has suggested I try to fit into a suitcase lol

Oh, and I missed out on the last day for BMD at the old price - OH decided to stay on the PC. Grrrr.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 6 Apr 2010 11:01

Well that makes a change DET, something breaking while it's still under guarantee. In our house it's usually the week after the guarantee runs out that something breaks.

I managed to send for a few certs before the price change but I'm still waiting for one of them to turn up.

It's horrible outside, cold and windy, but I'll have to go out in it - need to renew my car insurance.

I'll just give the lodge a quick tidy up before I go, bits of silver paper and crushed boxes all over the place.


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Apr 2010 11:55

well as its quiet i am having a quick coffee the ceiling is finished i think will look at it when i get up too check
.Radiator is sort of fixed the wrong part was ordered so the plumber packed the valve which could have been done the other day .But it was too difficult for the agency bloke to fix he thinks so left it on purpose so am going to complain
.stair rails are on and look lovely .not so sure a bout the grab rail in the bathroom but i guess safety is important .
but the place is a tip now so need to motivate soon lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Apr 2010 12:02

If they are offering you a grab rail for free, or at least included in your initial cost, take it! If they have to come back at a later date, they might charge you again. You can always use it as another towel rail - lol

BTW - have you sorted Mother out for May? I need to let the school know when I'm not available to work, if you decided to take up the cross London escort offer.


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Apr 2010 12:23

DET thanks but she wont travel so we gave up sons girlfriend is going to make her a scrapbook .we have tried everything and its was a no go she dont want to be a nuisance lol
I am shattered now the ceiling looks ok just some paintwork now to do later on
All the rails were free cos i need them lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Apr 2010 12:49

Shame she can't make it - son in laws Grandma was the same, even though she would have been chauffered door to door. Some days she is too poorly to get out of bed.

Can you get someone to video the highlights? Then she can watch it on DVD, even if it means someone local has to take a laptop round and supervise.

Glad you are getting free aides - father had to pay £25 for his!!!