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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 21 Jul 2010 20:03

OK Shirl ,Google "Mairzy Dotes sung by Pamela Holt.You will hear the song.I think it is from the 40's.


David Report 21 Jul 2010 20:09

Mares eat ots, and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy.


Jane Report 21 Jul 2010 20:18

You know it well David lol


Tracey Report 21 Jul 2010 21:22

YES JANE I know it's a song also still know all the word--- would sing during the war----
I f i fined out about the bear will tell you---
HE###L Just had down pour almost washed the lawn away.


Jane Report 21 Jul 2010 21:35

Fingers crossed the bear is saved Shirl.
I am off to bed in a mo ,so will say Night Night .
I don't say a prayer now when I go to bed but when `i was little I had to kneel on the rug by the bed and say
Gentle Jesus ,Meek and Mild
Look upon a little child
Pity my simplicity
Suffer me to come to thee
God Bless.Mummy ,Daddy,Peter(the cat)lol,Jane and Janice.
See you in the morning.


Maureen Report 21 Jul 2010 21:50

I was going to say Mandy, I have a double bedroom and a single empty come and stay and then you mentioned Toby and as much as I love dogs I don't think he would go down too well with my two cats !!!!!!! My brother has one of his daughters and her three children staying with him, when he was here last week he turned to his wife and said, listen to that ............ peace and quiet ..................

When you put it like that David, the whole song makes sense, never realised it before, do little lambs eat ivy ?????

Shall I see if I can bag a couple of six footers Shirl. we could have one each ......Lol.


Tracey Report 21 Jul 2010 21:56

well night night all at home--will see if I can get a Brit show on TV to-night

hope Frank is over shock of cost 65 pounds for door lol xxx


Maureen Report 21 Jul 2010 22:01

Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
Yes! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?

Translated as David said, I guess the second line translates as
A kid will eat ivy too, wouldn't you.


Maureen Report 21 Jul 2010 22:08

This computers on a go slow so I am off up the 'apples and pears'. Tell me tomorrow Jane what book you're reading. Am half way through The Help by Kathryn Stockett it's very good. but no murders in it !!!!!!

Night night all xxxxxx

Shirl, when we were talking six footers I didn't mean bears


Frank Report 21 Jul 2010 22:38

Been out for a few beers tonight, also had a big dish of prawns, in the skins, picked and sucked and ate the whole packet. Now sitting watching tele for a few minutes before turning in and getting a good nights sleep.

See you in the morning.


Tracey Report 22 Jul 2010 01:55

I know that one maureen-----UP-THE-STAIRS"""

i'LL SETTLE FOR 5ft 10 Maureen xxxx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jul 2010 08:43

Morning all,

Well yesterday when I went out and arrived at the village it fell out of the sky. I only had a cheesecloth shirt and T shirt on and cotton trousers. Waited in the car for a min or two but it did'nt give up so took my shirt off and put on the only coat I had in the car which was a fleece. It then stopped for a little while so I walked to the shops. Did most things I had to do first and then it started again, stair rods this time and the market was trying to pack up. They kept having to push the tarps up to get all the water off. It was really bucketing down and I went from shop to shop. By the time I got to the car I was soaked through and drove home in a very wet state.

Well today is the day we go to get the fairies!! OH is just chivying me up to get ready to go out as his other wood is coming today for the staging on the end of the pond where the fairies are going.

Not very nice here today and as Elizabeth said the flowers are looking a little worse for wear with all the rain. I told you once it starts down here it never knows when to stop.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jul 2010 08:46

Forgot to say that OH and I ate some of our blueberries yesterday. It did'nt have many on it this year but I repotted it a little while ago and it has grown huge this year. It had been in it's other pot for about two or three years but now it has a bigger one and new acid soil it is going great guns.


Jane Report 22 Jul 2010 09:18

Morning Mel,
Lucky you growing Blueberries.They cost a bomb for a punnet.
I hope we see some pics of the Fairies later.Off now t o pick James up from the garage as his car is in for MOT today.


Jane Report 22 Jul 2010 11:06

Oh Elizabeth,don't get me started on animal cruelty!!!!!!.There will be steam coming out of my ears.
When I went to bed as a child,all my dolls and teddies and golly would be lined up beside me and I would sleep right on the edge of the bedI would get Dad to tuck me in tightly so I wouldn't fall out lol.


Fiona Report 22 Jul 2010 11:59

Hi everyone
Dull but dry this morning was raining but has now stopped.(very hard to write on here this morning keeps sticking)
Just had a shower after my exercises, not going out today, very quiet, catch up on some house chores. as tomorrow its off to baby sit Sofia as daughter no 1 is off to the job centre for her fortnightly visit.
almost lunch time so I need to find out whats left in the fridge, Daughter no 2 and boyfriend attack the fridge every time they come and I'm lucky if there's any meats left at all, catch up later today.


Jane Report 22 Jul 2010 12:08

I know just what you mean about the fridge Fiona !!!!!I often go to get something out and it has vanished lol.
There are some very nasty looking clouds .I have my music blaring away in the garden so think I had better get it in quickly in case of rain,

I Have had 4 phone calls so far this morning....all dodgy ones I think.I have not answered them.Just 1471 and they do not have the callers number.That normally means overseas!!!!!!!.
Right must get that CD player in now.


MillymollyAmanda Report 22 Jul 2010 12:49

Afternoon all,
Still no rain ,sunny here,but we have a few black clouds about ,must keep on eye out for my washing and the cushions on the garden swing .

Family coming for tea tonight ,Got Gammon and salad ,i've also made a Bacon and Cheese Quiche and a Lemon Meringue Pie.

I saw that about the Donkey ,poor old thing ,i couldn't read about it ,i don't like to read anything about cruelty to any animals.

Yes i remember having shoe boxes to put my dolls in ,and lots of knitted clothes for my dolls ,probably left over wool from my knitted cardies !!!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 22 Jul 2010 13:05

I'am off out to sit in the garden and have five minutes to myself !!


Frank Report 22 Jul 2010 14:02

Just had a very old childhood memory. Mum asked me to go and pick some mint. Wash it and put it on the side ready for the potatoes. Off I went down the garden, picked the mint, took into the kitchen, and proceeded to wash the mint with a BAR OF SOAP. Who said little boys don't wash !!!!

Had a heavy shower earlier, but not enouth to do any good.