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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Jul 2010 09:12

Morning all,

Have'nt caught up with your posts yet.

Dull and dreary here and wet outside.

Went and bought more fish yesterday all goldfish this time but only little ones. Brought home a chinese for dinner and then sat out on the decking watching the fish feed with a nice glass of wine and OH. It was nearly dark when we came in as it was getting a bit damp.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 09:50

Morning Mel,Elizabeth and All
Funny morning here ,cloud and sun.I wonder which way it will go.
I am doing a Roast today.Pork loin and Chicken(Hannah doesn't eat pork).Roast potatoes,yorkshires,peas,beans.cabbage and leek mix(in a bag)and carrots.My mouth is watering now lol
Off for a shower and hairwash while Chris is out with Chester.The other 2 are zzzzzzzzz still.I have a feeling they both came in in the early hours.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 10:02

I'm so chuffed,as I am just sat here I managed to get a couple of pics of the young woodpecker on the dead tree.I took it through the window as I know if I had gone right up to the glass it would have flown off.
Will send pics out later.Must have that shower!!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Jul 2010 10:14

Elizabeth, do we know where you live please??

OH has had me sewing pieces of pond liner to the bottom of the planting baskets as he is filling them with plants and big stones.
gosh what a job, the liner is so tuff to get a needle through so he has decided to do it himself but I have to thread the needle.

Did any of you have a plastic shaving kit when you were young? I did and would be in the bathroom with dad as he shaved and I would shave too. The little shaving brush had a red wooden handle and white bristles.The razor had a flat plastic two sided blade like the old Gillette blades. My grandfather on mothers side of the family always used a cutthroat razor and I think I had that when he died. It had a lovely white handle but I don't know what happened to it to this day. He would shave in their small kitchen and he had a big pimple on the side of his chin the size of a pea and I like to watch him shave round it. Nan told me he had often caught it with the razor!! He would sharpen the razor on a leather which was attached to a handle on one of the kitchen cupboards.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 12:27

I don't remember plastic shaving kits Mel.Dad did have a cut throat one until he grew a beard and then used the gilette with the screw on handle to do his cheeks.Before his beard he was always walking around with bits of toilet paper stuck on his face lol.I used to do that with my legs,but ladies razors are so much better now I never seem to get any nicks.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Jul 2010 12:49

Afternoon all,
Lovely and sunny here, got the family coming later for a dip ,then we're having Chinese ,so no cooking for me today .

Mel ,i bet it was lovely sitting on your new Decking in the evening and watching the fish , so relaxing !! carn't wait to see the photo's.

Jane you'll enjoy your Roast, when you haven't had one for a while you seem to enjoy it all the more ,we've still got a little bit of our Pork Loin left ,it was just so tender it fell to bits .

Dad used to have a cut throat razor ,i think he had like a strap thing to sharpen it on .
I'am really lucky i have really smooth legs, don't have to shave them at all.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 13:06

Woodpecker photos sent now.
Mandy you are SO lucky to have smooth legs.My are the bane of my life lol
No sun here now,just cloud.Have a nice dip this afternoon.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Jul 2010 13:14

Jane , good pictures of Woody ,do you think he lives in the dead tree?

My legs are so smooth Jane ,they have a shine ! to them LOL
i have noticed that i now have a few tiny little veins round my ankle ,old age i suppose !


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Jul 2010 13:24

Off to sit in the garden now ,and you won't believe it when you hear what i'am doing ............stitching my Christmas Cards !!!!!


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 13:32

Mandy ,no birds live in the tree trunk,but a lot go there to eat bugs that I think must be in the bark.I do worry that one day the trunk just may fall down,and land in our garden.It is next door.
I will be expecting a lovely cross stitch Xmas card then this year lol.Your Birthday card was lovely.I wish I was clever at things like that ,but sadly I'm not.I'm hopeless when it comes to things such as sewing,drawing,painting etc.My sister is brilliant and very artistic.I obviously don't have that streak in my Genes.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 14:44

It's very quiet here today.I hope Maureen is having a good weekend .
Where is Frank???


Tracey Report 18 Jul 2010 14:44

Afternoon Girls ---Nice pic of your cute friend Jane---
It was the cuthtroat razor I told you I would shave my Gramps it had
white handle may have been bone or Ivory? and I'd sharpen it on the strap .-Gee I would only be about 9/10 He had great faith & trust in me
his Side Kick
Steak&peppers cottage cheese Cob corn--to-night

when very young did cross stitching-still have piece for back of chesterfield-or sofa i done Mum had found & sent it--

Mel how romantic just You two sitting there glass of wine after a long busy day---You know this is doing us no good wishing---xxxxGO-GIRL GO

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Jul 2010 15:42

I did capture the humming bird hawk moth but he or it is all blurry. He must have been flying fast when I took the pic.

Have downloaded them so now it will take me an age to send then to you. If I send them to you Jane can you send them to other please as I have to have a go at the caravan this afternoon as OH's sister is coming down at the end of the month. I have'nt met this sister yet!


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 15:56

Will do Mel.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 16:29

Oh Heck!!! I am keeping an eye on Chris .He is up one of these put together scaffolding things,cutting hedge/trees with electric saw.He has already been in for plasters lol
He will be joining the Frank and Ann's OH club soon !!!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Jul 2010 17:27

I do hope not Jane. Mine had been in for a plaster when doing the pond and then yesterday he had a fingernail that was broken way below where it joined his finger.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 17:38

That's painful Mel!!
Just had a lovely chinwag with our Frank.


Jane Report 18 Jul 2010 17:40

I think I might be getting your pics coming through now Mel


David Report 18 Jul 2010 18:13

Thank you for the 2 photos of that bird and the other 2 of Mel's new pool.What's that thing on the other side of the fence at end of decking?

.Hire a pro, so much safer upo a tree with a saw J


Annx Report 18 Jul 2010 18:14

Afternoon All,

Dull and cloudy here now but no rain today.

Mandy you are well organised with your cards......I tend to be a bit last minute with things! I still have my card you made on the window sill.....will be taking it with Maureen's to show MIL next time we go.They are both lovely.

Jane, well done to get a pic of the woodpecker. Thanks for sending Mel's pics on.....I have seen the first 2.....very impressive Mel......he's good with the spirit level isn't he? Water level nice and even. I drove OH mad when we did our little fibreglass pond, lifting it in and out scraping bits off to get it level. I like the decking at the higher level so you can look into it. It must have been lovely sitting there in the evening with a glass of wine.

My new friend has been around again and I got a pic of him/her having a little snooze on the gravel of all places!! Good job there are no pussycats around here. I will send it on to you shortly.

I bet Frank wouldn't have let you shave him with one of those Shirl!!! lol