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7 Jul 2010 22:31 |
Welcome home Maureen--you've only ever been a thought away. One day at a time my friend xxxx
Talk tomorrow-----night night all xxxx
Dave how's your ear???
7 Jul 2010 23:38 |
I expect you are all in bed now except Shirl and Frank. I will be off in a minute. This phone hasn't stopped ringing in the last six weeks. Have been on the phone to one of my girls who is finding it hard,
Shirl, I was going to suggest we swap houses for the summer, I love the hot, and I mean hot, weather, but wouldn't want your very cold winters, trouble is you'd have to bring OG with you !!!!! I could deal with the heat but not OG as well.
See you all tomorrow. xxxx
8 Jul 2010 09:59 |
Morning All Sheila ,your story of your melted walnut whip reminds me of a few years back my sister and I had been to our Aunty's funeral,and we were staying in a Hotel.We bought some goodies to take up to the room,and sat in our beds munching watching TV.I woke in the night to discover I had fallen asleep on a bag of Mini Jaffa Cakes .One was stuck on my cheek,and melted chocolate had managed to get all over the sheets !!! I left a note of apology to housekeeping lol
It feels very muggy this morning,a bit uncomfortable. On the lawn when I got back with Chester were 2 squirrels,2 rabbits.3 pidgeons,6 blackbirds,and lots of other little birds.Chester stuck his nose out and WHOOSH they were all gone lol
8 Jul 2010 10:40 |
Morning to you all, Glad to see you back Maureen, I know it will get easier as the days go by.
We had a nice afternoon and evening in Rutland, Son did a beef stirfry with loads of beansprouts and noodles. very tastey. and made a nice change. Near his house there is a strawberry farm. They grow them in grow bags on tressles about 4 ft of the ground. So easy to pick. and they are covered in Polly tunnels, which they roll up at the sides.Ros picked a big box full, she loves them.
I have decided to cook the Turkey Saturday, and prepare a large salad with new Pots from my bags. If they are ready. I will make a tray of stuffing, and sausages wrapped in bacon. I can lay the table, and they can all sit down when they are ready, easier than trying to get hot food done at a certain time.
My electrical connectors arrived this morning 24 hour service!!! Not sure wheather to leave till the weekend, one of the sons might offer. I should be so lucky. Glad you are shot of the rabbit Jane, It's not nice to see is it ??? Trust it's not to hot for our Shirl. it seems to be a lot cooler here, I will do a bit of pottering about this morning, might tidy the shed or garage.
Mel Fairy Godmother
8 Jul 2010 11:33 |
I have been doing a bit of research on a family member. Found her last night late, and I mean very late.
Welcome back to the mad thread Maureen. As everyone else says things will get a it easier.
Suns out here so off to water the tunnel.
Frank I told you pots are ready 90 days after planting. Been digging ours for quite a while now but OH off potatoes at the moment.
Sheila nice of you to call back in so please make it permanent with your postings and join us happy crowd.
8 Jul 2010 11:56 |
Mel, Thats O.K. but I don't remember when I planted mine.!!!!! I casn't remember that far back. I just pushed my hand down into the bag a pulled one out, It's just the right size, washed it under the tap and the skin just fell off. Think I will get some for tea tonight.
Mel I have sent you a message.
8 Jul 2010 12:42 |
Afternoon everyone, I don't know where the morning has gone,i've been shopping ,went to get a bag of dog food and the store that i go to had painted the floor last night and it wasn't dry !! the customers were queueing near the door and the staff were getting the orders for them ,i decided not to wait ,i'll go again tomorrow .
I've hung washing out but there's a few black clouds about ,really warm and muggy though. Family coming for tea tonight i've made a Lasagne and Milk jelly and Rice Pudding !!.....and its really creamy !! not stodge !! LOL
Sheila ,i added Miliemolly before my name because there were other Amanda's when i first started posting and it got a bit confusing !! but no one calls me Amanda ,i'am always Mandy ,even at the doctors where they use to call your name they now have a touch pad and out comes a ticket with a room and patient number .
Shelia, please keep with us, but watch out for Frank !! he's a right ladies man LOL only joking Frank .
Talking about melted Chocolate ,i've dropped chocolate down my front and not noticed ,and when i've got undressed it was all between my hanging Baskets !!! i even found a pea down there once !! LOL and biscuit crumbs ....most uncomfortable .
8 Jul 2010 12:53 |
Hi to shelia, Glad your back Maureen. Not a lot onto day spent the morning pottering about the house inbetween taking my turn to keep an eye on Sofia while her mum does her daily chores like washing bottles, going for a shower, and putting the clothes in the washing machine, we are going out this afternoon to do a bit of shopping then daughter no 1 is off to her friends for a couple of hours and I can get on with the ironing which is mounting up. We will find out tomorrow when SIL comes home from Italy if this is the last week he is away. it's lovely having my daughter and granddaughter staying but I really need a few days without them to catch up on some sleep. all in all they have been staying with me for almost 5 weeks now . They really need to get back together being a family again.
I think my headaches are nearly gone HURRAH!!!!!, been on the computer and did a little family research and I have had no headaches. Keeping my fingers crossed ,as soon as the family go back home , I will get the time to come on here and chat every day. it's so demanding looking after a baby BBL
8 Jul 2010 13:38 |
Great news Fiona, Hope you get rid of the headaches once and for all, It's been quite a time now hasn't it ????? Shelia, Don't take any notice of them. I have always been a bit of a lad with woman, and at my age I can't do any harm !!!!! But it's nice to have a "new girl" to chat up. Please keep with us, we are a great bunch of friends, chatting about everything and anything, so will be made most welcome.
Mandy. That's a new name for THEM !!!! My mum use to keep baby canaries down her BOOBS to keep them warm. My brother use to breed them. Wheather it was because the mother deserted them, I don't know.
Still haven't done any jobs, been to busy reading the paper and chatting to my neighbour, who has a day off, today. There's always tomorrow.
Have got a dozen small pots from my bag (one of four) for dinner tonight. looking forward to them, as fresh as that.With fresh peas, carrots, broad beans with Pork loin chops.
Mel Fairy Godmother
8 Jul 2010 14:19 |
Been holding long pieces of decking while OH cuts them on the bench saw.
Hot here today.
8 Jul 2010 16:20 |
That sounds good news more headaches.Golly it has taken a ling time hasn't it. I have been a good girl and just been to give blood.I'm a right little bleeder lol.I filled the bag in 5 minutes12 seconds,and took a long time to stop bleeding. Must go and water the garden now before I forget.
8 Jul 2010 16:26 |
Afternoon all----------
Dont you know I've to be out again in this heat 37/8---- Have to take OG for his heart ULTRA - SOUND---My poor son has spent his week hol;iday taken OG back and forth to Clinic & Dr Will have to take bottle water for us
Maureen would love to change with you xxx but true you'd not handle OG----LOL XXX But we'll keep the thought xxx
sheila dont worry about Frank He's a DANGER to himself ask anyone here ??? lol xxx Must away feed the beast ??? Dont know when i'll get back from hospital---
Ann didn't get my frames yet
8 Jul 2010 16:30 |
Sheila, you're a girl after my own heart. I used to bite the walnut off the top of the walnut whip, then bite the top off and lick all the cream out and then eat the chocolate and there was usually another walnut stuck to the chocolate at the bottom. It's making my mouth water, I haven't had chocolate for ages. I have lost about half a stone, probably a culmination of walking twenty minutes everyday to the hospital the upset of losing mum and I have been eating salads for the last couple of months. Better not go mad buying smaller sized clothes, I'll probably put it all back on again.
Didn't I hear someone say they had courgettes and tomatoes and stuff already, I've only got a few flowers on mine at the moment. Lord if all the tomato plants have fruit, I'll be eating them for ever more. I did a load for my son to sell at the boot sale and he hasn't had time to do one so I have about 30 tomato plants.
8 Jul 2010 16:41 |
We haven't grown courgettes this year Maureen,but have lots of cucumbers.I am picking the peas and the dwarf beans look like I will get some to pick maybe tomorrow.Runners have been slow to get going but seem fine now. Frank you planted your pots before us I think.We have had about 20 from bag 1.Two more to go. Ooops ,still haven't watered .I seem to keep getting sidetracked lol
8 Jul 2010 17:01 |
It's been cloudy all day but the sun has finally shone through, just sat out for five minutes, it's really hot.
I think we've earned the right Frank to potter about and sit and have a natter and put off today what we can do tomorrow. I quite often go out for a break in the garden with a drink and a crossword and don't come in again for the rest of the day !!!!
8 Jul 2010 17:14 |
hi all just a quick hello before I start the tea, started warming up here again it's been the first day we have had some sun for the last week or so, we have had a lot of rain, but I have been happy because I haven't got to water all the tubs, baskets and troughs while OH has been away.
got some ironing done and another load of washing in the machine Daughter no 2 is taking the little one for a walk in her buggy as she is very tired and won't give in, gives us all abreak and lets me get on making the tea.
8 Jul 2010 17:35 |
Finished watering at last.The sweat has broken out now.It is very humid all of a sudden. Frank when did we have any decent rain here? It must be weeks ago. James off to Kent to see his Girlfriend .He'll be back on Sunday.I can't be bothered to do much cooking tonight so it is going to be pasta
8 Jul 2010 18:38 |
Ive 3 daliahs with plenty of leaf on them but as yet no flower.
On the under side of the leaves and the stalks they're wick with black fly. Is this harmful?
8 Jul 2010 18:43 |
Oh Dear David.You don't want Black Fly.You need a spray for them I think.One of the others will have the answer I'm sure.I never know a gardening answer ,I just water and weed lol
8 Jul 2010 18:44 |
Hi Everyone,
So glad your headaches are going Fiona. It must be quite a relief to be getting free of them......they must be very tiring and draining.
Maureen, you'll have to put a table outside with a little sign and sell your tomatoes.......30 plants!! hanging baskets.....made me laugh!! I'm amazed what gets in there after being in the garden.
Hoovered and mopped all the bungalow this morning while OH watered, then he walked in flapping his mucky old t shirt to get cool and dropped bits all over my CLEAN floor!! Wouldn't mind but he'd just watched me do it......sent him outside with a flea in his ear..... Then shopping and a mooch around M*S and a few other shops. When we got home OH weeded and tidied the front and deadheaded all the pinks while I jetwashed the paths around the bungalow and up the garden. All the hedghog poo has washed off.....but I bet there will be some more tomorrow!! I left the patio till we decide new slabs or not.
Does anyone else have a power washer that dribbles water out where the hose connects? The connection is very tight, but I don't like the thought of the water so close to the motor.