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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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David Report 6 Jul 2010 20:06

That same traffic round about also has mature apple trees on it. The round about is on the site of the former Manors goods station. It was bombed during the war. I lived a mile or less from it in Portland Road.


Frank Report 6 Jul 2010 20:33

Are you having CRISPY DUCK Jane, I think thats the Dogs B#####s. That plumb sauce, with the cue and onions. LUVLY.

I'm doing the TURKEY on Sunday. They are all coming to me. it's No.2s Sons birthday Friday. So we have arranged to meet here Sunday.

Second half is just starting, so will sign off for now.


Jane Report 6 Jul 2010 21:14

No Frank,not crispy Duck.We had special fried rice,pork fried rice,crispy chiili beef,Kung po chicken,lemon chicken,chicken chow mein,some other beef thing.Oh and sweet and sour chicken balls.I think that was it.We now all feel a bit stuffed ,so birthday cake can wait until tomorrow,although I did blow out the 1 candle that I put on it .Not enough room for 56 lol.Trouble with Chinese is I will be thirsty all night long.I will take a litre of water to bed and most likely get through the lot by morning.


MillymollyAmanda Report 6 Jul 2010 21:41

Glad you liked the card Jane , i should think you are all full after all that Chinese!
Have you had the Bumps !!! LOL
i hated going to school on my birthday because your friends would try and give you the Bumps .

So the turkeys coming out of the freezer again Frank lol are you doing a roast or cooking it so you can have it cold ? should be hot again at the weekend .


Jane Report 6 Jul 2010 21:45

I think I need to lie down lol.You girls will know the feeling of being full up as far as just under your boobs! so you can't even take a deep breath lol.That's what a Chinese does to me !!
I will say night Night all,and thanks again for all your birthday wishes.
Nice surprise on Sunday.My Sister ,her daughter,Finn and Amelia are coming up for the day,while my sisters OH goes to visit his daughter from his first marriage.
Nightie Night everyone xx


Jane Report 6 Jul 2010 21:48

I HATED the Bumps.There was always someone a bit rough who would let you hit the ground lol.No bumps they would struggle to get me off the ground,let alone swing me up !!!.I remember at school having the bumps and always being worried about showing my pants lol


MillymollyAmanda Report 6 Jul 2010 21:51

Night Night xx


David Report 6 Jul 2010 22:02

Hope you had a memorable day Jane. PS next time tey an Italian or an Indian lol

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Jul 2010 22:43

Jane sounds like you had a lovely birthday. Nice lot of pressies and cards.

I have been up the border today and then OH asked me to come and hold some wood for the edging of the pond. I ended up as builders labourer hold this and that while it was cut and holding things upright while OH put the screws in. Did'nt get much of the border done as when I got back up there he told me it was time to pack up!!

Did sausages and ratatoui for dinner and mum had custard and peaches and then a choc eclair.

Had a nice glass of red tonight to celebrate Jane's birthday. Well thats my excuse anyway.

When I work in the tunnel it is usually about 30 in there. I have to wear things that cover me up as I get terribly bitten by horse flies or anything that likes to take a bite out of you.


Frank Report 6 Jul 2010 23:01

Night, Night, to you all.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Jul 2010 23:04

Night Frank.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Jul 2010 23:04

Night Frank.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Jul 2010 23:05

Night all.

Been ironing

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Jul 2010 09:36

Morning all and welcome Sheila.

I don't remember that name Sheila but my grandad used to have some sort of white medicine in a huge bottle with a cork in the top.

It's raining here today, only very finely but it is rain. This means I will not get on the border today!

Mum has foot lady this afternoon so I shall be feet washing this morning!!

I looked for Walnut Whips in Mo**isons on Monday and could'nt find any. They have them at Christmastime in boxes.

Anyone remember Whisper sweets? They were round like Maltesers but had a mint green inside sort of honeycomb stuff.


Jane Report 7 Jul 2010 10:07

Morning Mel and Hello Sheila.Glad you found us.That Angiers Emulsion sounds just like MIL PAR that used to be dealt out to me on a tablespoon if I was constipated.It made me urge and gag every time.
I know with any tablets, we had to lift out tongue up and side to side to make sure the pill had gone.
A cloudy morning here and a nice fresh feel to the air..Must go to town now.


MillymollyAmanda Report 7 Jul 2010 11:00

Morning everyone ,Hello Sheila

We have had just enough rain to wet the ground ! and thats all ,a nice steady rain overnight would be good .

Back to salad for tea tonight ,the Toad in the hole was nice last night for a change ,but the cabbage i got had no taste to it at all, now what do i do with the rest of it ,it seems such a waste putting it in the bin .

I'd send you some Walnut whips Mel ,but i don't know what they would be like with the heat !! they might end up as one massive melted lump!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 7 Jul 2010 11:05

Loved the email Ann, how did the cat get in on top of the coathangers ! and i liked the one in the flip flop too.


Annx Report 7 Jul 2010 11:33

Morning All,

A bit cooler this morning and breezy....nice. Shirl would like it after that sweltering heat. I never realised Canada could get so hot!

Sounds like you had a nice day Jane with lots of pressies.

Frank, the only party I remember as a child was the coronation party I went to when I was 4 or 5. No 21st, nothing, nor for my sister or brother. I used to feel quite sad when other children had parties and I got invited as mum wouldn't let me go because we wouldn't be able to ask them back. She always said she couldn't afford it, but even as a child I wondered why they could afford cigarettes then!!!

Bubble and squeak Mandy?? Hope that rain is headed this

I have been the labourer too yesterday and today Mel. He never gets everything together before he starts so I am a gofer too. I was cussing to myself this morning holding the trellis in position for ever while he made new holes. WHY didn't he mark which panel fitted where when he took them down to paint?? MEN.

Yesterday afternoon we went off to a local Crazy Golf at a golf course that someone had praised in the local paper. I haven't had a go at one for years but this one was really nice. It was 18 holes in a small hilly area and they had covered jungly reed panels, large shrubs and bamboo and rocks, with tunnels made from old sawn up telelgraph poles. There was a little lake and some of the holes were above the others and the ball would disappear down the hole to a lower level, some were through the tunnels or over bridges. We will be going again.

Yes, the coathanger one looked difficult to me Mandy!


Frank Report 7 Jul 2010 11:52

Annx, Another "TIGER WOODS" eh. It gets you out and you get a bit of excercise. I was a teenager at the time of the coronation, so didn't take a lot of notice of it. I remember when Charlie married I went fishing for the day !!!!

My only excersice yesterday was mowing the front lawn and cutting through the cable, which took ages to repair. I have ordered two connectors on Ebay this morning, as Ros cut through the Hedge trimmer cable on Sunday.So I will have some more electrical work to do. It is so painful on my hands, what with the stroke and arthritis. in my hands.

I also found out this morning, that our DYSO# has two filters. we didn't know that till yesterday when the belt broke, I ordered two new one today from E Spare# and saw a vidio on how to change the filters, WHAT FILTERS I ask Ros, We got the Dyso# out and I followed the vidio. Have ordered new ones today. Thats another expence I didn't need.!!!!

Is that pond filled yet Mel, I bet it will take an age !!!

I wonder how "PIGGY" Jane feels this morning after all that Chinese and Wine, Hope shes not driving.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Jul 2010 14:18

Yes Frank pond filled now and OH is working on the edging. He decided to put decking round it.

Done my foot washing bit and fed the chickens and put wshing on the line. that is all I have done today! made lunch too. So full up don't know what to do now.