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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 4 Jul 2010 19:38

Fiona ,hopefully most people will be accepting of the one Church,which ever one it will be.Trouble is it won't sit well with everyone.
No rain here so far.But so windy.


MillymollyAmanda Report 4 Jul 2010 19:46

Everyone's gone home now ,we've had a lovely day a little bit of cloud now and again but mostly sunny ,the wind has taken the brolly's over several times in the end hubby tied them to the fence!!

We've all been in the pool and the little ones had over two hours in the Spa ,they'll both sleep well tonight and i think i will too.
Sounds as if we have had the best of the weather today


Annx Report 4 Jul 2010 20:27

Well, Mel, how fascinating was that!! I think these things are so interesting. I wonder what smart gent once owned the cane. Years ago I did an old house up with my first OH and we were always taking stuff down the tip as we gutted the house. Often we would bring something back that was useful to us as it is amazing what people throw away. Then you could just help yourself, not like now. I still have a brown plastic milk crate I use to stand on to prune stuff or paint and handy to put a paint pot on too. It lives behind the shed.

Thanks for the tips about my beans and I will try some slug bait first. The plants are as tall as the canes and look healthy otherwise. I used to grow 2 long rows at my previous house and kept mum and the small residential home she had supplied too. I never used to have this problem then, just since moving to this house.

Had a nice rest today and sorted another drawer while watching Nadal win. Tomorrow OH tells me we are extending the trellis across the front of the greenhouse. Two thin edging stones to put in and an extra post. Then we need to straighten a couple of the other edging stones and we can put the freshly painted trellis back. It will look quite different I think.

It has been very windy here today and a bit cooler......more of the same tomorrow I think.


Jane Report 4 Jul 2010 20:52

My Couscous thingamygig actually went down a treat.I am now busy polishing my Medal lol,I am dead chuffed!!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 4 Jul 2010 20:55

I've just eaten two Walnut whips !!


Annx Report 4 Jul 2010 20:57

I thought it sounded really nice Jane.........but I am not too big a parsley fan. lol I want one now!!


Jane Report 4 Jul 2010 21:00



MillymollyAmanda Report 4 Jul 2010 21:05

Well they are there to be eaten i had two !!

If they weren't so sickly i'd have another one !! LOL


Jane Report 4 Jul 2010 21:17

Well I will be dreaming of Walnut Whips tonight .Dribbles on my pillow lol
Night Night .

Thinking of Maureen tomorrow at 2 o' clock when she says Goodbye to her Mum.x


MillymollyAmanda Report 4 Jul 2010 21:20

Night Jane ...sleep tight xx


Fiona Report 4 Jul 2010 22:04

I'm just popping in to say goodnight.
Mandy I love Walnut whips but can only eat the cream & choc, as nuts disagree with me.

Ill be thinking of Maureen & her family too Jane, it will not be an easy day for her, God bless her.

night night everyoneXXXX


David Report 5 Jul 2010 08:23

O what a beautiful morning


Jane Report 5 Jul 2010 10:32

Morning All
How is that ear now David,you sound happy lol
Just just been sat at the vets for an hour.It was manic there.There had been a couple of emergencies in I think that held everything up,and the air con had broken down so it was hot and stuffy.Just enjoying a coffee before I think about picking more peas for dinner.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 5 Jul 2010 11:01

Morning David and Jane and all,

Dry here again this morning but a bit cloudy with a breeze.

OH has decided to put decking round the pond so I have just ordered more.

Ann the man that painted our kitchen uses one of those milk crates. He comes in with all his bits and peices in it and uses it to stand on to paint too. He says they should make them for that purpose.

Your salad sounded nice Jane but I am not to keen on a lot of parsley. I like to dry mine and store it for use in soups and stews in the winter. I wash it and then pour boiling water over it and lay it on kitchen paper and pop it under the grill when I have the oven on and it stays there till its dry and I press it and put it in an airtight container.


Jane Report 5 Jul 2010 12:18

No Frank??? He wasn't here yesterday either .I hope him and Lewis haven't been getting up to tricks.
There is a lovely smell coming from my oven.I am roasting some red ,yellow,green peppers ,red onion,and tomatoes.I'm missing courgettes though,but I'm not gong out just for that.
Chester is wiped out again after another injection of Steroids.I have a antihistamine spray to squirt on his bum twice a day (that will be fun as he will leg it)and antibiotics.
There are some funny looking clouds,but blue sky too.


MillymollyAmanda Report 5 Jul 2010 12:46

Afternoon everyone,
Hot out there today ,i had a good nights sleep until i heard Toby being sick in the hallway ,good job i'am having new carpet in there ,so i shot out of bed to let him outside just as he was sick in the Conservatory !! he seems ok now , he did pinch a piece of Lamb that hubby had dropped off the barbeque yesterday .

Fiona you'd be ok with these Walnut whips as they don't have any walnuts on them ,thats why they sell them in the Chocolate Factory shop like seconds !

Ann my hubby uses milk crates to put his deals on when he is plastering as he says they are just the right height .

Fun and games with Chester then Jane, you'll have to catch him when he has his head in his meal bowl ,whip up his tail and squirt !!!

Thinking of Maureen and her family today, as they take Mum on her onward journey xx


Jane Report 5 Jul 2010 15:12

I haven't done the first squirt yet Mandy.He is just out for the count on the settee,while I iron.I will do it in the garden in a while.I see it is getting hotter as the week goes on.
Poor old Toby.Lamb sometimes gives Chester a dodgy tum lol


Tracey Report 5 Jul 2010 15:29

Afternoo All~~~~~~
another sunny -hot(( 28)) here ----Sound like some more good food again --

I like Parsley in almost any thing--Italian flat has a nice flavor good for salad---Have you ever made a cream cheese with parsley/toms sandwhich ??also in my scramble eggs

OG has knee xray-to-day I have Dr appt so will be gone most of the afternoon getting back as you lot are going to bed!!!! xxx

Dave how is your ear ????? get any oil for it---- As OG Dr said oil you have in the hous most of the time and its safe-- He said a few drops at least once a month --will soften the wax.


MillymollyAmanda Report 5 Jul 2010 15:33

He'll probably be ok with the first squirt ,as he won't know whats coming LOL, it will be the ones after that ,as soon as he see's the spray he'll be gone !!
Feel really tired today ,i daren't sit to long i'll be asleep !!


Annx Report 5 Jul 2010 15:39

Afternoon All,

Sun, sun sun again! The poor doggies are not doing too well, dicky tum for Toby and I can just imagine what Chester's reaction to a squirt up the bum would be........let me outa here....full steam ahead!!! lol

We have done our task of putting the edgings and extra post in this morning with a few of the usual disagreements!! lol The post was a bit twisted but it will look ok when the trellis is up. OH has gone to get a couple more brackets for the trellis and to take some things to his parents including a half of our first cucumber. lol. I have scanned a wedding photo for the newspaper ready for their diamond wedding announcement in the local paper in August, so that's one of the things he's returning........I suspect he may be looking at birthday cards too!!!!

I was thinking of Maureen too.......quite an emotional and difficult time. XXXXX