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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 2 Jul 2010 17:48

Don't know David.An inner ear infection? Wax?.Don't go poking around in it though.
Lets hope Ralfs new printer works ok.
Mel Ding Dong Bell OH in the well lol.
Shirl we haven't any flower baskets this year,just beds and pots.Baskets are a devil for drying out.I need to get and water the cucumbers and veg etc but the tennis is still on and I'm sure to miss something exciting.


Jane Report 2 Jul 2010 18:47

Oh Well we aren't in the final.They had a lovely hug which I thought was a nice touch,even though very sweaty lol
I will be glued to the mens final .Not so bothered about the womens.
Hannah is going Zorbing tomorrow.It is a big ball that looks like a Hamster ball and you get inside and are harnessed in then rolled down a steep hill !!!!!! Not my idea of fun lol.She might need a sick bag!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Jul 2010 19:10

Jane they had those big balls on water at the show on Wednesday , you had to hop in quick ,they were zipped up and filled with air,and then you were rolled off round the pool.
Then they had to jump out quick before the air came out of the ball and it sunk into the pool, £5-00 for five minutes.

Got the car back all passed for another year .


Annx Report 2 Jul 2010 19:20

I do like Nadal!! His kit always looks so white and smart and fits well!! lol I shall be watching the final too. Should be another good game.

Went out earlier to look for a garden shrub I want. I went out in my jeans as it was overcast and breezy. MISTAKE!! The sun came out and boy was it hot.......soon hot tailed it home and put my favourite top on. lol This morning I was out in it in the back garden and commando pulling some weeds out!! lol OH said 'goodness me, don't go in sight of the side gate or someone will be able to see the promised land'!!! lol,lol. I forgot it had shrunk in the wash. lol


Annx Report 2 Jul 2010 19:23

I would be claustrophobic in one of those balls..........sounds like fun though. You didn't get much for your money with those you saw Mandy.


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Jul 2010 19:28

I suppose five minutes is how long the air lasts for ,i'd be scared they wouldn't be able to get the zip open LOL

Ann, be careful you don't get a wasp fly in !!!!


Jane Report 2 Jul 2010 19:44

The Fair is in town!.Years ago when the children were little we used to go .One year I went up the Helter Skelter with my son .He went down fine.I went down and got stuck.It was a very narrow one ,but my botty was a little too wide ,so `i had to shuffle down.How embarrassing was that !!!!.My son reminded me of it tonight.I didn't think he remembered that.I won't be doing that again because of my Big End lolol
Promised `land eh! Ann lol


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Jul 2010 19:52

We have the Fair in the town twice a year ,used to be Grays the fair people.
I liked the horses and Dad would always try to win a Coconut sometimes he was lucky.
also liked the fairground rock.


Jane Report 2 Jul 2010 20:08

In my early teens I would go to the fair in Plymouth with my friends .I wasn't really allowed to go because the people were too rough lol.Make up would be plastered on after leaving the house and wiped off again before getting home .It was great fun .


Annx Report 2 Jul 2010 20:43

Heck Mandy, I never thought about that....or the stinging nettles. lol Glad your car passed its MOT....mine is due its first in September.

I always wanted to try and win a goldfish at the fair when I was little.....hooking those little ducks with numbers on the bottom. I think I must have thought that was the only place you could get a goldfish......oh and the rag and bone man. awful, and more awful your son has not forgotten it!! lol


Jane Report 2 Jul 2010 20:46

I think goldfish in plastic bags have been banned now.I hope so .Poor things with no oxygen in the bags.


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Jul 2010 20:57

Poor little goldfish ,they never used to live that long .
I remember trying to get ping pong balls in gold fish bowls to win a goldfish,and picking the one you fancied from the tank,i always tried to get one with pretty markings on.


Fiona Report 2 Jul 2010 21:10

Just popped in to say goodnight, I have been in bed at 9 almost every night this week as I need to have some rest before Sofia wakes up in the middle of the night (It's a different time every night) as sometimes I take over the feeding from daughter, it's a good night when it only takes an hour from beginning to end to get her back to sleep and on a bad night or rather early morning when daughter sometimes has to take the little one out in the car to get her to sleep.

anyway Sofia's daddy is home for the weekend tomorrow , so I will get a good sleep, Sat & Sun then they will be back for just one more week and hopefully SIL will be home for good next Friday.

So wishing you all a peaceful night,


Jane Report 2 Jul 2010 21:42

I had 2 goldfish called Pinky and Perky.I don't know if I won them in a plastic bag ,or if Mum and Dad bought them.I do remember that one of them died when it got stuck in a shell in the tank.It was one of the shells that you held to your ear and could hear the sea.

Fiona I hope you get a decent nights
Chris was just saying he can see our 2 still living at home for years to come!!!!!!!!.No!!!!!!!!!!! I love both of them dearly but I don't want them here for ever lolol.I want some of 'us time'.


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Jul 2010 22:02

Its bed time for me
Night Night all xx


Jane Report 2 Jul 2010 22:05

I'm away too Mandy.I hope David sleeps well with his bad ear.
Night Night xx
PS.I wonder if Mels OH is out of the well!!!!!


Annx Report 2 Jul 2010 22:47

Just finished watering the garden, front and back and the baskets too so I can lay in a bit in the morning and not have to do it then.

Looking at my family tree Jane, some children never did leave home!! Different and harder times though.......I'm sure yours wont want to stay for ever!!

I can remember going to fairs as a teenager in my denim bell bottoms with wool fringing on and bells on the sides. I would plug the bells with bits of toilet paper at home to muffle them so dad wouldn't hear and notice them, then out it would come when I was out of sight of home.

Hope Mel isn't in the well as well!!

Hope your ear is soon better David.

Night, night all xxx


Jane Report 3 Jul 2010 09:47

Morning All,
Lazy start for me today.James is taking Chester out in a minute,Hannah gone to do this Zorbing thing in Nottingham,OH at work.(AGAIN).
I have just picked the first of the peas.I must not be tempted to eat them as there aren't too many.I think I should have waited a few more days but just couldn't resist lol
It started of with clear blue sky,but now seems to be clouding over,but I think it going to be a really nice day.
Off to stuff the washing machine.BBL

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Jul 2010 10:06

Good morning all,

another lovely sunny day today. Must put some washing in. I also have'nt caught up with your posts.

No OH did'nt fall down the well yesterday, he was quite safe.

Why is it that there is always something to hold you up?? The pressure washer o rings have gone now and it's leaking like mad. This means that BIL will probably come today and hold up the work! OH wanted to clean off the slabs to go round the edge of the pond today.


MillymollyAmanda Report 3 Jul 2010 12:10

Afternoon everyone,
Lovely sunny day here and hot again.

Been very naughty ! went to the chocolate factory with son and DIL and bought Chocolate Walnut whips ,two packets !!

Mel, looks like you'll have to get the scrubbing brush out if you carn't use the pressure washer,all these things we have to make life easier ,we don't half miss them when they go wrong !!

Jane , do you think Hannah will have a few bruises when she gets home ,it must shake you up ,even if your harnessed in .