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LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 20:19

I'm the Killer Queen
Gelignite and gelatine,
dynamite with a laser beam
guaranteed to blow your mind. (or your eardrums LOL)

Sorry YG I just had to have a sing.

Well done with the charts now to fill them in ,sometimes easier said than done if you have elusive folk like mine LOL


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 20:28

No you're not!!

Edit: Whoops, only read the first bit lol!!!

You have just burst my eardrums LG!


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 20:34

Oh dear sorry YG. Just in a good mood the day has gone really well. I have achieved nearly all of the things I had on my To Do List for today. Just working on a few more bits of paperwork inbetween posting here.


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 20:40

I wish mine had LG!! Just found out today that the guy I do a lot of work for has handed in his notice.

He is a really pleasant guy, but difficult to work with because he has been unsettled for a long time and has a habit of disappearing and getting in touch with him is like trying to find the Scarlet Pimpernel!!! Depending on who they get to replace him, it could make my job a lot easier, but knowing how long it takes the firm to recruit, even though he has given three months notice, I could have a lot of problems because everything is in his head and noone else knows what he does!!!!


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 20:42

Oooooo heck YG that could be a tricky one if only he knows what he is doing.


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 20:46

Yes I know! I experienced it once when he was off sick for three months! It was no joke!

If I'm not already going grey, I will be soon lol!! On the other hand, it saves me from a very delicate situation because I was asked before Christmas to diarise everything that he didn't comply with and there was due to be a meeting next week. Hopefully they won't bother now.


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 20:54

It will be good if the meeting is stopped it will be less hassle for you.


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 21:05

Mmm, it would be a load of my mind!

I'm looking forward to starting my charts. I've had another e-mail from my contact in Oz and she is struggling to find a death for my ancestors father. I haven't gone to him, only to the son which is where my interest lays, but I think I have found his father's death. I have e-mailed her check where he lived to confirm hopefully.

I'm still really a novice at this game, but I surprise myself sometimes at things I can find on google!!

I'd like to try and find the churchyard where his father is buried in Buckingham now, but not sure how to go about it. Having said that, I found my ancestors brothers war grave in Gallipoli!


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 21:10

War graves are relatively easy to find on the whole and as you say Google is a great help. I find burials in uk by speaking to the local councils. I am at present waiting for a reply to try and find the wearabouts of OH's Grandad as the story is although his name is on headstone with Gran he is not actually buried in the same plot.


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 21:19

How could that be if his name is on the gravestone?


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 21:34

He died a long time before she did and was apparantly buried in another plot in the churchyard but no one bothered to check where so his wife was buried in the plot where the stone was erected or that is how the story goes. I am waiting to see what my local council comes up with to either prove it or disprove it.


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 21:39

Our local crem & cemetery has an office on site and they are very helpful. They found my brother's plot for me in double quick time and even sent someone with me to show me where it was.


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 21:41

Same here with our Biggleswade and Sandy Cemeteries. The ground staff are great especially at Sandy they showed me exactly where Oh's Maternal Gran was even though there is no headstone


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 21:50

My brother hasn't got a headstone either. He is in a public grave as he was, I believe, stillborn. I could put one up but would only be able to put his surname on it.


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 22:05

I am not sure of why there was no headstone for Grandad but it will be nice to know where he is


YG Report 4 Jan 2011 22:15

Yes, I agree, it would be a good result. I hope you get good news from the council.

I'm off to make a cuppa and let fur out, then bed. I hope I get a good night's sleep tonight, otherwise I will be doing a diy amputation!!

I'll hopefully catch you tomorrow after Rainbows! Sleep well LG x


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2011 22:21

No Brownies or Rainbows until next week thak goodness. It will give me chance to catch up with all the updates on the records.

Nite nite YG, sleep well. x


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Jan 2011 06:17

morning all wet cold and windy here bye for now
have a busy day so will catch you later


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Jan 2011 10:43

Morning all - PC crashed while cooking dinner last night, then OH decided the living room need another heat source aka the new electric heater, so stayed snug and warm in there for the rest of the evening.

Sounds as if everyone has been busy - keep it up gels! MIght get some washing on the go as it looks breezy outside....I hate having stuff hanging around down stairs and it picks up all the tobacco smells. The drier part of the washing machine has been working overtime as it is. What with the really cold weather in Nov/Dec, I'm not looking forward to the heating/electric bills. But needs must and we aren't going to make too many sacrifices in the cause of economy.!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2011 11:18

Morning DET, just peeped in quick before putting a load of washing out on the line it is blowing a treat. So nice to have the smell of fresh air through it. Catch you all later , take care and all have a good day. x