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AuntySherlock Report 4 Jan 2010 02:44

Aunty reads the previous post in great alarm.

Oh golly gee whizz need to do something pronto to avert a great catastrophe. Let me think!! Mutter, mutter, think think.

Oooooh yes!! Of course. You can do it, with your magic fairy powers. Won't take long. Ummm nope magic is no good. Will have to be with cunning, determination and granny strength.

"Excuse me Mr Army Disposal Store manager, I would like about ten of those in the giant economy size. Well don't look at me like that. Parcel them up and load them onto the catapult outside. Time is awasting."

Oh you've never seen a portable version of the famous catapult before. Where have you been? I'm not going to do what? Yes sad to say desperate times, desperate measures.

OK strap me in on top of my purchases. The dog? Yes he might come in handy. And that box of lamingtons too please. OK. Just release the knicker elastic. And


Oh heavens, the wind is rushing through my hair, I feel sick, where did I store those brown paper bags. Spot don't you dare chuck up all over me!! Tooo late!!

Thump. bounce, bounce, bounce, clunk. Excellent the coordinates were perfect, sometimes the SatNav really works. Well that wasn't too bad. Unpack all the equipment, hope I remembered the ropes. Now we need to work quickly.

OK Spot grab one corner of that net and we'll pull it over Nut Lodge. OK, that's it. Now the other, and tie the ropes together. Keep going, here have a lamington sorry I forgot the sabre tooth tiger food.

All finished. Righto. Let's step back and inspect our handiwork. Well I'll be a blue nosed gopher. Nut Lodge has completely disappeared. Hey that is really neat. Excellent combination of different styles of camoflague netting, covering Nut Lodge. You would never know it was ever here.

Well I think that historic ancestral building of significant importance will be safe from the exterior decorators and their red and white paint.

Oh bother now I need to zap myself back to Oz in that flaming contraption again. Hope the UK version is as well sprung as the Aussie version. Oh well best get on with it. Confoundedly freezing over here.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Jan 2010 07:16

morning all thought you would not stay long here aunty
YG you can have our snow ,we have two more weeks yet of this atleast Enjoy your first day back i am up in practise for tomorrow and am going to give myself a list to practise working again lol
I have floors to wash and some wardrobes to tidy up where does does dust come from lol


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 09:10

Morning all,
Maz when you find out where the dust comes from let me know and I will see if I can do away with the place LOL. Bloomin cold here ,when I looked out of the window I thought it was snow but at second glance it is very heavy frost.

Right Aunty I am going round the general area blasting away with my laser,bound to find the netting eventually you should have had it laser proof lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 09:18

Morning all - like the new decorations! Spent a bit of time in the garden yesterday. The unacustomed fresh air sent me off to bed early.

If you're looking in Aunty, have a good holiday. See if you can fry an egg on the caravan roof - lol. We've had a sprinkling of the white stuff overnight. Not enough to stop anyone going to work, much to Beta Males dissappointment.


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 09:19

Morning DET, Long time no speak,how are you and yours?


AuntySherlock Report 4 Jan 2010 09:26

Oh I forgot. Gee I am sorry. Clear slipped my mind. Filled the laser with lamingtons. I knew there was some reason why I carted those little cakes all the way to UK. Blast away LG, and stand by the rest of you. Delicious morsels of cake, chocolate and coconut will be raining on Britain very shortly.

Everything packed ready for the morning. Well it will be minus morning when we leave. Early start is what OH calls it. We aren't due to stop for breakfast for about 150 km. Oh don't worry I've packed lots of nibbles and the iPod. Behave yourselves while I am away. If you don't I'll write a very long story about my adventures. I'll probably look in again before I go to bed. Nothing on TV that hasn't been repeated over the last 25 years.


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 09:35

Ah but Aunty I got a new laser for Xmas and it has been locked away from pying eyes. It is bigger better and very very powerful. Have a good trip and a safe journey I might just get on my broomstick and come with you if I can defrost it that is LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 09:47

Hi LG - we seemed to have missed each other recently. I'm fine thanks, and you?
Been pootling around and had my nose in the newish Dan Brown book while OH has snaffled the PC. I'll be glad when he decides it's warmed up enough to go to get lost in the garage, lol!


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 09:51

LOL DET get him to buy you a laptop and then you can both be online. Just catching up with a few jobs around the house that has got somewhat neglected due to all the woes LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 09:58

That wouldn't work.....we do have one, but we both prefer the PC. Neither of us can stand puddling around instead of using the mouse, and to be honest, the programmes he wants are only on this one. Spider Solitaire and a CAD programme - ;-(

If I attached the mouse, it's better used on the dining table, then the thing is at the wrong height for mini me........ and everyone trips over the extension lead - lol.


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 10:00

LOL Det not a lot of help then. I am on main PC at the moment as OH is at work. Just finishing a coffee break then onwards and upwards LOL. Just trying to get some enthusiasm going


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 10:18

Right I am off and away catch you later I hope, Have a good day one and all


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Jan 2010 10:36

well i have got organised here been busy tidying up finding holes for junk that daughter might want before i sling it out lol she cleared her room and old clothes out so i have some space ,except every time i open a cupboard Gizmo is in lol such fun ,

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Jan 2010 14:36

I can't believe that Aunty zoomed over here and didn't bring us any heat.

I'm still stuck here but - NO, I don't want the pets here, leave them with RMS. Hmm, didn't YG say she was bored? Looking after the CPs would give her something to do.

DET, it wouldn't work putting sacks or rugs down because the snow is too deep, and it just keeps coming - no matter how often we clear it. We could carry him to the car but it's too risky in case we get stuck somewhere. We'll just have to sit it out!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 16:14

So sorry to hear that Pauline. Sounds a right nuisance. You and he must be really bored by now. There is only so many DVDs you can watch, or games you can play! And for the sound of it, he won't be going back to school anytime soon. :-(

Have you rediscovered 'the rule' yet Maz? Stuff expands to fill the space available - lol


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 17:42

I'm not bored any longer, Pauline!!! Back at work now, so I'm afraid I cannot look after the CPs!

That's my excuse anyway!!

Aunty, what clever thinking!! Reminds me of some e-mailed photos I received last week about the war and how the buildings were covered in netting to avoid damage by bombers!

Now, there's a thought ..............................................................................

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Jan 2010 18:26

That's OK YG, if we don't get any volunteers we'll just leave them where they are for a bit longer. Unless we could sneak them into Aunty's suitcase.


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 18:38

Ooooh what a good idea!! Can we get them back on the ark in time before Aunty leaves!!


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Jan 2010 20:23

hi there the pets are not returning soon Bessie is enjoying the fun ,
well i have ended my holidays back tomorrow unless we are closed ,more snow is forcast tonight
how was the first day YG
the boss is quiet has she gone with aunty


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 20:25

The first one is over, thank goodness. It wasn't so bad. I'm very busy at the moment and was hoping to catch up with work today, but the best laid plans of mice and men!!! Or so they say!! It all went completely haywire!!